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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Hey, Should I do a pea puffer or a betta? are there any tank mates for pea puffers in a 5gallon??
  2. Looks like some kind of rainbowfish I think I would agree with @FriendlyLoachon it being a blue turquoise rainbowfish.
  3. I would treat a betta sorority like a smaller version of African cichlids. I would do 6-7 females in a 15 gallon (maybe a 10gallon). More is always better! also have an eye out for the bully or the one getting bullied.
  4. Discus, also you could divide the 55 up in 2 "chambers" and breed 2 pairs of angelfish (one pair in each chamber) or one pair of discus in one chamber and the other one angelfish. Also you could breed goldfish. If your looking for a challenge you could always do blood parrots
  5. If your into fish with personality I would do Oscars or flowerhorns. If your looking for fish with colors I would do African Cichlids
  6. Okay thanks! My aquarium has some live plants just to give the aqua scape more of a natrual look. But its defentley not what I would consider a planted aqua scape and the auarium will be more fish focused for sure! Do you think a electric blue acara or a blood parrot would eat the silver tips??
  7. Hey, I am looking for a schooling fish for my 36 gallon, I really like the rummy nose tetra along with the silver tip tetras. If I get the silvertip tetra I could get more of them because of their size but will my angelfish eat them?? Where as if i get the rummynose tetra I get less of them but then maybe I could get a blood parrot in the future due to the blood parrot not eating the rummynose?? Which fish would you get 8 - Rummynose 12 - Silvertips ???
  8. my experiance with pearl gourami is that they are VERY aggressive for me. I owned one with my female swordtail. and my swordtail would get so bullied that, he would hide behind my filter. and once in a while would get stuck. So idk about another gourami.
  9. Hey, I setup a 36 gallon and I want like a bigger feature type fish for it. Something like an electric blue acara or blood parrot. I want a school of rummy nose tetra in the aquarium and so I dont want fish that will eat them (why I don't want the electric blue acara) also something that is peacful as it is a communtiy aquarium. I am already putting two angelfish in it.
  10. Honestly, I think this betta is going to have a spoiled life!! bettas really like to scavange for live black worms so I would get him some of those occaisonaly and I would also buy Fluval Bug Bites because in the wild they eat bugs and insects. The betta has a labrynth organ and won't need an airstone, so I would take it out unless you have it in their for asthetic purposes. Could you send pictures, I would love to see him and his setup!!
  11. No, I wouldn't be worried about tumors spreading to the other fish. Think of it as Human Cancer, its also not contaigous.
  12. The dimensions are 36"long 12" front-back 20" tall
  13. I was wondering if I would place my spongefilter in a rubbermaid and not have it turned on, would all the bacteria remain alive??
  14. Just setup a 33 Gallon, going to let it cycle and then add fish (duh!). Has live plants. Wondering if my stocking plans are okay -Angelfish x2 -Electric Blue Acara -Cardinal Tetra x12 (if too much then how much should I do?) - Apistogramma Cacatuoides -Panda Garra -Black Venezualan Corydora x5 -Female Swordtail -Bristlenose pleco -and snails If this is too much tell me what fish to get rid of.
  15. Thanks for the help. Idk what kinda filtration i will use, any suggestions? I was told i wouldn't need a skimmer in a nano aquarium.
  16. I will probably do occelrie (is that how you spell it?) Clownfish. And i will definitely give you updates. If you have Instagram you can follow @hooked.on.fish.aquatics_ for more updates. Thanks a lot
  17. Alright so I know this is a freshwater fourm but I am hoping that there are some saltwater scrubs out their that can help me with my question, I am setting up my first saltwater tank (15gal reef tank), and I wanted to make sure that the fish I want for it isn't too much -Clownfish x2 -Bangai Cardinals or some kind of damsel x3 -Dottyback -Somekind of shrimp (bulseye pistol shrimp or somekind of cleaner shrimp) If you think this too much, please tell me what you would get rid of Thanks guys, James
  18. Your Guppy may have hole in the head treat with api general cure
  19. when aquarists don't treat there fish as animals. and aren't willing to lear from there mistakes. Also when someone says were saving fish from petsmart and then feeds them to their arowana. Its not that I am against live feeding its that your not saving the fish if your gonna feed it to another fish.
  20. Also could you try your very best to send a picture? This way we can diagnosis it better
  21. Treat with API General Cure, as it could be a external parasite. Heat up the aquarium to 82 degrees and watch your other fish making sure they dont have the same desease.
  22. I would put hum back in his aquarium. My GBR died a few days ago, and before he died I could tell that she wasn't herself. During her last few days she was lying on the substrate. Not too long later I saw her swimming upside down and at that point I knew she was gonna die. If you know that this isn't your GBR tipical behaivor then I would keep an on him/ her. She might die.
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