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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I have seen people get airline hosing and attacth it into a circle, it can then float ontop and no the plants won't grow in that area. I've used straws and it works.
  2. don't dose any meds unless you know that their sick. but yes still quarintine.
  3. They don't sell all of the merch, no murphy hats
  4. What kind of fish do you have in the tank? They could be snail eggs.
  5. If you have any floating plants take that out. I don't know how good this will look in your tank, but there are sumersible lights. That might help, but maybe not look all that aesthetically pleasing. You can find them on amazon for like 15$, heres a link: https://www.amazon.com/NICREW-Submersible-Underwater-Brilliant-Freshwater/dp/B08JB4SVQZ/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=submersible+aquarium+light&qid=1606535197&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTDJMUFNTSzg0R0VGJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTIyMTgyMkNURElSM1YyOU43MyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODE2NjY3MkVaWURLTUdRQlBaUyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  6. Yeah, when I boil the veggies other fish will eat it too, but not a the point where the plecos won't get any.
  7. Neon Tetras are a red and blue. Cardinal Tetras are bigger and have more red, Serpae tetras have some redish orangish on them, Harlequin Rasboras have some orange on their tales, silvertipt tetras are a bright yellow, Glowlight tetras have a orange stripe through them and candy cane tetras are red with a white tip dorsal fin.
  8. @AJE I think 600$ would be too much. I would try maybe $400
  9. Get a bristle nose pleco, they should help. I wouldn't add any kuhli loaches.
  10. The King of Diy ( a youtuber) had a simmillar probelm, he siphoned some of it out and then added amano shrimp. To get rid of it long term you have to adress the reason why there is algae. I would agree with @Streetwise and lower your lighting power as well as adding more plants.
  11. Yes they can be kept alone. My Favorite are, Red Koi Angelfish Platinum Angelfish Zebra Angelfish as you can probably tell I love angelfish.
  12. Gourami are very cool too. Very nice coloration and persanolity. Some do have bad tempers I would reccemoend, Dwarf Honey Gourami. these guys don't have as nasty tempers as the rest.
  13. it could be hole in the head, what are your water parameters? If it is hole in the head treat with API General Cure
  14. they could be baby snails. Do you have any snails in the tank already? Have you added to that tank recently (plants, fish)
  15. Welcome to the forum! A 10 Gallon will be just fine for some norman lampeye killifish.
  16. Hey all, I am rescaping my 50 Gallon angelfish tank and I want their to be a vallisneria jungle. I have kept live plants before/ in the present but never vallisneria, any tips?
  17. I really love the scape with the aquarium on the cabinat stand! Welcome to the Forum!!
  18. I used the string method, and then the string fell in the water, probably because I didn't fasten it properly, lol.
  19. Welcome to the hobby Cody! Their gills look like they need more oxygen in the water, try to put a airstone in the tank. and see how that works. I have never breed these guys so I can't help you out there.
  20. intersting, my swordtail. pleco and one of my angelfish will eat the skin and the cucumber within a day or so.
  21. I see a lot of people on the internet when feeding their bottom dwellers they are using a skewer or a fork to make the veggie sink, the problem with that is you have to reach your hand in the tank and grab the fork when their done. And then your hand is all wet, and its dripping all over the floor. Heres my sollution Boil the veggies in the microwave, simply fill a bowl of water up, add the veggie and microwave for 3 minutes. You are then gonna wanna run the veggie under cold water too cool it off. The veggie now sinks, and you don't have to reach your hand in to get anything!!
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