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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. My angelfish has deformity where one of his ventral fins are smaller then the other. I have never seen that deformity, but its very cool! thanks for sharing!
  2. if you only add 3 more angelfish chances are slim that you will have a pair, and if you do you'll have one pair. I agree with the method of adding 3 of them rather then 1 of them. You are almost gaurenteed a pair if you have 8 angels in a tank. and 6 you might be able to get a pair. and then below 5, chances are slim.
  3. The stocking seems fine for the most part. the only tweeks I would make would be, 6 Panda Corys get the apistogramma in the same sex (so 2 females or 2 males). Females tend to be smaller. but the males tend to be more colorful. If you don't care about the sex, get the females. 7 Hatchet Fish Keep the water tempeture at 80 degrees farenheit, Bolivian Rams like warm water
  4. Hey, welcome to the forum!! I'm also a canadian fish keeper.
  5. Black sand, Apistos look the best with a dark substrate
  6. The pleco is prob hiding. It took my pleco a solid month before I started seeing him outside of his cave.
  7. I would add a dehumidifier when the room starts getting humid. I don't think there is any specific time when you should get a dehumidifier.
  8. Welcome to the hobby! my favorite time in my hobby was when I had MTS (multiple tank syndrom).
  9. Welcome to the forum! Nice to see that you came back to the hobby! Your betta is beutifal!!
  10. You americans are lucky! A turkey dinner with pumpkin pie for dessert! I'm Canadian so I had this last month, but stil...
  11. barbs are sold as communtiy fish, but they aren't. There really aggressive, to the point where they will kill eachother and other fish.
  12. 30 celsuis is very warm for bettas. Bettas like it at 78F (26c). As for a ilness i can't tell I would need a closer up picture
  13. @Maggieyou can always buffer the ph. you can use crushed coral to increase your ph.
  14. Here is what I would do Angelfish lay eggs Take the eggs out into a fry grow out (dean uses little food containers for the first week or two of their life. and use methane blue to keep fungal from the eggs 1-2 week old fry move to 10gallon Yes, you can use methayne blue on fish eggs.
  15. sometimes it will take a little while for fish to get adjusted into their new enviourments. Meaning that it may take a day or two before they will be the water pup we all know them to be or the pigs that they are. if he doesn't start eating by tomorow morning (thursday) I would try aduldt snails.
  16. the fluval 2.0 is great for plant growth!!
  17. I use the Nicrew RGB Plus Aquarium Light for my 36 gallon. I like the light because its cheap, it grows plants and it has 24hr sunrise, sunset timer. I always forgot to turn off my aquarium light, so I got this and it solved all my problems. here is a link Amazon.ca Something Went Wrong / Quelque chose s'est mal passé WWW.AMAZON.CA
  18. I wonder if its a tumor starting to develop. If this is the case the only treatment is surgery, so unless your prepared to spend a pretty penny on your fish he is most likely gonna die
  19. I love the new scape. I don't think I would have done anything different, and if I did its because I wouldn't have the skills to create that scape. lol.
  20. Betta sororitys are always very cool, but also very challenging. You need lots of hiding spots for the females to go and take shelter. Females can be jerks too. Alot of respected betta people on youtube (Lisa from Kg Tropicals, Taylor from simply betta) have said that males should not be in female betta sorority. I would say no also, because the all female sorority can be a nightmare, I can't imagine what one would like with a male in there maybe even trying to breed with on of the females.
  21. black midnight rams would be cool in a 10 gallon or some grade A cherry shrimp, cool guppies, bettas (that maybe too hard with what you wanted) as far as your 55, I would try angelfish they are very easy to breed the only diffucuclty is finding a pair.
  22. Here is a intersting video that aquarium co-op has about breeding rams
  23. What would be cool maybe is one kind of neocaridina shrimp per box. So in one box would be a cherry shrimp and the box after that could be a blue velvet shrimp and then the one after that a yellow shrimp.
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