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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. What is the best way to prepare for a power outage in the winter time? What is the secret to growing Vallisneria? Mention the question is from the Forum as it will drive people to the Forum
  2. Is it possible to put in too many root tabs? What happens if my fish eat my root tabs. and Is Eco-Complete inert? It seems from the packaging that it must contain nutrients. Why does Eco-Complete allow you to load up on fertilizer?
  3. Here is another question from the forum: I am going on vacation for a week. Do I need to arrange for my fish to fed? Or would it be better just to leave them unfed for a week?
  4. He's taken 2 questions so far from the Forum. Keep the 'well rounded questions' coming!
  5. Are they any plans for introducing Daphnia into the pond at your new house? It seems like in really large bodies of water the populations are much more stable, and can possibly even resist some fish predation (as long as there aren't too many fish).
  6. My baby brine shrimp drops to 69 - 70 degrees at night, but that does not seem cause any problems.
  7. I wonder what is the key to a low maintenance aquarium, something that you could walk away from for a month and when you can back everything would be okay?
  8. This forum keeps me in the hobby. I get ideas from the forum everyday. It also gives me a reason to work on aquarium projects because I know I can talk to other forum members about the ups and downs of the project.
  9. While I am waiting I think I will do the daily API tests I run on the 3 aquariums in the 'Honey I Dirted the Tank' project.
  10. I multitask while watching the livestream. I also hangout on the forum. If anyone one is up for it, we can talk about the livestream amongst ourselves (which starts in a little less than 20 minutes).
  11. I don't know about catappa leaves specifically, but I gather leaves from the yard and put them in many of my aquarium. Shrimp nibble on them fry and small hide underneath them they release organic acids as they decay which surely must help the beneficial bacteria and most importantly, they look cool Here is a previous thread devoted to leaves:
  12. Daniel

    Med quartet?

    This is the challenge of keeping fish, one thing thing affects another thing, which upsets another thing. Eventually you just pick the lease bad path. Keep us updated on your progress!
  13. Red blotch 'disease' may not be a disease as much as the after effects of self poisoning. The red blotches often seen in recently moved Corydoras are a well known symptom of self poisoning. It doesn't appear the author of the article linked above was aware of this phenomena. See snip below: Self poisoning is not a suspect in the sad death of @Rohan Patil's fish above however.
  14. I have ordered both from the Co-Op and neither one had snail hitchhikers. This doesn't mean there won't be snail hitchhikers. It is almost impossible to keep snail hitchhikers off of plants.
  15. Have others seen guppies bubble surfing? This a first for me. I am moving fish from one aquarium to another and have a bunch of guppies in a 5 gallon bucket with an airstone this morning, and I noticed them chasing the bubbles and leaping. If I take the airstone out they just lollygag around.
  16. Daniel

    Med quartet?

    I wonder what effect this would have on beneficial bacteria since many of those are gram negative?
  17. My wonderful wife just made a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies and that is what my belly is full of. First the smell of cookies baking, and then the warm chewy goodness of cookies fresh from the oven! Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Diffuse sunlight on a cloudy morning in the discus tank.
  19. My experience with Corydoras is that they are very hardy and will tolerate a very wide range of pH. I just thumbed through my copy of Ian Fuller's 'Breeding Corydoradine Catfishes' and it looks like the typical range for breeding across about 100 species of Corydoras is between 6.5 and 7.5 pH.
  20. When hornwort is growing I remove a bit every 1 to 2 weeks. It isn't much work, but it does grow well. It serves as an important home for beneficial bacteria. But if you don't think you have the time for it, then slower growing plants might be better for you.
  21. It might be a little hard to see in the photos, but there is hornwort in all 3 aquariums. It is not choking out the other plants. It is bound to grow and when it is time I will remove part of it. I really like hornwort (but that is just a personal preference). In my aquariums hornwort is exclusively a floating plant.
  22. I think @Alesha and others have had good luck with their barbs:
  23. I am about 4 weeks into running a trial with 3 similar aquariums. All the aquariums have Finnex Stingray lights and similar fish and plants. One has Eco-Complete (Eco) as the substrate, one has soil from my asparagus bed capped with Black Diamond Blasting sand (Dirt), and one has Caribsea Peace River gravel with root tabs (Nerm). Dirt is very similar to what you describe above. This is the planting arrangement in all 3 aquariums: All three have behaved very similarly, with the EcoComplete cycling first: Closely followed by Nerm: With Dirt finishing a couple of days later: The tank with the most fertilizer, Nerm is currently has the greenest water, but also has the best plant growth. The water in Nerm is clearing just like the other two aquariums, just a little more slowly. I haven't done any water changes so far and do not anticipate needing to do any in the near future. All the fish and plants are happy in all three aquariums. All of this is a long way saying, the Walstad style tank you are contemplating is very similar to my tank Dirt. Dirt has behaved very similarly to Eco and Nerm. In fact, it is kinda of the middle child of the group. I don't think what you are attempting will be a dumpster fire, but just like all aquariums, I guarantee you will have to make adjustments as the aquarium matures.
  24. I have heard puffers and loaches like to eat snails.
  25. Depending on how small the worms are, it is something your betta fry might appreciate!
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