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  1. When they were in the same tank. The male chased it away most of the time but occasionally they did twist together like nose touching each other’s tail as you mentioned. I guess they won’t be doing that unless they are homosexual? 😅 I moved this one to another tank with lots of floating plants, hoping to see some bubble nests but I have never seen them in the past week. The only it does is chasing my white skirt tetras away. I cannot really tell whether it’s plumped with eggs though
  2. Hi guys,I have got two thick-lipped gouramis and would like to find them a partner. I am sure one of them is a male because he makes bubble nests almost every day. This one I am not sure, it has a kinda pointy dorsal fin but not as pointy as the other male. I have never seen it making bubble nests as well. Can someone help to identify whether it's a he or a she? Thank you.
  3. Thank you for your help. 20 gallon is the biggest tank I can get at the moment unfortunately, I would like to have a 55G someday. Does he chase the female away after they have mated or he simply want to claim the territory do you know?
  4. My gourami has a white dot of its nose last week. I didn't do anything and it heals itself within 2 days. Maybe you can try increasing the temperature slightly
  5. thank you for your help. It was a tank set up by my family and I have recently taken over. In this case I'll move it to another 20 gallon together with some tetras.
  6. It would be nice if you can take some pictures of the clear sacs but it sounds like pest snail eggs for me
  7. Hi there, I have a 5G tank with a pair of gourami (I am not sure of the species but look like red honey for me) and a chinese algae eater (which loves sucking the scale of the gouramis). The male gourami has been making bubble nest recently and he kept chasing the female gourami away. Today I realised there is some kind of injury on the fin of the female with the pictures attached. I would like to know if I should keep the female in the current tank or move her to another tank which is an Amazon biotope with 5 skirt tetras? I am not sure if the injury is a bacterial infection or a physical injury. I do not have a quarantine tank unfortunately. The water parameters are normal pH: 6.4, GH:7, kH:6, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia: 0, temp: About 72 F or 25/26 C Thank you in advance.
  8. Yeh now when I looked closer, the white dots are on the growing tips of the mosses. Is that the way how mosses propagate? They actually do not look like eggs to me as I believe pest snail eggs are gelatinous globs like. The only fish I keep in the tank is white skirt tetra but they spawn bottom to the bottom layer so I’m pretty sure the dots are not from them.
  9. hmm it's weird because I don't have any snails in this tank so far but I moved some anacharis from another tank with pest snails. I did check very carefully and washed before moving, I hope they won't be ending up in this tank
  10. I have attached some mosses (I am unsure of the name, it would be nice if someone can identify) to my driftwood with superglue a month ago and I recently discovered some white dots appeared on top of the mosses, I can easily remove them but they keep coming up again. Does anyone know what possibly this could be? My temp is around 77 F and it is a low tech tank with 5 hours of light a day
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