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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. Hi andieb! You're in the right place for detailed "nerm" questions and answers (plus some fun stuff too). (Do a forum search of "nerm" to see where it originated - it was Cory's tiny little mispronunciation that has escalated to a special definition on here.)
  2. I just got a few emergency supplies yesterday - hand warmers and emergency blankets. Check hand warmers for an expiration date - I found out while living in upstate NY at a very inconvenient time. I can't say enough good about a sturdy 2-3 gallon bucket with a spout and thick handle. And like @DanielI use my plant tongs all the time - 2x a day to set out and pick up my otocats' feeding dish, shrimp mineral junkie bites and algae wafers. These came in a set with 2 pairs of scissors and a gravel scaping tool.
  3. I randomly picked frozen daphnia for my rasboras and danios, and they love it! Also I saw recently on Hikari's website that they have a frozen variety pack - that's what I'd get now if I saw it!
  4. Thanks @OceanTruth! I cut it off too soon - right after it finally focused! I had to pretend I was going to feed him, poor guy! But it was too soon after breakfast. I also have to film in sideways orientation next time.
  5. I finally made a YouTube channel to upload videos. Here's my very first stab at it. Cosmo is doing very well though not quite "settled in". I'm trying to figure out a possible tankmate but afraid he would be very aggressive right now. Maybe when he grows a bit and mellows out I can add a couple nerite snails and see how he does with them.
  6. There are some super interesting and creepy pics and vids on here of dragonfly larva in people's tanks wondering what is that monster in the tank! @Danielposted video of how they breathe under water. They seem to be one of those things you might not want in your small fish community tank! I worry because there are tons and tons of dragonfly around here.
  7. I second Irene's suggestion of Easy Carbon spot treatment. It is getting rid of my black beard algae. I use a pipette to apply it, but a dropper would work too. She has a great video on algae control using this treatment and also adjusting light and nutrients.
  8. Thanks to all who responded with your beautiful pics! I think I'm going to try this plant.
  9. If you're going to eliminate some of the "problem" fish mentioned above and get more of others on your list, may I suggest more harlequin rasboras? I started with 8, lost 1 to injury, and recently added 12 more. I noticed the males became less agressive and the whole gang is more relaxed. It could be I had more males in the first group and more females in the second, because there's also a lot of frisky business going on now.
  10. I've had mine since February 14 and he still glass surfs. He did a quick "once-through" around the tank, exploring around/through all the decor and plants. Then he hung out in the back going back and forth between the sponge filter and the HOB, having a blast in the bubbles and filter flow. (My rasboras did that as well in their tank when they went in - the younger ones still do.) He spent some time on both sides going up and down, back and forth. Now he likes doing a loop around the front, under and over the big leaf on his now-beloved anubias plant. I'm assuming (hoping, too!) it's because they're "teens" when sold and full of energy, and that once settled in (a few weeks or months?) he will calm down and do more casual exploring. But being a plakat, maybe not.
  11. If you have the space, I'd say go for the Ziss. I have two basic plastic hatchers and only need a light for them. I don't have a lot of fish and don't need the Ziss, but the hatch success rate is a lot lower in my hatcher, as it relies on just surface air. If I had the space, I'd get a Ziss and just make small batches at a time. Once I have a few more fish, and use up a little more of my dry/frozen foods, I'll probably figure out a way to make the space for it.
  12. Yeah, I thought of that after. Oops! I had a couple beers with dinner tonight. 🙂
  13. I guess the way to figure it out would be to do the math. Just to make it easy for comparison, say you get 100,000 hatched per gram and it costs $2 per gram with Brand A, the cost is $2 per 100,000 hatched. Say you get 75,000 hatched per gram at a cost of $1 per gram with Brand B - that is a cost of $1.33 per 100,000 hatched. But then add in your time and expense (salt, air, light) to hatch the additional 25,000 to make it a truly even comparison of cost per 100,000 hatched.
  14. I did an alum treatment on dwarf water lettuce and what a disaster! It all melted except a tiny piece I found at the bottom of the tank, which I now have in a separate container to try and salvage it. I do not recommend alum treatment on dwarf water lettuce or cryptocoryne wendtii. It does fine on anubias and so far, on marimo moss balls, which surprised me since they're technically an algae and alum, I found out, is also used for algae control in large commercial pond operations.
  15. So, I cut the first lily pad at the base. Another shoot appeared right next to it shortly thereafter and promptly grew 2" in one day, and I clipped it. Yesterday I noticed a new growth, and it looks like it will stay at the bottom this time! This lily is going to eventually take over that entire section and I can't wait!!
  16. So far this is the only baby I've found from the last clutch. I've been looking for weeks and thought they might have all been nabbed by the danios.
  17. When I read these posts and see videos of the store, I get jealous! The main LFS that I go to is OK, but doesn't have near the selection! It's old, and the store is large, but also has sections for salt water, lizards, turtles, etc., and ponds. They do have a cool giant gourami there that greets customers.
  18. I'm out of reactions. So here you go. 😃
  19. Hey now!! Ok, you're right. Don't ever forget it! 😁😁😁
  20. I don't have a septic system, but worry about the little snails getting caught in the drain along with bits and pieces of plant material, and building up in there. I tried using cheesecloth in a regular spaghetti strainer which was a miserable failure!
  21. Snails are really tough, and oxygen content aside, even with a "cycled" septic system, wouldn't the ammonia level be way too high for almost any aquarium pet or pest?
  22. I'm dying to hear the progress on this project! You're going to keep the fish store busy selling bettas this summer, I guess. Also, how is your dwarf gourami breeding project going?
  23. @Streetwise, oh how I miss cat hairs and cat purrs and cat cuddles! I had two kitties, Hiei who we adopted at 8 weeks old in 2003, passed away in 2019, and Ginnie, who we adopted at 5 months old in 2004, passed away in 2018. But I have my dog, Zodiac (named after a prior racehorse horse who was rescued from substandard conditions and given that name), who provides both me and the fish with daily doses of undercoat. Zodiac says a great big NO to another dog or any more cats (I'm afraid he might actually kill a new cat as I've seen him viciously go after one who came into the yard - I had to go down the street and warn the neighbor that I love cats with all my heart but Zodiac will kill her cat if he catches it in his yard and I cannot stop him - would if I could!). He was not alpha dog when the cats were alive, but he is now, and he knows it. He is befuddled by the fish. He doesn't have great vision and doesn't realize they're alive, yet I feed and talk to them and do stuff with the water. Hiei shortly before passing away (he had liver cancer and was under constant veterinary care). Ginnie about 6 months before she fell ill. A box they used to like to sleep in sometimes. Being cuddly with each other- they were in love. This is the closest Hiei and Zodiac ever got to each other. There was a shift in personalities after Ginny died.
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