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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. They have a good warranty and based on reviews good customet service.
  2. would agree with @lefty oI find the best algae eaters are the invertibrates like the amano shrimp or snails. They eat off the algae for you and for the most part you don't usaully need to feed them.
  3. I'm wanting to setup a new aquarium, I wanted to purchase this light but I wanted to make sure its reliable. The reviews look good on it, but I wanted to ask the nerms if you guys have tried this light, and if you enjoyed it? heres the link to the light I'm refering too https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B074DRCVC4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=AH440WDUIAWYA&psc=1
  4. your tank looks really good. I don't have a anubius only tank but I may have to set one up, after seeing this.
  5. no, the assasin snail will leave the fish alone, not the snails though😝!!
  6. no, the easy green fertilizer will not cancel out the fishless cycle.
  7. it could be a brith defect at which then most breeders would cull him.
  8. name him steve irwin or steve for short, he's a alligator wrestler.
  9. yes anubius are low light. Yes, the thing with Discus is you kind of need a tank for them. Like everytime you buy a new fish for the tank you need to ask yourself "will these be okay with my discus". So turning it into a community tank would be a good idea.
  10. I have a nano reef with... -Clownfish x2 -Cleaner Shrimp -Blenny I heard that bubbletip anemones are on the cheaper side of anemones and are good for begginers. I wouldn't do a carpet anemone because they will make a carpet (think freshwater) and it will take up a lot of room for other fish other then clownfish to swim around, because it will sting them at stuff.
  11. get yoyo loaches they will eat them also an assassin snail will kill them
  12. Welcome to the forum!! I see MTS has really got to you, lol. I love the neon tetras.
  13. no sponge filters wouldn't cut it. for filtration I would do the fluvalf fx4 or fx6. I have bought a used tank, I filled it up for 24 hours, also check silicone seal and make sure its still intact and reliable. If i were to reccemonds any stocking ideas, I would do defentely get a... arowana datnoid sevrums oscars (As you mentioned) blood parrots (as you mentioned) Peacock Bass Here is a video I watched when I picked up my second hand tank, its very useful...
  14. it doesnt matter, I would anchor it down just because I think it would look better, but its really up to you.
  15. i've heard stories of valesnaria and anubius not get eaten. Also once the discus get to be larger you should upgrade them to at least a 75 Gallon with more discus friends, discus are schooling fish so 6 at least would be best.
  16. I love the gold nugget plecos, definitely one my favorite plecos
  17. those cichlids are fairly popular in the aquarium hobby, I would try your local fish store, and see if they can't order any in for you, however I found an ad on aquabid.com for some multis.
  18. wondering if its a red head cichlid aka the vieja.
  19. Don;t worry about the scratch. As far as the fungal growth, I would treat with aquarium salt.
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