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  1. So I got a batch from a young pair that laid their first batch and I wanted to know the hatchrates of ram breeders to see if I can improve in hatching the eggs. At first there were 111 but now with the ones with fungus that I removed there are 98 in the first 32 hours.
  2. Besides the obvious: more BBS, is there an advantage to having 90% hatch rate eggs vs 80% or 75%? Going from 75% to 90% you'd get 20% more hatches but is there a reason to pay more than 20% more for that? Are they more nutritious? Hatch faster? last longer? Secret option D that I can't think of?
  3. Hi all. Using ACO bbs, aquarium salt and baking soda. 3x in a row my hatch has largely failed. I had incredible success previously, and suddenly am getting less than 10% hatch...over a 24h window. I actually looked really closely at the floating "shells" It is about 50% dead hatched brine. I am flummoxed. So they hatch and...die? Why? Baking soda and salt have not changed. I changed out my nano air pump for a new one...can the air flow be too high? Or temp? It is about 80-81...provided by a incandescent bulb, that is only on in the day. I suspect it gets cooler at night.
  4. So I've been hatching brine shrimp for my fry. I've been using 1 TBS API aquarium salt per 1 liter water and I've been having no issues. I recently saw Instant ocean sea salt for sale and decided to pick it up and give it a try. I used the same ratio salt to water and had issues with hatching. Is there a problem using this salt for brine shrimp hatching or should I be using a different ratio? Thanks in advance for the help guys
  5. Having issues hatching brine shrimp. I have a ziss blender. Ph 7.4 o 7.6. Temp is 28c. Shrimp hatch within 30 hours. But hard to harvest shrimp due to shrimp eggs falling to bottom of container with the hatched brine shrimp. Im from ireland so i cannot buy your eggs Any help appreciated.
  6. I am thinking that my next order from ACO will be a hatchery so I can start giving BBS more frequently. My LFS sells small containers of Brine shrimp live, and they are much bigger than what I'm seeing on YouTube. Will the shrimp grow much after they hatch? What would you feed them? Or are these different animals that are bigger? I don't have fry at this point, but I do have livebearers and angelfish. Also, when I put the Brine Shrimp from my lfs in the tank, even my assassin snails got in on the action! I would love to be able to give them that treat, but don't want to get the wrong stuff!
  7. Picked up a bag of this salt from Home Depot. Just checked and the Ziss is loaded with ity bity swimmers. LOADED! https://www.homedepot.com/p/Diamond-Crystal-Solar-Naturals-Water-Softener-Salt-Crystals-100012454/100172669?MERCH=REC-_-searchViewed-_-NA-_-100172669-_-N I am in no way affiliated with or work for Home Depot.
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