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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. German Blue Rams, your pygmy corys, pretty much any live bearer (guppy, molly, platy, swordtails, endlers), Snails (thats real easy).
  2. Has anyone had any luck with the Tetra Pleco Wafers? In my experiance it only clouds up the water, my pleco won't even touch but will instead eat my beutifal driftwood. I'm wanting to switch to the NLS Algae Max Wafers, does anyone have any experiance with this food? do your plecos like this food?
  3. No, if your just giving them to your local fish store, you don't need to add co2. Just simply use the "traping the air in the bag method" no you don't need breather bags either. As far as where to get them, you can ask your LFS for some (obviously need to pay for them) or get them off amazon.
  4. Modern Family is really funny, there are all 11 seasons on Netflix
  5. Welcome to the forum, thats a very cool setup!
  6. no, it doesn't look like fin rot, but more injury. Yes I would move the female, let her recover dose salt. I wouldn't have a pair in a 5 gallon, I would get a 10 gallon. This way the male and female have more space, and potentialy more hiding spots for the female.
  7. Yes the betta probably ate the shrimp. Most bettas will unless you have a very lush carpet of plants for your shrimp to hide in.
  8. do you want fish that will eat the babies in your 20 long? Heres a few, -Betta -Gourami -Tetras of all sort
  9. dirty tank water is AWESOME for your garden or plants
  10. If you start loosing a bunch of fish then its a problem
  11. There could be lots of reason, a lot of it could have nothing to do with you, its really hard to say. I wouldn't fret about it and i would move on, every fish death is hard but sometimes you have to relize you did everything in your power to keep the little guy happy.
  12. very nice aqua scapes, welcome back to the hobby!!
  13. Don't add random meds to fish when you don't what disease they have or if they even have one. What are your water parameters?
  14. never seen angelfish do this before, you can feed them more high protein foods like quality pellets or frozen foods. that might help.
  15. Datnoids are always super cool, once I get a big enough tank for one I'm getting one
  16. go on craigslist or kijji, and buy used aquarium sutff. also look out for sales, cyber monday is tomorow. Dollar a Gallon sale might still be going not sure. Boxing Day is coming up. Breed Aquarium fish and make a little extra money.
  17. Hey @The nano tank mangreat to have you on the forum! I am 15 years old, so I know what its like to have aquariums all over the house. lol
  18. Heres a few links, Home WWW.FISHKEEPINGWORLD.COM http://www.thesprucepets.com//static/5.66.0/icons/favicons/favicon.ico How to Care for Freshwater Fish WWW.THESPRUCEPETS.COM Get tips on caring for your freshwater fish and maintaining your freshwater aquarium. This one is pets in general, but they have really good fish care sheets. http://www.wikihow.com//favicon.ico wikiHow WWW.WIKIHOW.COM wikiHow - How to do anything This last one has more then just fish, But they have lots of tutorials on how to breed what fish or determine the sex of your fish or just general care sheets.
  19. Depens on the kind of pleco. Bristlenose Plecos shouldn't eat the plants.
  20. Hey, I have both finrot and popeye that I'm dealing with, I've read reviews on api melafix on the internat saying that it worked and some saying it didn't. I know on the thanksgiving stream @Cory said he never had success with it. I live in Canada so lots of meds are restricted, the only meds I can find are API Super Ick Cure and API Melafix and of course the basic aquarium salt. I have tried aquarium salt for these infections, it helped a bit for the popeye, but the finrot hasn't gotten any better. My question is do you guys think Melafix would clear up my probelms? Also is it plant safe? I have some plants in my QT tank because I'm setting up a new tank soon, and they were on sale for a very good price.
  21. Welcome to the forum!! btw you can still buy some of their merch on tee-spring (not the murphy hat or co-op towel though) heres a link: http://teespring.com//compiled_assets/shared/favicon-04c7467dcced3dc43c150d0bac2622b5ad19d8a837db0fcf5fdbac297ea75d92.ico Aquarium Co-Op's Store TEESPRING.COM
  22. Welcome! If you have any question let us know!!
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