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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. I guess it depends on what kind of plants you're interested in. If you want the plants to serve mainly as filters, you would need to buy very fast growing things: I would recommend hornwort. Stem plants like water sprite, anacharis, and water wisteria are also fast growers that take up tons of nutrients. Also there's a ton of variety of stem plants, and mixing and matching them can produce some nice effects.
  2. Welcome to the forums! I have 2 Marineland portraits and like them pretty well. I stuffed the entire back with plastic pot scrubbies and acrylic stuffing to act as filter media. You can also hide a heater in that compartment. Cute kitties!
  3. I recently made more space in my 40 breeder, so I hope in a month or two I'll add a few more colors beyond blue. I'll definitely document the outcome.
  4. I'd love a crinum, but im not sure if it would do ok in the tank id want to put it in, so I keep holding off. Also it's always out of stock when I check the Co-op. X3
  5. I'd say 4 weeks is well enough time for quarantine, as long as their fins have shown signs of improving. When I break down my quarantine tank, I will soak it in very hot water, give it a little scrub with my algae scrubber and then dry it out. I only ever bleach (a splash of bleach after filling it up, with all the equipment inside) it if I used it to deal with an obvious disease, like ich, and then I bleach everything associated - sponge filters, siphons, decor, heater, everything. Lots and lots of rinsing, then a soak with a Prime treated water. Then I let it dry out. I keep my sponges in other tanks to be kept seeded for when I need them.
  6. In my experience, frogbit's roots get too long for a 5 gallon - unless you want to keep on top of trimming them to give your betta swimming space, which is completely doable. I have duckweed in all of my tanks and I love it, but it does get EVERYWHERE... it's the glitter of aquariums. I've found it on my feet, on the doorknobs, in my hair and on my clothes. There is a giant version of duckweed that is nano enough for 5 gallons, but big enough not to be as spreadable; "Salvinia minima."
  7. My very first batch of guppy fry, I literally saw the mother open her mouth while just sitting there stationary and a baby just... went right in there.
  8. I don't know if this will help, since I just have experience with 2 mollies - bought to control a hydra outbreak. My big female is in my 40 breeder living with other livebearers. She's been in 7.5 ph, no salt, for about 2 years now. The only aggression she's shown is she'll kind of chase the other fish around now and then at feeding time, but it's not a very big deal. Everyone still eats. I had a male in a 29 gallon at the same ph, no salt, and he didn't make it to a year. But he was extremely peaceful.
  9. I feel like me getting my 75 was "accidental." I got a pair of senegal bichirs, having read they could be housed comfortably in a 40 breeder. Well, within half a year my male was a giant, primordial sea monster rampaging all over the tank. I just felt like he needed to be in a bigger space, so I got the 75. I'm so glad I did! He has so much more room to be his goofy self, and I then had my 40 breeder open to play with.
  10. Despite lacking the yellow color, she's still very pretty!
  11. The cuckoo catfish, Synodontis multipunctatus. However, I've never kept them... but some day, I hope. (not my picture)
  12. Gorgeous! Love the pothos coming up along the wall!
  13. Hi! Sounds like you have your hands full!
  14. I noticed Pooka rubbing her face on the rocks and substrate often last night, as well as scratching her sides and flicking her dorsal fin. I also noticed, though I'm not sure if it's related, that now and then a platy would go up to her and seem to pick something off her body (she wouldn't react, she just sat there and let them do it). So I decided to dose the tank with Prazi Pro. This morning she seems very perky, and the flashing/flicking behavior so far seems to be gone. Not sure what kind of creepy crawly was bugging her, but hopefully that took care of it. Nothing has changed in the tank save for me removing all the limia, so I have no idea where it could have come from - perhaps it was just naturally in the water column and had a bloom.
  15. Oh wow! Beautiful tanks and goldfish! Welcome to the forum!
  16. Looks like a slime mold. Just something that can happen in your aquarium. Isn't harmful.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I look forward to seeing how your 90 gal comes along!
  18. Looks to me like a snail egg sac. And just about ready to hatch, too.
  19. Welcome to the forums! Don't be afraid to ask questions!
  20. I'm not sure what cherry leaf is, but the others should be fine. I've grown wisteria and anacharis and they don't seem to even flinch at being moved around when you feel like redecorating. You can even just trim off the tops and replant them to start new growth in other parts of your tank. Anubias is something you can tie or super glue to an object (like a rock or wood) and then rearrange till your heart's content.
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