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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. 1 tablespoons isn't enough. Try three tablespoons.
  2. Use aquarium salt
  3. I have seen many times when a member posts something on a thread below their response is what I think is called there "signicture". @Cory is "The best way to say thank you is by leaving reviews on our website of the products you purchase" Question is, I want my own one of those, but how do I do that?
  4. I think I would swap out the geophagous for long fin bristlenose plecos, or blue eyed bristle nose plecos. I think you'll have a better success rate in terms of selling the plecos because stores will want more of them then the geophagous. When I was looking into breeding fish there was a very helpful breeding for profit playlist aquarium co-op has on youtube, I would reccemond that a try.
  5. I have answerd a simmilar question in another thread. infact this thread will answer lots of your questions heres a link: You can see how I responded it to. I'm sorry the API Super Ick sure wasn't working for you, I used and it worked for me, I doesed it every day (regardless of what the bottle said) and did a water change on the 5th and then the final day. Don't worry about over dosing the recemonded amount as I said in the other thread, I feel like med companys will recemond an amount that is a lot different from the point where it can be dentremental to your fish. Think of it like your water conditioner, if doesed too much it can be dentermental to your fish. But thats only if you does the entire bottle instead of half a teaspoon. With the ich x, dose it everyday (regardless of what the bottle says) doing a waterchange on the third and fifth day of treatment.
  6. Yes, the tanins are actually good for your fish. Just most aquarists hate the look of the tanins which is one of the reasons why you boil it to get rid of the taninis
  7. If this ever happen again, I would use Fritz Turbo Start, this apperiantly makes it safe for fish the second you put it in. do I beleive it yes and no. It does not cycle your aquarium right away but it lets you add a small amount of fish to keep the bacteria that was in the bottle alive and within a few days there will be nitrates in your tank aka a cycled aquarium.
  8. your tank is cycled when you have ammonia at 0, nitrite at 0 and nitrate at 20-40ppm. So I would do a waterchange to get rid of some of the nitrites and ammonia, test your water and your betta fish should be good to go in his home.
  9. If you have bleach you can do a bleach "dip". more like brush the bleach mixture onto the wood. I would normally boil wood like this, but this is too big to be boiled which is why I recommended the bleach dip. This will make sure your not introducing parasites into your aquarium, better to be safe then sorry.
  10. If the betta is stressed a few things will help: -a clean fish tank - the most important -salt, at 2 tsp every 3ish gallons ratio - may help, but not a big deal if you don't have any All though bettas are extremeley hardy fish, and so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just give him clean water and have patience.
  11. I would get 2 more gouramis. Make sure its a 1 male for every two female ratio if you choose to get another few. Silvertip Tetras are very cool and a great schooling fish.
  12. yeah, shipping is offly busy this time of year.
  13. If you live in usa you can get some from the aquarium co op store. If you live in canada (like me) you cant get it anywhere because its ilegal here. Instead you could use API Melafix which can be found at most big box pet stores or amazon. If you cant get any of those meds, salt works miracles and you can use that a 1Tb per gallom ratio. (Assuming you have no live plants or invertibrates in your aquarium, if you do i would move the bala shark to a smaller aquarium with no fish in it. Keep in mind this can be like a see through storage rubbermaid if your on a budget.)
  14. Both I think would work great for the setup your going for, all though the finnex planted+ maybe the better way to go. But either will do, so whatever looks better on the tank.
  15. Welcome to the Forum! a Betta would look gourgous in that tank, yes bettas can be kept with other peacful community fish. Your gonna wanna make sure that the betta you get has a good temperment. A way you can see is if you stick your finger in the tank the betta is in. Does he flare at it, if so don't get it. Does he nip at is if so proceed with caution or does he leave it alone and not even relize its there, if so everything will be fine. a Honey Gourami is really pretty and isn't too aggressive like the other dwarf gouramis.
  16. the scales are symptom of dropsy, its a bacterial infection. How to treat: -Does erythromycin along with aquarium salt, doing frequent water changes.
  17. If she looks back to her regular self, I would dose one more time. No, clamped fin cannot be spread from fish to fish, so after the last treatmet of salt, you can put her in.
  18. I would agree with what you are doing, salt works miracles and can pretty much fix anything that is external.
  19. Rams like it warm so I would suggest other cichlids like, Apistogramma and Angelfish. All though you already have the GBR as a centerpeice fish so some nice schooling fish, like tetras would be nice. Heres a few: -Cardinal Tetras (Keep it at 82F) -Bronze Cory Doras (Keep it at 82F) -Rummy Nose Tetras are great because of how tolerent they are of warm water, they can go from 74F - 86F -Kuhli Loaches -Silver Tip Tetras (keep it at 82F)
  20. gotta give credit to @H.K.Lutermanfor the picture
  21. There is nothing wrong with buying from a breeder or your lfs. But when people see the "wild caught tag" in the store, they walk away. Catching wild fish for the aquarium industry is a huge part of the economy is some contries, some people depend on it to stay alive. There is a cool video cory put out about him in peru that explains a lot of it, heres a link: There is a 5 dollar movie that you can watch its called "wild caught" heres a link to rent it: its only 5$ and its a documentey that explains a lot.
  22. the poor thing. I would try to add aquarium salt to the water, that does wonders.
  23. This is so relatable. We've all been there!! lol
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