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Dancing Matt

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Everything posted by Dancing Matt

  1. Maybe look into red root floater. I haven't had any but saw some at a store and immediately wanted it.
  2. I have heard that blue eye is more rare but I could be wrong. If you like it I say try your hand at breeding them and have fun!
  3. Thanks everybody for all the great info and ideas, it is a perfect starting point. @Hobbit I understand your dilemma. I still have a couple years before I am ready to teach, I hope to work on this project during that time, but the school I currently work at would most likely not approve this project. A good school but different focus. My hope is to find a school more like Fish Folk or have all the data/curriculum built so that it could be readily or well received.
  4. Beta Ray Bill. It is hard to get a picture of him still, for every good one I have a dozen out of focus or blurry. Was looking for a blue betta but he was so active in the store and personable that I decided on him no contest.
  5. How old is he? What is the water temp? Are there any fish that could be stressing him? Nippy ones?
  6. Not necessarily causation but for comfort... You mentioned a light in the new tank, have you tried turning it down a little too see if it helps him maybe stress less? Sorry to hear he is not doing well. I have been following your 20 build and am rooting for recovery.
  7. Tried some photo stuff after watching a YouTube video from Jimmy on macro photography. I also got a macro lense for my phone, unfortunately the subject had to be very close to the camera so I'll likely return it, most of my fish stay to far for a good shot. Though I did get some fun ones of my betta, Beta Ray Bill and a snail... And some algae.
  8. My question is, aren't the tanks designed to carry weight on the corners? Would this unnaturally strain the tank? I have been thinking about doing this with some ten gallons...
  9. @AdamTill @Paul, do you need to empty the tank before painting? Will the airborne fumes settle and kill the fish?
  10. What are your water parameters? I have a couple tanks with bladder/pond snails but only the babies survive and I am thinking that the environment does not allow for bigger snails (lowish ph?).
  11. This is interesting, it reminds me of how many different animals have different coloring as a baby/young vs. the adult. Cheetah cubs and lots of different hoof stock (wild or otherwise) exhibit this phenomena. It is believed to help the young better his from predators. Very cool! Thanks for the update.
  12. I leave mine in the bathroom cupboard without light or heat and only use the air bubble that came with the ziss hatchery. I started with the light but eventually took it away. Now they hatch in the dark at what ever the room temp is and I get good hatch rates. When the house is colder it can take 36 hours to hatch, warmer means 24 hrs. We live in Colorado and leave the temp around 62-68 in the winter. I got lucky I guess.
  13. Yes, highschool. Thanks @Daniel@WhitecloudDynasty stuff is awesome and had inspired me to really work with my golden white clouds.
  14. Hi everybody, I am working on becoming a biology teacher (just finishing my associated of science now). I was thinking about running a breeding project in class to help get kids invested and to use as visual/tactile teaching examples (ecosystems, natural selection, anatomy, reproduction, etc.). My thought was to have the class chose what traits we are trying to breed for, selectively breed, and keep record of each generation to see how close to the "goal" we get by the end. I do not yet have experience breeding fish (about one year into the hobby) and was wondering is this possible? I was first thinking guppies but in looking found sources saying that female guppy reach sexual maturity at 3 months, this would mean only three generations in a school year which I am concerned would be not enough to notice change from parent generation (i was hoping for 5? maybe that would be enough?). Would three generations be enough? I saw some articles saying Nothobranchius furzeri reached sexual maturity in a few weeks but would you be able to selectively breed them for traits enough to see a different result? I love the life in biology and would hope to share some of that passion through this... it would also allow me to "play" with fish for work 🙂 I would likely try and run this at home before I start teaching to help work out the kinks. -Thanks
  15. I am curious, what kind of paint? I assumed that paint would be toxic (saw someone spray painted their hardwood and I had the same question in my mind).
  16. You could also play with dining the lights and see if that helps. It just depends on what you're plants need
  17. If there is space for a snail to hide out of view, it will find it.
  18. @WhitecloudDynasty could probably tell you. A word of caution. Be careful what you spray to clean your bathroom. I have accidently killed fish cleaning with a bleach based solution in the vicinity of a no-top tank.
  19. Stocking could play a factor. Cory seemed to have fewer fish and it allowed us to see the new ones disintegrate. With StephenP there were a lot of fish (super cool to see) so we could not really observe which deteriorated faster. I would think StephenP video is possibly an expirament on which tab was preferred (old one consumed first?). If you wanted to test the general reliability you could put one in a tank with less fish. Either way if you do multiple tests, testing the same factor, that would provide more info to support a theory. (Maybe do the same thing again and see if results are different)
  20. What about breeding a specific fish? Have a breeding tank, some grow out tanks and a main tank for viewing?
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