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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Yes I do!! Its usually just frozen blood worms or something like that as a treat. But on thanksgiving my fish also have a feast it conisists of, -Small cuts of shrimp -Cucumber/ Zuchinni -Carrot -Bloodworms
  2. I once owned a glofish and he was very aggressive. try dither fish. And maybe give your glofish more friends.
  3. let see... For my betta and his shrimpy friends I have, Hikari Betta Pellets Shrimp King Complete/ color North Fin Betta Pellets Fluval Bug Bites Frozen Bloodworms The occasional live black worm And then for my community tank I have, New Life Spectrum community sinking pellets Frozen Blood worms Frozen Brine Shrimp Fluval Bug Bites New Life Spectrum Algae max wafer (for my pleco) Repashy community plus The occasional live black worm For my nano reef I have, New Life Spectrum community sinking pellets Frozen Blood Worms Frozen Brine Shrimp
  4. if you live in america you can find the fluval fx6 for 50% off at petsmart i believe
  5. do not medicate fish unless you know their sick, and then if they are medicate them with the proper meds. Cory uses a med trio at his store because he only quarintines for a week, because they need to sell. But you have time to watch them for 4-6 weeks.
  6. North Fin Arowana would be good for your oscar along with Xtreme monster pellets.
  7. Cory reccemonds deworming all pufferfish because they are pretty much all wild caught. As far as sexing them, males have more yellow on the body, especially on their stomach. It may take awhile before you can properly sex them just because of how young they may be.
  8. I've heard that petsmart had the fx6 for 50% off for black friday.
  9. welcome to the forum!! Very nice tanks!
  10. columnaris is a bacterial infection. She could have gotten a bit hurt in the net when you first got her, but really anything could have happend. Yes because the columnaris infection is so early on, she could be acting fine and happy. But if this infection gets worse you may see her with clamped fins sitting at the bottom of the tank.
  11. She could, I would treat with API Erythomycin and your basic aquarium salt. Keep your tank water clean, and the water colder, move the female to a sperate quarintine tank.
  12. I live in Canada, but if i lived in america I think I would go broke over aquarium co-op.
  13. Yes, lol! You have a chunky boi, there! If you just got him/ her cory reccemonds deworming all puffers upon arival, that could be why he is plump.
  14. have you treated for internal parasites or worms? I see that you used paraclense but have you tried API General Cure? Whats your water paramters?
  15. I don't know much about corydora breeding, but I know that somefish won't breed when there are others in the tank. Also how many corys do you have? Maybe you dont have a female or male in the group
  16. He's so cute! If he is swimming around, eats, and seems happy he should be fine. If it was like that when you got him its probably a birth defect. It doesn't hurt him.
  17. I have never used them. When I go away for a weekend, i dont feed my fish. When I go away for a long period of time (1 week+) I have small plastic cups of enough food for a feeding. I get a house sitter to come and dump the cups into the aquarium.
  18. Welcome to the forum welshjoe! If your looking for a fish keeping community aquarium co-op has a map of local fish clubs around the world, heres a link: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/apps/store-locator
  19. Okay here my delimma, I have empty tank space!! now what to do... super persanbol Flowerhorn (kinda like Frank from the king of diy) or Altum Angelfish Aquarium with other fish that orgin from the amazon.
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