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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Well for a start, they are native to Mexico. Seems like they are found in a variety of habitats, so a swordtail biotope could be a lot of different aquarium setups and still be 'correct'.
  2. I will test today or tomorrow. It shouldn't take long to get some numbers on this. How much difference in depth do you want me to test for? I can easily do 10 inches, but it could be more if that is what you want.
  3. They love infusoria (rotifers, paramecium and such). This is from a batch of baby sparkling gouramis from about 6 weeks ago. And I think this one was many days old by the time it got this big. At first they are microscopic slivers.
  4. Maybe, fingers crossed. These two had been just dating, but as of last week I think they got married. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby discus in the big aquariage.
  5. I have been lied to by thermometers too many times. They are on my 'trust but verify' list now.
  6. So true! Without her patiently let me be me, but also simultaneously keeping me from going overboard...I shudder to think how it all might have worked out. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest person in the world.
  7. One of the cool thing about plants is they have this alternation of generations where one generation has 2 sets of chromosomes (diploid) that gives rise to next generation which only has one set of chromosomes (haploid - side note, did you know all male honey bees are haploid as they arise from unfertilized eggs?). In regular (vascular) plants the dominant/visible generation is the diploid generation with flowers and such. But in algae the dominant/visible form is the gametophyte phase. I see the gametophytes of Christmas ferns back in my woods in moist areas and these Christmas fern gametophytes look like a piece of spinach that might be caught between your teeth. These gametophytes produce sperm and eggs and ultimately give rise to the sporophyte Christmas ferns, which produce spores, which give rise to more gametophytes, etc. and hence the cycle of life. Umm, I thinking at this point a picture might help. What's cool about süßwassertang is that instead of looking like a fleck sized piece of spinach like most gametophytes, it gets huge! That is really cool and different.
  8. The one I remember was Echinodoras tenellus, now known as Helanthium tenellum. But, definitely not red on the underside of the leaf.
  9. I am facing the same choice with two 75 gallons aquariums that I just, ah, picked up. My plan is to go with 48" Finnex Stingrays. So far they have been very durable for me and you know the price. I also like their slim form factor.
  10. Younger aquarist think once you have money, and drivers license and you don't have to share a room with your brother all your problems are solved. They are not. They just get more complicated. I kept telling myself dollar a gallon...who cares...I need to take care of the tanks I have, not buy more. I kept telling myself, the spouse is calm about my ever metastasizing hobby, just be cool, be patient, and definitely no more aquariums. Hat tip to @MickS77 for the meme What if the dollar a gallon sale never ever happens again? Maybe, just maybe I could confuse her by being honest! She didn't approve, but she didn't say no. So I got two 75 gallons (not one like I mentioned and maybe not 1/3 of normal price). Now I felt embarrassed so I stashed them in the woodworking shop. Problem is these days she is out in the shop all the time working on beehives. So... Problem solved, right? Now I just I have to figure out how to tell her....
  11. As far as I can tell they aren't harmful to fish or fry. I have got one in a green water aquarium and no one has ever gone missing. They kind of look like an Ent to me (Lord of the Rings tree people).
  12. It’s that big stick figure thing with algae on its arms It’s scary looking!
  13. I have a pool with rice fish and guppies and koi. But there are not enough fish to harm the Daphnia(Moina) population. This is a daily trawl. Did you see the Rantra at the end?
  14. Back when I was breeding bettas if I put a female in an aquarium with a male betta they would breed, which is what I wanted. After breeding he would chase her away with malice aforethought. I suspect that is what would happen in the hypothetical you are suggesting.
  15. Daniel

    Growth on discus

    Every once in a long while I see stuff like that. I don't what it is so I ignore it and then it goes away.
  16. Put an airstone that has reduced flow so that your betta will happy but your water will slowly circulate. Ziss Premium Air Valve WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Durable Plastic Threads Do Not Come Loose Fine Air Control The Ziss Premium air valve is made to a high standard than any other valve on the...
  17. OMG that is the coolest thing ever on this forum (except for maybe the PEX PILLAR)!
  18. I always heard albinos were likely Corydoras aeneus. But you have run an experiment with contrary results. I learn something new on the forum everyday!
  19. That what I had always heard too, But after reading this paper I am not as sure as used to. Apparently the beneficial bacteria prefer the surfaces of aquatics plants over anything else. It seems plants enter into a beneficial relationship with bacteria and help provide the oxygen and organic carbon the bacteria need. So in addition to starting all my new tanks with water from an old tank, I also move many plants over too.
  20. This photo is from a couple of minutes ago. Sometimes I do a simultaneous duplicate test as a quality control check. While looking it at I noticed how different the colors appeared in the 2 sets of test tubes. But comparing them in real life I can tell us each set was exactly the same color. I think that is why putting them against a background of known color (the results card) is so helpful in getting consistent numbers.
  21. The most common question I get when new visitors see the big aquarium in my living room is 'is that saltwater'?
  22. @Lizzie Block had a very useful post on how to upload photos and such.
  23. You could try putting in a piece of glass or slate so that you can remove the eggs without disturbing them (that is if you can get them to lay the eggs on the piece of glass).
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