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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Crushed coral is probably your best bet. I be surprised if putting crushed coral in your canister filter would cause it to rise too quickly for your system to handle. My pH moves quite a bit over the course of one day when there is a lot of photosynthesis happening. And below are further daily pH movements as carbon dioxide is consumed during the day causing the pH to rise and then released at night, causing the pH to fall as photosynthesis run in reverse in the dark.
  2. I don't think I have ever seen planaria harm anything. Trying to kill them might be more risky than just being patient. Usually I see them in a fry aquarium or a shrimp tank. Eventually something eats them and they go away.
  3. I have only had success with the parents raising the babies.
  4. I am thinking of adding the baby sparkling gouramis to the 1930s aquarium. It's legal as they (or at least croaking gouramis) are in the 1936 Innes book: Didn't see them on the 1936 Beldt's Aquarium pricelist though that @Aubrey posted earlier in the files section.
  5. And finally here is today. So what are the lessons so far? One lesson is that your aquarium might get cloudy at first, but that if you can wait a few days/weeks, it will begin to clear up on its own. And the other is that you can have too much light. As soon as I started growing too much algae, I cut back on the lighting and almost immediately the algae declined.
  6. I thought myself peeveless, but it turns out I do have one and it is forum related and it makes me sad. About a month ago a topic was created and the poster asked for advice on something (fertilization recommendations, I don't remember), and ended the post with 'any and all advice would be appreciated'. @Sleepy gave a thoughtful answer and I am not sure what the original poster thought was bad in @Sleepy's response, but let's just that the part 'any and all advice would be appreciated' turned out not to be true. I haven't seen @Sleepy as much since then and that makes me sad as he was a valuable contributor. One of the best things about this forum is how nice people are in general and I know that with a little kindness and keeping an eye on being helpful we can maintain that high standard.
  7. And @WhitecloudDynasty's has longer fuller finage.
  8. Hmm...who would know the answer to this? I am thinking.... @WhitecloudDynasty!
  9. Clown loach sticker is a nice touch!
  10. It is a geographically oddity, but in fact, no matter where you live the best fish store is always an hour away.
  11. I wouldn't remove the sprout root babies. Sometimes we just have to trust the plant. I think you plant is Java fern and all of those little sprouts are just one of the things that Java ferns do.
  12. There may be more value in @Streetwise's siesta thread for non-programmable lights than it first appears. The on/off cycle, that is the 'siestas' are applicable separate from the ability to control the spectrum of the light. In that thread there is a discussion of the methodology and variables used to determine an appropriate on/off cycle using only outlet timers.
  13. What have the 3 aquariums looked like so far? Are there any visual differences? Here is 1 Nov 2020. All aquariums have similar layout, plants, lights etc. Same tanks on 5 Nov 2020. 10 Nov 2020 15 Nov 2020 21 Nov 2020 Eco-Complete has been consistently the clearest so far, but that may be related to cycling. Eco cycled first, with the other 2 not far behind. Both Nerm and Dirt are getting clearer each day. Note: I have intentionally not cleaned the glass on any tank yet. All 3 tanks were developing algae on the front panel when I was running 3 lights on each tank (too much light). Once I cut back on the lighting, the algae began to disappear. On Eco it is almost totally gone at this point. I will clean the glass on all in the next day or two.
  14. Well that’s a pretty good sign that you don’t have any ammonia 😊
  15. It may depend on the type of rock. If it is basalt or quartz in origin it will be inert. If it is limestone, you discus are not going to like it. The first step would be to ID your rocks.
  16. I put the tube against the card and look at it with sunlight as the main source of light. The colors will continue to intensify some after 5 minutes, but that being said, there isn't much difference between the readings at 6 minutes compared to 5 minutes. You get the best results if you follow their written protocol to the letter.
  17. Not sure how cold you house gets, but a sparkling gourami would be fun. Personally, I like ghost shrimp, but their color is....invisible. Who is MD? My main pointer would be the bigger the better for stability sake. I have a lot of no heater, no filter setups but nothing smaller than 10 gallons, but @Mikey Walnuts has a nice setup with pygmy sunfish in a 1 gallon jar.
  18. I recently sold fish to the one of the higher quality local fish stores. I didn't have any prior relationship with the manager or employees as they are an hour away and I rarely go there. My initial contact was through email, then telephone as a result of the email. The key was I had something that would sell quickly and was not available from their normal suppliers. And that is basically the key to the whole thing, that is having something their customers want, but they have a hard time getting. In my case I had 4 dozen adult Leopoldi angelfish, and they thought these would sell quickly (and they did).
  19. It is great when we hear back what actually works! Thank you.
  20. That is way cool. What are you going to feed them?
  21. I don't know anything about canister filters. @Cory has seen a few in his day.
  22. Don't stress. If your aquarium were a shipping bag how long would the fish last? Quite a while. The internal mechanical filter won't hurt and might help. But back to the shipping bag analogy. If I had fish in a bucket without filter for many days, I would add an airstone. So what I would do is add an airstone while you sort the Eheim filter problem out. So sorry this happened so soon after getting fish!
  23. The Co-Op posted this 1 minute read? How to get rid of hair, staghorn, string, and other filamentous algae WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Filamentous algae refers to the many types of algae that look like wet hair when you take them out of the aquarium (e.g., hair algae, staghorn algae...
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