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  1. Hey all... I'm low on food and so I'm shopping. True story (that I wish was not) but my fish LOVE Fluval bug bites. Like crazy pants, look like they have been starving 5 minutest after I just fed them. I don't WANT to take out a second mortgage, but they love what they love...😁 Worse, I can't get them at ACO, and I really don't like buying stuff elsewhere because, well, ACO is awesome, as we all know. Now, I am well aware of WHY the Aquarium Co-op doesn't carry them. I'm not AT ALL asking why, or asking for a change. What I DO want to know is what voodoo black magic Fluval is putting in this food?! My fish think it is crack. And really I have weird allergies, so foods NOT including bloodworms matter for me. That's how I got their addiction started... I'm telling you, I need another project like I need a hole in the head, but their reaction makes me want to start RAISING BLACK SOLDIER FLIES (primary ingredient). I mean, yeah that's a dumb idea for guppies, but pretty sure the cichlids and chickens would be ecstatic. What flake food do your fish think is crack? Bonus points of it is not made by Fluval... I guess I should just go back to hatching 5 batches of brine shrimp a week...
  2. I'm curious, as this seems to be a ongoing debate in the hobby. Do you prefer Flake Food, Pellet Food, or Granules? I own, buy, and feed all 3 types to my fish, because variety is the spice of life. BUT, Flake foods are hands down my favorite because of how versatile it is. If you had to pick one type, whats your favorite and why?
  3. Among dried fish foods, there are lots of forms. I'm not sure I really understand when to use what. I know variety is good, and I'm just not someone who is going to get into live or frozen on a regular basis at this point. Assuming the nutrition is the same and the fish can consume it, why would you choose flakes vs pellets, crisps, wafers, etc. I currently have various pellets (plus whatever Vibra Bites are considered), algae wafers, and First Bites for the never-ending supply of guppy fry. Should I also include flakes in the rotation? Is it just personal preference, or certain formulations that only happen to be available in one form or another, or...? Am I even making sense? Lol thanks!
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