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  1. I have the Oase Filtosmart 100 for a 10 gallon. I love it. I am sure a Filtosmart 200 would do just the job for you.
  2. Congratulations! You’re a new parent!!! 🙂
  3. Christmas is coming up and I need ideas. Should I get my Killifish an egg tumbler for their eggs? Thank You. Happy Holidays!!
  4. My ph is 6.8 to 7, my KH is 2 to 3, and lastly my GH is 7 to 8 (120-140 ppm).
  5. I have used it before and it restarted my cycle a little bit so I just added some turbostart to get my bb back up.
  6. Thank you, I will check my exact parameters.
  7. I was thinking of maybe trying rice fish or some sort of killifish. Thank you for your suggestion.
  8. I have just come off a major fail with the pygmy cories. I had a group of six and tried to breed them but they wouldn't eat and eventually died.I think the rocks and substrate cut them up a lot. Also, my hard water didn't fit well with their needs.
  9. Hello Everybody! Finally I have a break from school, so now I want to restock my 10 gallon tank. I was looking for some recommendations for fish, but first you should know about my tank. It is a heavily planted 10 gallon tank, stocked with Amano shrimp. It has a nicrew planted light, fluval stratum substrate, dragon rock, and malaysian driftwood. It has a Oase Thermo 100 with an Eheim 75 watt heater. My water is extremely hard and has a high ph. I am looking for a breeding project, preferably egg layers. Something that is on the easier side but still a challenge for a novice fish keeper. Also, I would like it to be a peaceful fish that is smaller in size. Thank You!
  10. Hello! So today I finally got air conditioning which is the best thing ever since my house has been 90 degrees for the past few weeks. Today the company was finishing up the ducting and some of the fiberglass from the installation got released into the air. One of my tanks was cover but the other wasn’t. I hope that the particles in the water don’t hurt my fish. Does any one know what the particles will do to the fish if anything at all. Thank You in advance!
  11. I have still been running it on my tank and nothing bad has happened so I think it is fine.
  12. I opened it up and nothing looks damaged. There is a slight electrical burn smell coming from the sealed off white section (the attached picture). I still don’t know if it is safe. Also, the impeller isn’t damaged. Any advice. Thank You.
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