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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Alright, I was in my lfs today looking for stocking ideas for my 40 gallon community tank. The aquarium already has three angelfish, and a school of cardinal tetras (10) I have been needing some corydoras in that tank, I'm thinking the Julii Corycats. I saw a honey gourami when I was there (and he was so cute, and his persanlity was great) I heard that this particular gourami isn't that agressive. unlike my pearl gourami that was sold to me as a "community tank", I shortly after gave him away. And I have been wanting a gourami thats wasn't a jerk for a while now. Some I'm thinking I will get some of the fish above. The only problem is the following two fish also caught my eye, Marble Hatchetfish, I've never really liked these guys until I saw thim in person, all though if I get this I'll have to improve my lid. Flame Tetra, only problem is I don't know if I want a another tetra school in that tank. so what should I get? Flame tetra or the hatchetfish. both of these fish will do great within my water parameters. Or are there any other fish you would recemond?
  2. I would try it. Just remember, it depends on the bettas temperment if they will be fine with tank mates. A way you can check if he will be okay is if you do the following: -Put your finger in his tank -What does he do? -Does he flair at it, does he leave it alone, or does he take a nibble? If he flairs at it, its a no go. If he takes a nibble, do it with caution. And if he leaves it alone, your all set. But yes, all those tankmates will be just fine with a betta.
  3. If you were thinking about setting up a seperate tank for the puffer, I think thats a great idea. But I wouldn't put the puffer in the same tank as the betta. Bettas need peacful community tankmates and the amazon puffer isn't all that community. Assasin snails would also do the trick, all though I would only do one because if you get two you will have the same problem you have with the current snails, you'll have a snail outbreak but this time with assasin snails. Also depending the size of your tank, yoyo loaches will also help. Usually the general rule of thumb is no more food then a fish can eat in 2 minutes, all though this changes based on the situation. Do your plecos and kuhli loaches comeout for food right away?
  4. What are your water parameters? are the opaline gourami picking on the one thats changing color? sometimes these fish will change color when stressed, or when kept in poor water parameters.
  5. why isn't the co-op selling this product
  6. Angelfish can breed hapily in a 20tall, maybe thats cheaper for you. But if its not, yes you could do the "ol switcheroo"
  7. Bettas colors can change DRASTICALLY. For no reason, but their genetics. search Betta Change before and after to see what I'm talking about. Nothing to worry about, but he is SO gourgoues, very cool colors.
  8. If he his skinny and is not eating it could either be internal parasites or worms. I would try, API General Cure.
  9. Yes remove the eggs, chances are they will get eaten by other fish (including the parents). You can place them in a 10 Gallon and feed one of the following: -Baby Brine Shrimp (you will need both, eggs and a hatchery (you can either buy one, or make a diy one). This is the best food for baby fry) -Hikari First Bites
  10. hmm.. I think the only real threat you may have is your betta. But it depends on your bettas temperment, because he is kept in a community tank, I'm assuming he will be fine but there is really no say. I don't think the kuhli loaches will munch down on these guys but it depends. If your looking for amano shrimp for this tank, I would try to get full grown ones. Once these guys are full grown they should be just fine.
  11. I don't see any problem in doing so. So yes I would go for it.
  12. does it look something like this if so, this is a form of malaysian trumpet snail.
  13. yes, those guys are stuning! those look to be pearscale koi angelfish. Pearlscale is what the "shimmer" is. The pearlscale are fairly common.
  14. I would take him inside, and you API Stress coat along with your water conditioner and use some aquarium salt (1 tablespoon every 5 gallons).
  15. remove the guppy into her own tank, or treat the whole tank with ich x.
  16. I would add more harlequin rasboras, and more corydoras. As well as hacthet fish, super cool fish or a honey gourami.
  17. yeah that seems fine. Just make sure you either get only male guppys or only female guppys. Watch out at the begining as depending on the guppy, they may eat the shrimp.
  18. feed them crustasions (clams, muscels, live shrimp, snails) this will help their beek growth.
  19. really! when ever I click on the murphy cam, he's always in that exact spot.
  20. Fish will usaully skip out on the first meal or two when being added to a new aquarium. Its because there stressed out.
  21. usaully sinking pellets will do for these guys. How long did you have that heater unplugged for?
  22. I don't think they have paristies, if anything they seem skidish. And if the meds aren't working its because its not parasites. If you add more decor to that tank, it may help them come out more.
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