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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. @DaveSamsell built a color enhancer and he made test tube stand @Spewing_nonsense_ made a drying rack @StephenP2003 made a tray @Sliceofnature made a rack
  2. Wow, that is so cool. I am researching it now, but I don't have many good ideas yet.
  3. We have a lot in common. I usually go through about 100 books a year, although some of those books are repeats. I did a lot of birding before the recent round of fishkeeping. And because of change ups in the fishroom over the last month my weather station (Davis ProVantage 2) is temporarily disconnected. My handle on Weather Underground is KNCPITTS8.
  4. I would add some salt then change with known good water. You can always go back and add a little more salt if needed.
  5. Start with a tablespoon of salt per 25 gallon. Then water change if you are sure that the water is good (while trying figure out where the ammonia is coming from).
  6. Sometimes the raw water that comes in with a water change isn't as good as the water it is replacing. My water right out the tap has very low oxygen because it comes from well water.
  7. It almost always one of 2 things: Lack of oxygen Lack of oxygen caused by too much ammonia in the water So if I were you, I would attack both problems: Add an airstone Add a little salt because salt allows the gills to pass oxygen in the presence of ammonia
  8. This is the one I have for fish diseases.
  9. @Fishmonger_X has got me on that one. I should have indicated I don't boil mine. Here is a fuller discussion of using leaf litter from earlier this year.
  10. Yes, @quirkylemon103 I confess...I am using the Felix on the 1930's aquarium...oh the shame.
  11. I have a 36" inch deep aquarium and the way I get light down to the bottom is with the use of a narrow beam reflector lens. It works really well, but is expensive.
  12. I have had the same experience as @hamlet10. Once I started feeding live blackworms, spawning soon followed.
  13. If you search on the word 'Louisiana' you don't get any results, but ever since September, when someone joins the Forum if they say which state or city they are from, I put that in the tag on that post just for this very reason. Here is what you when you click on the tag 'Louisiana'.
  14. Cole-Parmer Imhoff Settling Cones and Rack Kit; Three Cones, One Rack from Cole-Parmer WWW.COLEPARMER.COM Buy Wheaton Imhoff Settling Cones and Rack Kit; Three Cones, One Rack and more from our comprehensive selection... I think you can get them less expensively elsewhere, but I haven’t had a chance to look.
  15. Those are indeed cones. They are called Imhoff cones and they make harvesting easy. When the shrimp first hatch they sink to the bottom, and then I siphon them from the bottom with a piece of rigid airline tubing. So I harvest them even before they are totally free swimming.
  16. I know this is wrong on so many levels. As the Sun's path swings a bit lower day by day the 1930's tank get evermore sunlight each day. Naturally the water is greening up beautifully (which is fortunate for me because I had to move my green water aquarium to make room for more aquariums). I have been testing the Felix Smart aquarium monitor with mixed results. I like the Seneye water monitor part, but the camera part is less than spectacular. So I have moved the Felix over the lowest tech aquarium in the house. That is just wrong.
  17. That's Potamogeton. There quite few kinds of Potamogeton. I am not sure what kind you have, but if you can post some close up photos of the leaves and how the leaves attach to the stalk of the plant in your aquarium, I might be able to key it out for you.
  18. I may not be able to get to this today, but when I do this is what I am setting up for the airstone experiment. Three similar tanks without heaters or lights. Only the airstone placement will be different. airstone at the top airstone at the bottom no airstone at all
  19. I don't have experience with the Aqueon Opti-bright light. In the last 10 years I have owned either fluorescent shop lights, ultra expensive LED pendent lights, and now Finnex Stingray lights. I have liked all three kinds of lights, but each has its place.
  20. After @Cory discussed the water tightness of various lighting options in yesterday's live stream I had no intention of running an experiment. My cats were in the room during the live stream and must have heard the discussion because they ran a humidity torture test on one of my 36" Finnex Stringray lights (the one over the 'Nerm' tank in the dirted tank project). Here was their experimental setup: And from the top: I am not sure how long the cats had the experiment running as I was out for a couple of hours this morning getting cinder blocks and 2 x 12's for the aquarium stand for my two new 75 gallon aquariums. As far as I can tell being completely submerged and running for some period of time had little effect on the functionality of the light. I am pretty sure this voids the warranty, but given the durability of the lights my concerns about the warranty are reduced.
  21. Nice find. It is probably some kind of Potamogeton according to my 'Godfrey and Wooten'. Here is the key to Potamogetons. If you can post some close up photos of the leaves and how the leaves attach to the stalk, I might be able to key it out for you.
  22. What is the best way to prepare for a power outage in the winter time? Mention the question is from the Forum as it will drive people to the Forum
  23. Here is what Myriophyllum looks like in the wild. This was a ditch full Myrio in early October 2020 in eastern North Carolina. Notice that the it leans sideways naturally. You can see the stems in the red circle as the plants are growing sideways: The reason this Myrio it is dust free is because this ditch has very poor quality sandy soil so there are very little nutrients which results in very few particles in the ditch water.
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