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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. Welcome to the forum! I do love the footprint of a 40 breeder. If you do decide to go with a 4ft tank, consider a 75 gal: it has the length of a 55, but the depth of a 40 breeder. I've had a 55 in the past but much prefer a deeper tank.
  2. I keep my tanks full up to the black rim, just because I think it looks nicer. I use the same hinged glass tops, and so I really don't get much evaporation. But I do have tanks that never get scheduled water changes, and so they mostly get top offs when I notice the water level has dropped.
  3. I have a 20 year old rescue russian tortoise named Sputnik who likes to supervise everything I do. I also have an 18 year old western hognose snake named Moqui. And this past summer I lost my elderly sinaloan milksnake named Widdershins.
  4. How long is your light cycle? I find I get hair algae when I leave the lights on too long. Lessening to 5 hrs a day has helped.
  5. I'm always blabbing on here about my featherfin catfish, Pooka. She's housed in a 40 breeder, and has a ton of personality. She eats from my hands, nibbles on me when I do work in the tank, comes up to greet me, and does amusing behaviors. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I think she's amazing.
  6. Rare footage of my pea puffer, Murderbean. His tank "scape" has always been, "I don't know, let's throw some stuff in and see what happens." I added that spiderwood and java fern windelov today. Kinda poopie quality since I have to film him from across the room; he hates the camera.
  7. My largest amazon sword really didn't take off until after about a year's time. I fed it root tabs but I guess it just needed to fully settle in? It's leaves now reach the top of my 40 breeder, when it was half that tall when I first planted it.
  8. Just wanted to add that you can use plastic bins as a cheap quarantine tank. Mine is roughly 18 gal, and I have a mark on the side to indicate 10 gal for when I need to medicate. I keep its filter sponges seeded in another tank and just set up the bin when I need to. It's a good way to prevent your quarantine tank becoming an accidental "real tank," since its ugly. X3
  9. If everything is reading 0 then there's no reason to do a water change. Make sure you're REALLY shaking up that 2nd nitrate bottle. It has crystals inside it that need to be broken up and mixed; bang it on a table and shake it like crazy for a whole minute or two.
  10. Looking good! I like how you chose to position the wood and anubias vertically.
  11. I've kept blue dreams and yellows. I got lazy culling the blue dreams and they turned into wild types. X3 I think my favs are these red and white stripey caridinas (not my photo) but I don't have the proper water to keep them. The next neos I plan to buy sometime soon are fire reds.
  12. Hi! Welcome to the forum! Lots of great advice here about plants.
  13. Now that more time has passed I see new growth coming up; some of the trimmed leaves have gotten longer. I guess I'll keep at trimming regularly and see what happens. Don't like that some of the leaves die back but maybe the plant will get used to it?
  14. Anyone keep "mutt" platies? If so I'd love to see pics! I have some blue ones, but one has a pretty bright orange patch I really like, and so I'm very tempted to just start adding different colors in there and see what happens. :3
  15. Man, I wish my first tank looked like that, lovely work! Welcome to the forums and to the hobby!
  16. Chico is quite handsome! I love pure white bettas.
  17. I use Nicrew and Aquaneat and have had much success. No complaints.
  18. Really neat looking guppies! I'm really interested in how this process will go!
  19. The top tank is gorgeous, wow! And what a cool looking betta. I can't wait to see how the bottom tank grows in!
  20. If you don't feed a variety of foods, soaking with Vitachem insures the fish gets everything they need. I don't think it's absolutely necessary but just a good peace of mind sort of thing. I soak tilapia pieces in vitachem and feed to my bichirs and ctenopoma. The bichirs will take pellets, but the ctenopoma is very picky. So the soaking is just an insurance thing.
  21. The amazon sword should be fine. Make sure to give it some root tabs. It'll take a while to convert and establish, but with regular root tabs it will soon explode with leaves.
  22. Hey all! Just a question about jungle val and how it grows. I'm trying to encourage it to grow over the back left to center in my 75, and it's been growing for several months. I've noticed that when I trim it, it seems to get... sad; the cut ends wither and die down to the roots. For a long while I let it just get long and cover the top, but it was getting out of control and not letting in hardly any light. I trimmed it again about a week ago, as I have heard that trimming encourages it to grow thicker. But the same shrively unhappiness is happening again. One clump (in the middle) seems happy though, and has grown some since the trim. What's your experience with jungle val? Do you trim yours regularly? Have you had this same problem? Nitrates range from 20 to 40, and I use root tabs. No liquid ferts.
  23. The rhizome of an anubias or java fern looks like a thick stem growing sideways, and then all the stems grow up from it and their thinner roots grow down from it.
  24. Looks like hair algae to me, something I'm always battling with in my 29 gal. For me it explodes when there's too much light and I'm putting too much food in the tank. To keep it in check, I reduced the light timer to just 5 hrs a day, and I manually remove it when it starts to get to be too much.
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