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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I got my care package today! @James Bplease let @Betsyand me know when you've received yours so we can all spill the beans together!
  2. I put a catappa leaf in my aquarium and the rasboras freaked out so bad I had to tear it into pieces. They're still huddled together at the bottom. Wow, who knew? Cosmo doesn't even give them a second glance.
  3. Hi Brian, all their videos are on their YouTube channel. If you're referring to the documentary video on Goliad Farms, that's posted there too. It's also pretty interesting to go back and watch some older vids when Cory's business was just hitting that big "UP" curve. Once you get on YT you might find a bunch of other really interesting fish people to get different perspectives, more info on specific fish, or just to have someone interesting to listen to while changing water.
  4. "Drop in at..." - lol!! His way of packaging looks alot less stressful on the bags than tying them super taut like I've seen in other videos (and the breather bag that my shrimp came in).
  5. I have their "cousins", danio erythromicron, and their small size and shyness is difficult. I havr found fry on water changes and in the tank and put them in a breeder box - the oldest one is now well over 40 days and is just now starting to get a body shape and slight color. And to boot, they're impossible to see from above when trying to net them, and they're like speedy bullets and are very hard to catch.
  6. I have shrimp in with my danios, and its the danios eating their own eggs(?) and fry (along with baby shrimp). I see them glass skimming/hunting pretty much every day for fry.
  7. He went into each of them only once that I saw. He's so far been very active and doesn't stop much to rest.
  8. Update: the moss balls started turning brown in Cosmo's aquarium, so I moved them to the 20L where my first moss balls (from Aquarium Coop), which were not alum treated, have been thriving. So far, the treated moss balls (which did NOT come from AC) are still alive, but not doing well. When I first noticed the change a couple weeks ago, I looked up alum and found out it's used as an algae control method. Uh-oh. I will give an update one way or another but right now things aren't looking real good. AC balls behind, alum treated balls in front. AC ball on left, alum ball on right.
  9. Thanks @H.K.Luterman @Koi @OceanTruth! I have some cc in there already as out of the tap it's very soft and neutral. I'll look up the range of hardness for the danios as I think I could safely add more for them too (dwarf emerald danios fka dwarf emerald rasboras - not very popular, shy and super tiny little speed swimmers).
  10. Good morning! I've almost decided to get guppies for my 20L, and it will be either male-only or female-only. As with everything fishkeeping there is alot of conflicting info on guppy care. The Coop has a good article that says though they prefer higher water temperature, they tend to live longer (and have fewer babies) when kept at 72-75, which is the temperature I keep my 20L, and they need hard water. Other articles say never keep them cool, always warm, and it must be rock hard water! The water in there is pH 7.4, KH and GH both 7. I'd love to hear opinions from you guys on this. The guppies I want are the "assorted" type, nothing fancy. I'd rather pick another fish than change my water in this aquarium since the danios are doing really well, so dither fish suggestions are welcome if guppies won't work. I've been hemming and hawwing over this for over 2 months and even got my betta first because I couldn't decide! I can no longer keep staring at the 20L being so understocked.
  11. Good luck! I wonder if 3 tanks might work - 1 fresh, 1 semi-brackish and 1 brackish, and move them between the tanks, maybe an extra tank or two would be needed to more gradually increase the salt concentration. But it also seems like if it were that easy more people would do it, as these guys fetch good money. At my LFS the other day I think they were like $20 a piece, or 3 for $50!! You could do this setup using plastic bins even! Once you got a colony going, wow that's some serious money.
  12. You're not alone in the "unbalanced tank" department! Thankfully most times our fish are perfectly okay with it but it's extremely frustrating to continually lose plants that cost $8-10.
  13. Somewhere on this forum there is a recording of a group of goldfish playing water hockey.
  14. It looks so pretty! I see what you mean now about the turkey baster not fitting inside and hope you can find a vacuuming solution.
  15. Aww, poor Hugo! I hope his beautiful fins heal! Whichever betta log you choose, run your fingers along the inside, as there can be a lot of sharp edges. One type is ceramic (the kind that sits on the bottom) and that was the one that had sharp spots - it took me a good 15 minutes to sand them all down. The floating log is made of some composite material, mine had no sharp spots on it.
  16. I went to the LFS that's farther away just to see what they have, and for new fish for my 20L that only has dwarf danios and shrimp. I saw some really cool shrimp small and very large - they even had bamboo shrimp there today and some sort of huge exotic shrimp that was the size of a large crayfish! Keep walking...not in the market for any of those! The store was empty so I had time to look around. It was so cool!! I saw adorable young honey gouramis (want these fish) and beautiful baby koi angelfish (want these fish - color coordination with harlequin rasboras 🙂). And then I saw the guppies which I've been teetering back and forth on. They're the perfect size, cute happy wiggly fish that I want in there to liven things up. Will males or females only be happy and get along? I have no desire to look for homes for a bunch of guppy fry nor room to house them. The LFS keeps them separated so I'm assuming none of the females would be pregnant (lol, famous last words? That's why I'm leaning toward males only). I adored the groups of "assorted", as I could get several very different looking fish. And then there's the PVAS tailgate sale coming up in mid-April, and who knows what's going to be available there. All I know is my 20L is extremely understocked (9 teeny 3/4" danios, 6 really teeny fry-found another one in the basket this am- and under a dozen shrimp), and I'm getting pretty antsy to add some fish to it. Temp 74 pH 7.4 KH and GH both 7 Nitrates ~40
  17. Have you tried a turkey baster? The key to not spilling is to 1) squeeze bulb as much as possible to get the most air out before putting it in; 2) release pressure on the bulb slowly and evenly as you vac, making sure not to re-squeeze; 3) ensure it is as full as it can be (bulb completely reinflated) before removing it; 4) lift carefully and do not put any pressure on the bulb; and 5) have a container right there to empty it, again put no pressure on the bulb before it is over the container or it makes a mess.
  18. They pack them very well - even after 8-9 days in transit mine were all OK (keeping them alive in my tank is another story, lol). Almost all my plants were ordered online from various vendors, and Aquarium Co-Op's are packed the best by far. I wish they carried more plants because my LFS is hit or miss on them.
  19. I haven't received mine yet either, @Betsy. The last package took I think 8 days (to Maryland).
  20. Feeding time. I've only had him 2 weeks and he's already turning very blue - I'm in love with my fish!! 💙
  21. Cory has several betta videos on YouTube, and there is one of them on tankmates for 10 gallon betta tanks. There's another video on 20 gallon tankmates which makes me wish I'd gotten a 20 gallon aquarium for my betta. Here's the playlist.
  22. I saw five today. Here are three of them, including the oldest (approx 40 days old) who is just starting to get a little bit of a pinkish color and filling out a bit, but then she (PLEASE BE A SHE) got out of focus. It's so hard to film these teeny fish- even the adults are only half the size of an adult cherry shrimp!
  23. Well this little plant is the lily that wouldn't quit. It looks like it learned its lesson quickly not to send a shoot so far up after that second snip! Here is the phenomenal growth as seen from the surface. Up close on the recent new growth. Starting to fill in nicely!
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