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  1. UPDATE- added the ingredients you suggested as well as Kordon’s Fish protector. The swelling is down dramatically today and the area looks like it is healing. Thank you so much!
  2. UPDATE! Added extra Indian Almond leaves to the tank and dosed with a small amount of aquarium salt as well as Kordon’s Fish protector. Must have been an injury that got infected? Betta is still acting normal and the area of concern has gone down considerably in swelling, and the white area is no longer there. It is now a blueish color that looks like it is healing. Thank you for your help!
  3. @Colu wondering if you have suggestions to help my betta. Just noticed this on his head today. we did a 25% water change yesterday, no changes or additions to the tank recently. He lives in a 10 gallon heavily planted community tank at 76° with a sponge filter & HOB. ammonia-0 nitrate-25 nitrite-0 chlorine-0 GH-25 Kh-80 Ph-7.2 Any advice on how to treat would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Just noticed this on our beta today. We did a 25% water change yesterday. No new additions to our community tank for several months. Not sure what to treat him with. Would love suggestions! No other fish seem affected and betta doesn’t act sick tank details- 10 gallon heavily planted community tank, medium sponge filter and aqua clear HOB filter with bio rings, filter floss, purigen and carbon. Feed quality food twice a day. ammonia-0 nitrate-25 nitrite-0 chlorine- 0 GH-25 KH-80 PH-7.2
  5. We did have tadpoles a few weeks ago after the last picture happened. They are both young frog and had just reached sexual maturity. We have been hearing Remy(the male) singing at night, but since I’ve noticed his swollen abdomen the last couple nights he hasn’t been singing. I’m just concerned about his abdomen being quite a bit larger that’s normal.
  6. We’ve had this male African dwarf frog since June, so about 5 months. He’s been pretty healthy and happy, even breeding last month with the female. We woke up yesterday to find him very FAT in the abdomen area and he was staying near the top of the tank which I know can be a sign of illness. He looks healthy to me still except that his abdomen is enlarged. He’s not really eating, but we are fasting him for a few days to see if he maybe has just eaten too much. My concerns are the following- 1- It could be dropsy 2-We are missing an Amano shrimp. Wondering if he ate it and is just digesting him? 3-He ate something else he shouldn’t have and is impacted possibly. We’ve added a little Melefix to the tank yesterday to see if it would help, and today he seems a little less bloated and is hiding in his usual spots on the bottom. We just did a 20% water change a few days ago. The water parameters are: 10 Gallon heavily planted tank-76° Tank mates- male beta, female ADF, 3 amano shrimp, 5 otocinclus catfish PH-7.4 KH-214.8ppm GH-53.7ppm Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-25 first phot was yesterday(day one) second two l are this morning and last one is from a couple weeks ago showing what he normally looks like(but “hugging” Rosie) Anyone have any experience with something like this that would be able to suggest something to do?
  7. We had the same experience! We got our male African dwarf frog (Remy) about 2 months before our female, so he reached sexual maturity first and started “singing” at night. Our female (Rosie) hit sexual maturity a little later and started getting fat. I was concerned and did a ton of research. We woke up one morning to find Rosie and the other fish chowing down on some of her eggs. We were able to save about a dozen and watched them hatch. But they quickly swam out of the tiny holes in the breeder box we had them in inside our tank and got eaten (we think). It was still really cool to see the process. We’re hoping next to be able to save more eggs and try again and getting some tadpoles! I did notice that since it was her first time, she seemed to have fewer eggs, and she spawned them within a four day period. Several on day one which were quickly eaten, then she spawned again a couple days later which was when we were able to save the eggs. It seems to happen in the morning from our observation. So much fun!
  8. Great news! Watched our shrimp to make sure he was fine after noticing a red dot in his side that I was concerned might be red mites. No change of behavior, good water parameters. This morning he had molted and no red dot! My son is now hooking up our microscope to see what the “spot” may be. Thanks for your help!
  9. Just noticed this red dot on the side of our amano shrimp. Is it something we should be worried about?
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