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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. This is a repost from earlier this week, but boy howdy was this a WTF Wednesday item! Thanks to @DIEProphezeiung for the original post and @Brandy for calling my attention to it.
  2. Here are submerged Finnex Stingray lights. It wasn't my idea, but the cats thought it would look nice!
  3. What are your results, which 3 plants like hard water?
  4. I was reading the June 1977 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine this morning. And came across this add for Maracyn: I didn't realize it has been around that long.
  5. @Andy's Fish Den was it you who had Paul Spiece as judge in the state fair?
  6. So far both tanks have behaved very similarly. I would be happy with either tank. The Eco-Completer look slightly 'better' if what you are judging is how crystal clear the water is. But the dirted tank follows Eco-Complete by a few days. It is definitely getting clearer by the day as the nitrogen cycle settles in on both aquariums. My guess is it will be crystal clear shortly. In a way the Eco-Complete tank is the most sterile tank which is why I think its plant growth is the slowest. Aesthetically we all want clear but clear means devoid of life. I like it too, but if I am trying to breed fish or raise babies total clarity is a bad sign. For example here are the dwarf babies tears in all three aquariums: Nerm has the lushest growth, dirt as always is the middle child and Eco-Complete is hardly growing yet. But if I asked a neighbor which tank they liked the best, my guess is they would point to Eco-Complete because of the current water clarity. I gave all the aquariums 5 mL of Easy Green and Easy Iron yesterday.
  7. I can't believe that in 11 years of fishkeeping 1969 -1980 and all I could come with was the ones above. All I can say is I didn't control the camera back then. 🙂
  8. Your fish should be okay. The same thing happened recently.
  9. Today's photo update on all 3 tanks below. Next update will compared individual plant growth across all three aquariums. Where they started: Where they are today:
  10. I looked for 125s with those dimensions the other day and they were not easily available. Love the wood grain trim on your 125!🙂
  11. @TheDukeAnumber1 what are the dimensions on that tank? Is it like a really tall 75 gallon?
  12. Here is part of the friction on moving faster on this project. I want to calibrate all the probes includings the pH probes at the same time. My pH calibration solutions should have been here yesterday. But this is what I am currently seeing: At one point yesterday, it was "Out for Delivery". I always wonder what the true story is on this. Damaged? Lost? Who knows?
  13. I wondered who would catch that. I am not surprised it was @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl. Yes I have not re-calibrated the dissolved oxygen sensor so those numbers are just relative to each other. The current temperature is about 72°F and the current DO is likely in the neighborhood of ~8.7. That is why I indicated I didn't have proper data yet.
  14. I haven't started the experiment proper yet. But here is what some of data looks like already. On the left is the deep airstone. In the middle is no airstone. On the right is the airstone 1" from the surface. So far what we can see: an airstone puts a least 25% more oxygen than would normally occur without an airstone. There is only a slight difference between airstone at the bottom and airstone near the surface. The airstone near the surface provides slightly better oxygenation.
  15. I dropped mom off after her dental appointment today and asked, 'Do you have any photos of my first aquarium?' I kept guppies in jars starting in 1969 so we looked through the photo albums but there no photos of that or my first 10 gallon with neon tetras. I started keeping white clouds in pools outdoors in 1973 and the earliest picture I could find of the pool was this one from 1974. By 1975 I had convict cichlids and archer fish in the pool complete with wild collected native plants. First native fish collecting trip to Okefenokee Swamp was 1977. And to prove it was 1977 check out the orange shirt! So what are your earliest photos of your fish keeping endeavors? Post them here (even if your first year was 2020).
  16. It won't be there long, but it had to go somewhere while I was rearranging the fishroom. 🙂
  17. Here are a couple of good blog posts from the Co-Op. How to Fight 6 Types of Algae in Your Fish Tank WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Do you dream of having a beautiful aquarium but end up constantly fighting to keep algae at bay? In this article, we discuss the root causes of algae, the... 10 Best Algae Eaters for Freshwater Aquariums WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM If your aquarium is covered with unsightly algae, you need some hungry helpers to get the outbreak under control. In this top 10 list of amazing...
  18. Yes, enough is the best description. Not too much, not too little. Also @Brandy advice (and her experience above) is food for thought:
  19. I am am running mine off a Tetra Whisper because that was the spare air pump that I had on hand. But thanks to your question I just hooked up a USB Nano pump and much to my surprise it works fine. That's a lesson right there. Don't believe someone just because they sound like they know what they are talking about (especially me). Believe someone if they have actually personally tried something and can say, 'I tried this and this is the result I obtained'. Even results can be suspect so never give up being skeptical. Once again, I learned something new on the forum today!
  20. Just a seat of the pants guess on the amount of light it would take to reach the 21" depth of a 75 gallon. If this is more than needed, I can always use the light elsewhere. But it is only a guess. I will measure it when the lights get here now that you mention it.
  21. Medium sponge filters in 40 breeders have always worked for. That is what is in these 3 aquariums. It helps to have plants too.
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