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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. agree with @ange . You could do a betta sorority in a 55gal, but thats very challneging. you could put up tank dividers and then you could do multiple male bettas.
  2. I came across fishtube around the same time I got my first fish. I don't exactly remember how I cam across it, But the first creator I watched was the King of DIY. It was a video where he added 200 small schooling fish to one of his aquariums, I was so amazed "200 fish!!". I then found about his 2000 gallon and was surprised. It was stocked with freshwater stingrays, "I didn't know you could keep those in aquariums"! and after I subscribed to him, my obsession became real, and MTS really took over, lol. After him I susbcribed to coralfish12g, then Finatic and Paul Cuffaro (all though they really do much fish anymore) Then in Janurary, I searched up a care guide for a fish, and one of corys video popped up, I clicked on it and watched. It wasn't till July that I sat in on one of his live streams and then subscribed. I've learned so much since I subbed to cory, and then Kg Tropicals in the following September.
  3. yes, as @Brandymentiond the rams do like their warm water, so if you wanted to do rams, you would want the tempeture at least 80F maybe 82F Most of these fish except the danios can thrive at 82. Which is why I reccemoned the temp at 80, this way all of the fish are thrving. Yes, Mollies/ Platys/ Guppies would also make a great centerpeice fish. You could also do one male swordtail, they are a bit agressive so they would be the boss of the tank. But there not too agressive.
  4. pff, i wish! I want to get a koi pond for the summer, only problem is where to keep them in the winter. I don't have enough space for a pool pond inside.
  5. my three angelfish love eachother. Two of them sleep together in there cave
  6. because when you add the betta back, all the females will bully her. Where as if you add 2 more (adding 3 in total) the females will divide their aggression between the three. If that makes sense.
  7. welcome to the fourm! Yes get angelfish! You could get 3 angels for a 40 breeder. They have stuning looks, and persanlitys. They love their, food and will do what I call the "angel dance" when they want food.
  8. in Winnipeg, MB Canada its -9 celsuis or 19.4 Fernheit. It'll get colder probably something like -30 celsuis or -22 Ferenheit.
  9. Dropsy is usaully caused by a bacterial infection. Heres what I would do: -Give her a salt bath -Feed her antibacterial food When adding her back to the sorority, make sure to add more then just her. Get two other females and add them with her, if not there will be a blood bath.
  10. These are pictures of my first fish I puchased for my first aquarium. I had kept a betta, named "swimmy" when I was like 7 or 8 but I can't find pictures of him. He's one of the reasons why I keep fish today. This Guys was my first angelfish, I named him angel (I wonder why...) I still have him, not in a 10 Gallon anymore though, in a 40gal. He is fullgrown (6") and has 2 more angel friends. This is my female swordtail, I named him Astro thinking he was a male turns out he/ she was a female snow I switched it to Astrid. I am looking for a friend for her, I have two guppies in QT maybe they will work. This my corycatfish I named him shadow, but unfortauntley he died when this aquarium bursted, when I was away. (always have a backup plan) Luckly I did have a backup plan, put them in buckets, got a new 10 gallon later that day, but shadow didn't like all of the stress he ancounterd that day, and passed the following morning. You can also see my glofish in this picture, I named him Finn. I later re-homed him to my LFS after relizing that glofish aren't for me. (If you know what kind of corycat that is let me know) I really dislike the scape of that tank, eow!
  11. I have never owned one, But I fully trust fluval and their aquariums. Fluval is a well known brand for making good quality aquariums and I beleive they have a warranty on their tanks too.
  12. if she is eating, swimming fine your husband is probably right. Still though keep an eye on her and if you see any wierd symptoms take her out and start treating.
  13. I don't see a problem with it. Go with a Apistogramma Cacatuoides or Apistogramma agassizii, these guys are the peacful apistos.
  14. You water parameters seem fine so the only reasonable explanation I can think of is when CoryDoras are under extreme stress they may release a toxin that is lethal to themselves along with other corydoras. They do this in the wild to detur a predator. If this is not the case, I really have no clue what happend. This could truly be a mystery.
  15. Yes, just keep in mind that one of the males if kept together may turn female.
  16. you can feed shrinking pellets for the corys. They are also noctornal so you can feed them when the lights are off and al the other fish are sleeping.
  17. @Brandy@KBOzzie59@Cory The aquarium i'm setting will be SW, do you guys think it will be fine fore that?
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