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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I used the Fritz sold by Aquarium Coop in a brand new tank and it cycled without any spikes at all - never even had a nitrite reading tho ammonia did get to .25 ppm. I poured in the initial amount (can't remember but something like a half cup or so) and then added about a half ounce a day until it was gone. You still have to keep initial stocking low enough for bacteria to catch up. Shake well and keep in a cool dark spot. I was amazed.
  2. Come on, @Cory, you have to give us extra reactions for the meme thread! 😃
  3. Does it have to be an aquatic vet though? Do you have a regular vet for any other pets? My brother was a veterinarian and could treat any animal, although that was here in the US. Maybe they'd only charge a little to take a peek at a photo and for the meds.
  4. Aww, poor Hugo! Are you able to get arythromycin from a veterinarian?
  5. While waiting for algae to grow, you could try spirulina powder.
  6. I'd also skip the kit and get everything separately. Get a sponge filter instead of HOB. They love java moss, floating water sprite, lots of algae and lots of "foodstuff" in the tank to pick through, driftwood, caves, algae wafers, and mineral junkie bites.
  7. I gravel vac even my 45 gallon with a teeny little siphon that cost like $7.99 and use a long hose - it's easy to temporarily stop the siphon by covering the hole with your hand to move to the next spot, and easy to maneuver around plants and decor.
  8. Right now, none. But I recently had 12 harlequin rasboras in there for over a month, now they're in the main tank. Before that I had it in my old 5 gallon quarantine tank for 3 groups of other fish. Here's a pic of my rasboras in quarantine.
  9. I have a nano sponge for my 10 gallon quarantine tank and it works fine. I use a small in my 20 gallon.
  10. @DawnI have salvinia minima which isn't too bad, but it still gets around - I noticed a few leaves in another aquarium that weren't purposely put there. Duckweed seems to have a bad rep unless one has goldfish.
  11. So, it's been two hours and consensus above says it's duckweed - has it propagated yet? 😃
  12. My danios also love algae wafers that are supposed to be for the shrimp! And while everyone else complains about spirulina flake day (Sunday), the danios think it's a Sunday Feast.
  13. I trimmed this plant that grew to within an inch of the surface and then started to bend. The top half is now floating until my next gravel vac and then I'll plant it - hoping for a sprout of roots first. Then: Now: Top half floating:
  14. My first lily sprouted in 5 days. New lily has been in tank for over 2 weeks and still nothing - it's covered in fuzz (normal) and not mushy, just sitting in limbo.
  15. Dwarf emerald "rasboras" are not rasboras at all, but danios. They were reclassified scientifically as danio erythromicron after further study. But, they are still mant times sold as dwarf emerald rasboras.
  16. Wow!!! I feel LUCKY that I treated my (major pet chain retailer) moss balls with alum. It's been slowly killing the moss balls, but I'm confident it also killed any snails (and mussels). I was a little bummed out about the moss balls dying, but today I'm thrilled that I didn't put a possibly mussel-contaminated product into my aquarium. Seems like it's a real good idea to always quarantine our plants.
  17. @Hobbit, that's me - pitcher by pitcher in my 45-gallon (also the 20 and 10 gallons). I heat some in the microwave and mix with aged water (stored in gallon milk jugs) in a bucket, and pour from there. But really it doesn't take very long unless I'm also gravel vacuuming. I can get a WC done in 10 minutes on this tank. I do empty using a siphon. The real work is filling up the milk jugs and storing them on the floor, but I do that while doing other kitchen chores. I get in about a hundred leg squats and lift 8 pounds many times, twice a week doing this - great exercise that I'd be hard-pressed to want to do without some motivation. I can now throw the ball with my dog and not suffer knee pain every time I squat to grab the ball, so I know something good is happening!
  18. I have three aquariums plus a quarantine tank. I do all my water changes by hand because it's therapeutic both mentally and physically. The hardest part is getting up off the fish-viewing seat to get started!
  19. I've cycled using ammonia and fish-in in two different aquariums. If you use ammonia to cycle, there is specific aquarium-use ammonia (Dr. Tims is one; there may be others) with no additives. Regular household ammonia usually contains detergents that are probably deadly to fish, beneficial bacteria and any other life in your aquarium. It takes approximately 6 weeks to fully cycle using ammonia but at the end you have a rock-solid bacteria count in the tank. Fish-in cycling is a bit nerve wracking but quicker.
  20. Yes, the Aqueon heaters say the same thing - my house is 68-72 and the tank never got above 76. I bought a larger adjustable Fluval heater as I'm soon getting a couple residents soon that prefer around 80.
  21. My otocats are night owls. I never see them anymore during the day, only early in the morning when their silhouettes appear on the back glass. I don't even know if I have 6 anymore - last count was only 5. Many times I only see 3 or 4. I put out an algae wafer every night and some veggie a few times a week, but I'm not sure if they eat it - the snails sure do! The otos know where the wafers are if they ever want some.
  22. @Brianthose babies are so adorable! I don't think I've ever seen a photo of baby discus before.
  23. It's funny, now the 5 younger ones are eager to come out of hiding while the rest have moved to the corner!
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