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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. A Featherfin catfish would be perfect for a 55, though it takes a few months for them to grow and come out of their shell. They will snack on little fish if they happen to come across them sleeping but aren't predators in the same way the wider mouthed catfish are. They can be very territorial though. My Featherfin, Pooka, is my favorite fish. Senegal bichirs are a good size for 55s, and are predatory towards anything "snack sized." They can get lazy as they grow bigger, but still are one of the more active bichirs. Here's my biggest, Dragon.
  2. I bought a package of these about a year ago, guessing they were aponogeton based off the picture. Unfortunately all three seemed to be duds, as nothing grew from them. Doh!
  3. Reminds me of the stuff I used to do as a kid. I've seen a few videos about "jarariums" and it seems like it could be a fun little experiment.
  4. Opened up the 75 this morning and found a surprise lily pad. I normally keep them trimmed, since I like the way it makes the lily grow, but I guess one still managed to sneak up.
  5. How old is the tank? New tanks will go through a brown diatom algae phase that will typically last until the excess silicates are used up in the system. It can take a few months.
  6. I give him little ones, stuff that he seems to tackle quickly. Anything too big he doesn't seem to get at as well. If I'm unsure on size, I'll crush the snails first between two spoons, and give him the resulting pancake: no problem getting it all that way!
  7. My pea puffer gets ramshorn, pond and bladder snails. Sometimes in the warmer months I collect mosquito larvae as a treat; he loves chasing them down.
  8. I bought all the big rocks for my 75 at a landscaping place where they charged just a few cents a pound. You can also find bags of rocks at Home Depot for cheap. Black Diamond Blasting Sand is really inexpensive, and is a nice black color. Plastic pot scrubbies make great filter media. The generic versions of the Magic Eraser sponges make cheap algae scrubbers.
  9. Whoop! I see a senegal bichir! ❤️ Lovely collection of critters.
  10. A healthy planted tank will smell like a pond. I personally love the smell.
  11. I think it's all a question of being able to keep up with maintenance. Once their population explodes, can you keep the nitrates down, and how much water/how often needs to be changed? As long as you can keep the water quality up, then it's not a problem having a lot of fish in a tank. Checking the water params often will give you a good feel of how things are going. Adding lots of fast growing plants will help keep things steady.
  12. How long do the bettas live before they start to have issues? What symptoms do they exhibit as they decline? Do you keep a journal of your water params to see if anything/what changes? How old is the tank? I keep a betta in my 5 gallon planted tank, and the params are so consistently steady (0-5 nitrates) that I only ever water change when the mulm at the bottom gets a bit too much: it's mostly just top offs. Just use tap water conditioned with Prime,
  13. Like lefty said, anubias is generally the plant you can use that will withstand fish who mess with plants. It helps that you typically anchor it to heavy logs or rocks, making it harder for fish to rock around or pull up. Definitely get sort of hardscape decor to tie or superglue it down on. I've heard that the thicker leaves also helps make them more resilient to nibbling, but I wouldn't 100% count on that.
  14. Looking good! It's always so exciting setting up a new tank! I use Black Diamond blasting sand in all my tanks, and love the stuff. 😄
  15. I only clean the front pane on all my aquariums, but the algae is the most noticeable on my 40 and 75. I just like the look of a "well seasoned" tank, personally. Looks more like an ecosystem to me. Edit: Sorry for all the reflections, but hopefully you can see.
  16. I want a ton of anubias nana petite to rescape my pea puffer's tank with. Also I would like to get some neocaridina for my 29 gal. Thinking Fire Reds maybe, though I'm going to wait until after the holidays to order.
  17. Wow! That's gorgeous! I'm jealous of your java fern, I've never had any luck with it.
  18. Oh yeah, that'll look neat covered in anubias! Lots of nooks and crannies for them to cling to. I did buy quite a few, there's 7 separate rhizomes from what I can tell (though you can usually get 2 or three plants from one pot). That's a little more than a year and a half of growth though, so it's much more filled in than what it used to be.
  19. Nice! That's always my goal; to get a tank balanced enough that it never really NEEDS a water change. My 29 gallon guppy tank and two of my 5 gallons are that way. I just water change when I feel like doing a little tidying of the mulm build up. Lovely tank!
  20. Do you mean stem plants? If so, yes, you can replant the trimmings right into the substrate (same tank or different tank). That's how you propagate them and make a larger growth of them.
  21. It should be fine. Just try to bury them deeper - push down a good inch or two then off to a side into the roots. I had a senegal bichir who would actively dig them up just to eat them. Drove me bonkers.
  22. Friend sent this to me today.
  23. I'm a freelance artist. I do anything from OC character commissions to monster design to scientific dinosaur reconstructions. I'm also into table top gaming. Currently doing a Curse of Strahd D&D campaign on roll20 since my group can't meet in RL due to Covid. I enjoy MMOs, and play around in Elder Scrolls Online occasionally. I also play Pokemon Go, and often use it as an excuse to get out and walk. I love my dog and like to teach her tricks via clicker training. She knows so many goofy things. I love nature and animals, and spend a lot of time learning about them. I'm a huge fan of Halloween and collect jackolanterns and other spooky things. I love monster movies and werewolves. I'm fascinated with bones and have a little collection of skulls.
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