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Dancing Matt

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Everything posted by Dancing Matt

  1. Cool, I have found that my phone is doubling up on the suggestions, is anyone else having this show up? I have an Android moto g stylus.
  2. @Fish Folk the only poop I have noticed is nice red stuff after I feed Xtreme. Otherwise I don't see anyone actively pooping. @WhitecloudDynasty good to know about the frozen brine, I was thinking about trying it again. What about blood worms? Right now I feed live baby brine, Xtreme flake, and bug bites.
  3. Sorry about your betta, one thing to look at for the future is, does your temp swing at night? My betta got fin rot because my heater couldn't keep up with the night time temperature drop (in winter). I hope it goes better next time.
  4. So I bought white clouds from a petsmart a while back (20) and I ended up with 10 surviving to today (months/1year later?). I brought in my water to be tested and it was within parameters so they refunded me the dead ones (they were young and it turns out they had gotten to the store the day before) I was feeding them some bug bites along with frozen brine. They grew and a few got really round and they started dying (the ballooning ones). I ended up stopping feeding them frozen brine and I didn't have any more deaths. I now feed them a couple good flake and live baby brine. They have been through two treatments of para lense in October. Nobody has died since that first month but I have one that is super balloon-like, not just female looking. I am hoping to breed them in tubs this spring but could this fish have parasites that would pass on to offspring? Should I be worried or because nothing has happened just leave good enough alone? Blurry pictures because they won't stand still
  5. They got frozen brown mush, you can really tell from the Java fern it has a distinct line where the leaf was in contact with a cold spot. Here is the windelov currently...
  6. I just listened to an old co-op live stream where Dean talks about his betta breeding, maybe something to also look into. "Breeding bettas and other fish with master breeder Dean"
  7. I hatch with full water in the ziss but only 1/4 tsp of eggs. I use an air pump and have fine hatches after 24-36 hrs
  8. I bought some plants from the co-op and unfortunately usps shipping got it to my house a week after I ordered it and left it out side in Colorado winter. There was a lot of leaf death on the one fern, one other Java fern lost two leaves but was overall fine (along with the other plants). I heard they are slow growers and was hoping the rhyzome didn't freeze and it would be fine. It has been about a month and am wondering if I should keep hoping? I haven't seen new growth but some of the rhyzome still looks green... I don't have any experience with ferns yet. I will say that the leaf structure of the windelov looks cool 10/10 would buy again. I also cut the dead leaves off and was wondering if that was fine or not recommended (maybe the plant could have salvaged some of the leafs energy?). Apparently I don't have any recent pictures, I'll upload one later. PS. I learned that when ordering, take national holidays into account... along with weekends... and Covid delays...
  9. This is cool to see, I am finishing my associates and heading toward bachelor's in bio and want to do something with fish in a future classroom. Great inspiration. I noticed my tank with driftwood changes a few points 7.8-7.6 ph likely because of the drift wood.
  10. I used the citric acid, had a cheap solenoid that broke quickly. The bottles were soda bottles so they did not explode, they were used to carbonation.
  11. I have corydoras in a tank with some sand and flourite red that was neglected for a bit and not cleaned well (I moved the tank so I can access it easier and care better) no issues with their barbells.
  12. I have heard white clouds can live under ice. They may be worthwhile if you are interested in something smaller
  13. I am thinking through tubs for this spring and one thing I have been noticing is that people seem to be doing fine without an air stone, has that been your experience? I have a shallow container (over 30 gal) that I want to use for white clouds but will have some difficulty running air to it... I am also tempted to try a dirted substrate capped with a mixed gravel, would I need sand also/instead?
  14. @JettsPapa is right, looks like a shrimp molt and they will eat it.
  15. If you keep watching that ammonia, making sure you don't have any dead fish in the tank (good call dad), you should be on the right track. Once it cycles you will likely not need to do as many water changes. Keep up the good work, most people here have gone through similar situations at one point.
  16. Clown killies. I am waiting till spring to move around some fish and have to find a seller...
  17. If you want to expirament and have a planted tank you can not strain and pour the water in the tank. I only harvest a small amount of BBS so the water is only a couple tablespoons but it gets dumped in my 20 and maybe a tablespoon of it in my 8gal.
  18. The mysteries of a mystery snail. Mine disappeared daily only to show up later...
  19. It's kinda an experiment like any other fish. I have 7.8-7.6 ph and my betta is all good. I tried mixing him with corydoras and he was attacking and chasing them down so... no tank mates for him.
  20. I use it on a 20 Long and 10gal and have had no problem with bending.
  21. It was hard to get a picture but a family group of Bushtits visited our feeders. It was the first time seeing them around and a sight to behold.
  22. Keep working on it till you like it. One thing is to wait and see how the plants grow in. After a couple months you may want more or be quite happy. The hard scape is nice because you can change it around easily (if you are not happy) until you like it. That's The key for me, making sure I like the tank (so I interact with it) tanks I dislike get neglected (shame on me) but it can take time for it to look how I want especially when it comes to growing in plants. Keep up the good work. Learning is part of the process.
  23. I tried to put my betta with my corydoras and it didn't work... So I re-did the betta tank. The cup picture is after the bullying, waiting for a new scape.
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