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  1. Hi all, I have a question regarding livebearer crosses, specifically Limia perugiae and Characadon lateralis. I was chatting with a friend at my fish meeting yesterday and mentioned that my lateralis fry tend to have a spot of the dorsal fin, which my friend's did not have. When I got home and looked in my tank, I could see some lateralis that looked like the adults, and some with a paler complexion and that dorsal spot. I also realized that I have a single Limia perugaie male in there, and... there is a prominent dorsal spot on that fin. I didn't think twice about putting them in there together because they are in different genus, which means they should not be able to breed. I am wondering if the fry with the dorsal spots are crosses of lateralis and perugaie (I hope not!) I am trying to look up how many chromosomes each species have but haven't had any luck. (If they are different, there's no way the spotted fry could be a perugaie x lateralis cross.) I'm a little upset because I have ZERO interest in crossing these species; lateralis is a goodeid. Does anyone have any insight into this? Tank contains: male Limia perugaie, Characadon lateralis colony, male Limia nigrofasciatus, Corydoras aeneus, Kyathit danio, heavily planted. There are no female limias. Above: Adult Characadon lateralis Above: A normal lateralis fry Above: Limia perugaie male. Tough to see that spot on the dorsal fin but if you look closely, it's there. Above: The suspicious lateralis fry with a dorsal spot. The pale body would be consistent with a cross. No lateral spots makes me suspicious as well.
  2. This is the best pic I could get as this is the first time I have seen it, but I have Panda Cories and Emerald Cories breeding freely in my tank and there is a fry that does not look like either species. I just seen this Cory with brown markings and IDK if there is a possibility that it could have come as an egg on a plant leaf or root or if it could be a hybrid of the 2 fish?? And if it is a hybrid could it breed with it's siblings it would it be infertile?? I would love to hear about hybridization of any other Cory species as well as I have just now found out that they can interbreed sometimes.
  3. Hi does anybody know if liberty mollies can crossbreed with black lyre tail mollies had the pair of liberty mollies in a floating pond basket but both jumped into the black mollie tank thanks .
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