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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. could you send a image along with your water parameters?
  2. I beleive the treo he us talking about is the following: API General Cure, API Eurothromycin, Ich X. But most importantly API General Cure Depending on how many pea puffers you plan on getting you could probably do 3 in 10 Gallons with lots of hiding spots. Yes they can be kept together during treatment. Yes put them in a seperate tank with no other fish, this is called a quarintine tank. I don't know how long to treat them I'm assuming a week of treating and then continue to quarintine for the next 5 weeks after that week with no treatment (6 weeks total) to make sure you treated all of it. Week 1: Deworming with API General Cure Week 2-6: Quarintine and Keep an eye on the puffers Heres a video cory made that will probably help you more
  3. I like feeding pellets more then anything. Because flakes will loose al of their nutrients after 5 seconds of introducing it into the water. There also easier to feed and the NLS has better quality then most other flake foods even xtreme.
  4. Its probably nothing to worry about. just do a 50% Waterchange, that should do it.
  5. How often will angelfish Lay eggs. And how can I prevent them from laying eggs when I'm not ready for the next batch?
  6. Hey, I'm looking to start supporting my hobby in one way or another, so I wanna start breeding fish. One fish I have always wanted to breed was discus or angelfish. Does the following sound good for a discus breeding setup: -25 Gallon For Breeding -25 Gallon grow out tank. Do you think I will need more grow out tanks? How often do discus eggs hatch and how can I prevent them from breeding till I'm ready for there next batch? Could I move one of the discus to another tank, and then move him/ her back to the breeding tank when I'm ready for another batch? Or is there something I could do with the tempeture?
  7. They are very messy but if your willing to do water changes regularly i guess it would be cool to do a snail
  8. I think UV sterilizers not only kill algae but also aquarium plants, so probably not the best idea in a planted aquarium. But if your looking for algae control you could get snails, amano shrimp, Siamese Algae Eaters, Otocinclus, Bristlenose Plecos
  9. I wouldn't do a snail, but maybe one cherry shrimp. How will you do water changes though?
  10. Hey, I have just tested my tap water my readings came out with 0 Chlorine 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates Should I trust this reading? Does this mean i dont need water conditioner?
  11. I don't think you can put african cichlids in a 35 gallon (maybe mbunas). But if your looking for south american cichlids you could do -Angelfish -Blood Parrot -electric blue acara -maybe some mbuna african cichlids
  12. Your water parameters seem fine. Don't does plant fertilizer 1-2 times a week but lik once every one-two weeks, it doesn't seem that you need iron in the tank because you don't have any red plants. But if you do and I just can't see dose it with the plant fertilizer once every one-two weeks. Do a 50% water change and see if that helps.
  13. you should rehome some of the ember tetras. and maybe the 2 of the ottos. But you could alos try floating plants, that might helo.
  14. He got those from universal rocks, its probably too big for a 35 gallon and Its very expensive! Have you gone to your Local Fish Store for decor? Also you could get rocks/ wood from a lake or stream near by just bleach and boil them making sure they have no pests/ parasites on them. Also you could check Amazon or Ebay.
  15. My Aquarium is 36 inches long. No he is not being chased. I quickly relized that I don't think the wound was from the glass surfing but that it was from the LFS. I just haven't seen it.
  16. Hey, I picked up one rainbowfish from my LFS not knowing that they want freinds. Its been a week and he hasnt been the most happy. He has been glass surfing lots and he finally hurt himself. I covere up both sides of the aquarium with paper to try and stop this, but he won't. I might just give this guy back to the LFS, but he is hurt so I wanna make surr he has healed then give him back. Anything helps, thanks! He isnt that badly hurt just a small wound.
  17. Its defenetley not ich. But it could be hole in the head or skin and gill flukes. I would treat with API General Cure. Take any filter media out of the aquarium (but keep the benefecial bacteria alive). Turn the temp up to 82 use API aquarium salt and General Cure. Also I might take your snail out for this treatment, idk if these meds are invertibrate safe. you could take him out, and put him in a bucket until treatment is over.
  18. Hello everyone, my name is James. I wanted to share how I got into the aquarium hobby. When I was seven my sister won a betta fish at a competition. After she won the betta fish my parents decided to get Betta fish for everyone! So we went to the pet store picked a betta fish and a aquarium and left. none of us knew about cycling the aquarium or how you have to dechlorinate the water. Anyway we got my betta fish and put in the aquarium (the aquarium was 0.5gallons, unfortauntley we didn't know the tank requirements for a bettafish) I named my blue betta, Swimmy. We were best friends, I even cut out pictures of fish and taped them on his aquarium to make him feel less lonely. Not to brag but my betta fish lived the longest out of all of my siblings (2 maybe 3 years). One day as I went to do a waterchange I found him floating. I remember crying and being too sad to eat dinner (I found him right before dinner). Fast forward intime and now I'm 13, I go to the pet store with my mom to go get stuff for my dog. As I browsed through the isles, I found betta fish! I then rememberd how fun it was to keep betta fish, and so I started thinking... I wanted a fish. I went home did some research and decided I wanted a betta, luckly I had a birthday in a little less then a month. I decided to ask for a betta fish for my birthday. Instead of a bettafish my parents gifted me my first 10 gallon aquarium! My dad and I set it up, let it cycled and went to the fish store!! I came back with a glofish, corydora, swordtail and an Angelfish. When I first went to the fish store I remember seeing all of these fish that I had no idea you could keep like starfish, seahorses, SHARKS!! After that I was HOOKED! I started watching fishtube (I started with the king of diy) and started learning about all of these fish (Oscars, Flowerhorn, Pufferfish, Neon Tetras, Stingrays, Arowana) I was so amazed!! And then came MTS and I maxed out my bedroom with aquariums upgraded the angelfish to a 36 Gallon!!
  19. hmm... never seen this before. Its definitely not ich. Is it just the angelfish with the white specs? if so then I would keep an eye on him.
  20. Idk what kind of rainbowfish I have I'll send a picture
  21. its a 36 Gallon Aquarium STOCKING: Cardinal Tetras x10 Angelfish x2 Rainbowfish Guppies x2 (both males) And then I have another angelfish, a swordtail and a bristlenose pleco in quarintine. I want to add a school of corydoras too I'm using a sponge filter but will probably upgrade it either the tidal 35 or one of the aquaclear HOB. I don't think I'll have enough space for 6 more rainbowfish
  22. If they are not showing signs of any infections or illnesses then no. Some fish can be sensitive to meds especially if they are not sick.
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