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Stoney Lake Aquatics

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  1. I buy a panel foam pack from Lowe’s and cut to size. It is a 6 pack of 13”x48” sheets and my Lowe’s have them for $10. I also double bag, and line my boxes with 13 gallon trash bags so if there is a problem they won’t leak. I ship platy, swordtail, and snails using USPS priority and have had good success.
  2. I’m looking to soften my water for some apisto breeding. I’ve seen a lot of peat moss in box filters being used to do this. Has anyone done this and if so what brand of peat moss do you recommend?
  3. They have produced multiple successful spawns so I know they are a male female pair. I’ve seen numerous things on pairs breaking up and I’m afraid that may be what’s happened. The female is on point laying every 11 days and the male follows her in an attempt to fertilize them. The female will guard and fan them continuously for 24-36 hours and then they start to fungus over.
  4. I have a pair of koi angelfish that have produced numerous spawns for me. Over the past few months the male hasn’t been getting the eggs fertilized and I noticed yesterday the pair is starting to show aggression towards one another. Has anyone experienced behavior like this and if so any suggestions on what I might be able to do to help them out.
  5. Hey everyone, I have livebearer breeding tanks set up with hornwort floating for fry cover. The problem I’m having is when I feed my adults, food is getting trapped in the midst of the plants and decaying. I’ve seen many diy top water feeding rings, but didn’t know if that would keep the underneath plants from floating over and collecting the food. Anyone have experience, or ideas, on what I could use to minimize the food getting caught in the plants? Thanks for the info!
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