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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel


    I have had the best luck with green water followed up with microworms and baby brine shrimp.
  2. Are they in your aquarium with the betta fry?
  3. Daniel


    What are your feeding the fry?
  4. Yes, the lights just come on in the morning and go off in the evening, pretty straight forward. And this shouldn't affect our data, but the lights do follow the rising and setting of the sun, so right now everyday the the light cycle is about 1 minute shorter than the previous day (at least for the next month, at which time the process will reverse).
  5. I buy the inexpensive undergravel filters at Petco just to harvest the uplift tubing and I marry that with a 3/4" ID flexible hose from the hardware store. It just barely fits. You have to put the flexible tubing in boiling water for a second to get it pliable enough to slip over the Python and the uplift tube. I like the charcoal cartridges on the uplift tubes as they act as very effective fish guards.
  6. Still mulling over how to take meaningful measurements for the experiment. I might just setup 2 identical aquariums side by side and move the probe back and forth between the two. In the meaning time I am draining the aquarium the probe had been in.
  7. Honestly I don't know either. But what I do know is water has one of highest specific heat capacities of anything I have got around the house at about 4000 Joules per kilogram °C or 1 Calorie. What this means is you can pump a boatload of heat into water before you raise its temperature even 1 °F. If our aquarium plants are capable of that, to heck with firewood! I will just add more planted aquariums this winter and be happy and warm at the same time. 🙂
  8. It would seem safe. Black Diamond Blasting Sand is not really 'sand', it is coal slag. Here is what that means: The tank with Black Diamond Blasting Sand is labeled 'Dirt' and is the middle aquarium: The fish in this tank seem as happy and perky as the fish in 'Nerm' and 'Eco'.
  9. I test with both API and Tetra strips almost everyday on multiple aquariums. I don't how well the strips work for nitrates. I know they often differ from what my API liquid test shows, but I am not sure how to interpret this. @Cory compared the two in the video: There are other makers of strips like Hach also: Hach NITRATE STRIPS Nitrate and Nitrite Test Strips, 25 from Cole-Parmer WWW.COLEPARMER.COM Buy Hach NITRATE STRIPS Nitrate and Nitrite Test Strips, 25 and more from our comprehensive selection of Hach Water Quality Test Strips
  10. Next time you remove one, examine it, that could be very informative. For example, are the white dots merely the growing tips of the mosses? Or alternatively are the white dots an egg of some sort? If white dots appear to be eggs, then let us know what kinds of fish you have in the aquarium. Do you remember buying any java moss?
  11. I don't want to have to torture the data to get it to confess, so along those lines I just ordered a fresh batch of membranes for the DO probe that will arrive tomorrow. I will replace the current membrane and calibrate the probe so that whatever data we get the data will be of the best quality that can be efforted here.
  12. Red on underside of leaf and propagates by runners sounds a lot like some kind of crypt.
  13. We will get measurements for sure, both signal and noise. Over the last few minutes I have thinking about what might fuzz up our data. Temperature could be confounding. The cooler the water is, the more oxygen that can dissolve in the water. Here is a chart from the last few days where the DO probe was just before I moved it. It does not look like the DO is tracking temperature (at least lower temperature does not equal more oxygen, if anything it is the reverse). I think what happens is when the lights are on the plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. The Amp_3 line on the graph represents how much power is being drawn, which is a proxy measurement for the lights. So at the beginning of each light cycle, the pH and oxygen go up until the lights go off. And then when the lights go off, boom the plants start taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide and both the pH and oxygen levels drop. And the temperature drops too because the lights provide a degree or two of warmth to the aquarium. So you see why I am concerned about noise in the data.
  14. Inkbird heater controller are about $35 and represent a fairly inexpensive insurance policy. On the Dirted tank project all the heaters are controlled with a Neptune Apex. And as @Ken Dyer recommends, all my heaters are under-sized.
  15. Heaters are notoriously unreliable. If you keep fish long enough you are guaranteed to experience heater failure (although I will say, actual flames are surprisingly catastrophic). I am glad you are safe!
  16. As per @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl's suggestion the dissolved oxygen sensor is placed in a heavily stocked 10 gallon aquarium: 20 zebra danios 4 adult swordtails 8 pygmy sunfish 1 pair Apistogramma nijsenni some unknown number of endlers As per @James Croney a Ziss airstone on USB nano pump with airstone is currently placed at bottom of the aquarium. If there are any other suggestions, tell me now before I start taking data.
  17. I can set it any way people want. I could do a heavily stocked 10 gallon. Heck, I can run the experiment twice. Once with fish and once without.
  18. Absolutely gorgeous. And you say you haven't done this before? 🙂
  19. Daniel


    I get leeches like this all the time and I feed them to my discus.
  20. @James Croney I will set it up with a USB nano pump and a Ziss never clog airstone and test both bottom and 1 inch from top and let you know what kind of numbers I get.
  21. First I believe what my hand tells me. You can tell the difference between 75°F and 80°F and 85°F with your hands very reliably. Second, I bought a NIST traceable thermometer on Amazon for less than $100 US that give accurate reading to within 0.1°F. I then used the NIST traceable thermometer to calibrate my other thermometers which varied from nearly accurate to off by 4 °F.
  22. Here is what you want: Xiphophorus helleri – BAP BIOTOPEAQUARIUMPROJECT.COM How to keep Xiphophorus helleri biotope correct? Check out BAP database! And share your knowledge with everyone on BAP platform! The Arroyo El Cabre swordtail biotope picture was submitted by Heiko Bleher. The bona fides don't get any better than that! Here is what I googled: photo of mexican creek with xiphophorus helleri
  23. This is an Australian billabong*, but my guess is the Mexican creek looks awfully similar.
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