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  1. I just battled stag horn algae. It is hard because not much eats it. I found that cutting back on iron is very helpful. I also cut back on the amount of time I had my lights on.
  2. Hi this is my Bolivian Ram. It has really been getting colorful lately. I have been trying to figure out if it’s a boy or girl. I think it’s a girl based vent shape but I was wondering if anyone could help confirm that.
  3. So as an update. I have had success feeding two different way. One is to feed the tetras on one side of my tank with slow sinking food and feed Ram on the other side of the tank with faster sinking food. The second method, which works the best, if to feed blood warms with a turkey Baster. That is the only food the ram really eats out of the water instead of off the ground. A little squeeze in front of him and he chows down!
  4. Thanks everyone. I am trying some of the suggestions. I will report back with what worked for me.
  5. I am relatively inexperienced to fish keeping. I have a tank with an established population of 20 neon tetras. I just got a Bolivian ram for the tank as well. The issue I am having is getting food down to the substrate so the ram can eat. The tetras eat all the food before it makes it to the bottom. Even when I bought bigger sinking pellets the neons grab them and carry them around Until the pellets fall apart. Does anyone have any tips on how to feed both of these fish in the same tank without over feeding? Thanks.
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