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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Angelfish will reach sexual matturity at 6 months - 1 year old. You may need to grow these new guys out before they start pairing off. Also if you want a guarentee pair in the batch I would add 4 more angelfish to make the total of 8 angelfish.
  2. Yes, angelfish and rummynose tetras can go together with out the worry of the angelfish eating the rummynose.
  3. The ph is a low for the corydora, corys like at 7-8ppm. I don't what could have caused the fishes death, sometimes these can be the toughest of deaths.
  4. Try a invertibrate safe aquarium salt. I beleive tetra has a invertibrate safe salt but double check.
  5. I would get the fx6 right now. Usually products black firday sale will remain the sale regardless of day. 50% off for the fx6 is a great deal, get it while you can.
  6. Hello jv85! Welcome to the forum! Your gouramis are so pretty!!!
  7. All products on the co-op website is all that they have for online customers, all though they do have a tee-spring shop for those who don't live in the USA but still want their merch.
  8. the internet has mixed opions about guppies and cherry shrimp. Some say they can go together others say they cant. I'm not surprised that they ate the shrimp, if a fish can fit into another fishes mouth, most likely its gonna get eaten.
  9. I've never used one before but its defentley something that I want to try. I'm intersted in seeing what others think of undergravel filters?
  10. would agree with @Ken Dyerand @lefty o those are defentley chinese algae eaters
  11. 5 Corydoras would be nice. a really cool feature fish could be an angelfish
  12. I have heard its very tough. But I know that there is a youtuber out there trying to breed them. his youtube channel is Fish Boy
  13. Very interesting! will defentley have to try it out. thanks for sharing!
  14. @Coryhas said that the tetra test strips are accurate and the API test strips are garbage. It really depends on the test strip.
  15. algae is completeley normal. It is not harmful to your fish at all. When cycling your aquarium and there is algae it means your almost ready for fish. This being said, no you do not have to remove alage at all. All it does is make your aquarium look dirty. Many aquarists like algae because it makes their tanks looks more natrual. Its all up to you, if you like the look of algae keep it. If you don't scrub it off and if you don't care leave it.
  16. I would move the female, this way you can use more meds that aren't necesarlily plant safe. Also if you are moving the fish into a smaller tank you would use less meds. I would also use aquarium salt to help treat it.
  17. Here are some of my favorites, -Amazon Swords -Anubius Ana Petite -Green Hedge -Vallisneria -Scarlet Temple All of these plants are great for beginner plant keepers
  18. The dwarf chain loaches may also be eating the babies
  19. No, i have one agelfish that is not fat. And all the other fish in the tank are not fat either
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