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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. Hi Justin, welcome to the forum! Do post some pics, we'd love to see your bettas! It's crazy how much has changed in the hobby, isn't it? Before I took a big break from it, I never saw live plants in pet stores, but now they're available pretty much everywhere that sells fish. And it's so great how much information is available online.
  2. If you're going to take the plants out of the little plastic planters they came in, yes you should remove the rock wool; at least as much as you can, sometimes little bits stay stuck on but that won't hurt anything. Stem plants you then plant right into the substrate, or leave to float; when it's time to trim them, cutting the tops off will let the bottom part grow a new top, and the cut top will form a new plant. Rhizome plants like anubias and javafern you can glue to objects, since they need to have their rhizomes exposed. Things like crypts and amazon sword you plant into the substrate and feed with root tabs. Hope that helps! Oh and if you can't remember what plants you have, post photos and people here will be able to identify them for you.
  3. You could always put filter media from the main tank into the quarantine for an instant cycle. A lot of people keep spare sponges around inside their tanks for when they need to put bacteria in a new one. That's what I do for my quarantine bin; I set it up when I need it, rather than having to worry about keeping it cycled.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Post some pics of your tanks when you have the chance!
  5. Welcome to the forums! I agree on how genuine the Co-op videos feel; they just want to share info and "talk to you" like a normal person. I very much appreciate that.
  6. Welcome to the forum! My tanks are totally therapeutic for me too. Really lovely setups you have there.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Share some pics! :3
  8. Hi! Welcome to the forum! Watchmaking seems like it would be an interesting job.
  9. I love that betta, he looks like a rainbow! Welcome to the forum!
  10. No Python? No problem. My hubby came over to me while filling my wheelie bucket and said, "Do you think your hose is long enough to reach the 75 from here? Big brain moment. X3
  11. I'd really love a 20 long, stuffed full of fluffy stem plants (I'd like another go at growing cabomba), and a million neo shrimp and snails. I'd just have to convince my hubby that yes, I do need a 7th tank. X3
  12. When I look over at my 40 and see this looking back at me. Ok but seriously, so much of this hobby brings me joy. Seeing new little sprouts on my bolbitis, seeing new babies, seeing perfect snail shells, seeing my fish greet me when its feeding time. Even just watching everyone swim around doing their thing.
  13. Ohhh yes. Especially when multiple females give birth at the same time, you'll have a sudden explosion of them. X3 I think their gestation is a bit longer than guppies; at least the Humpback's are. So instead of every 3 weeks giving birth, it's more like every 6 weeks. But they still add up.
  14. If she seems otherwise fine, I'd just keep an eye on her. Just in my experience, getting scales scraped off is a pretty common thing, and as long at the fish is in good health, she should regrow them quickly without problem. Keeping up water quality with water changes is something you can do to help.
  15. Yeah, I have nigrofasciata, Humpback limias. I keep them just like how I keep my platies - temp is at 77F, I use crushed coral and wondershells for hardness. They're very prolific and active. The males are CONSTANTLY showing off to the girls and to each other. They're not the most colorful things, but I think their behavior more than makes up for it. I just recently re-watched that tour and thought the limias they breed are pretty neat too!
  16. Welcome to the forum! Lovely tank!
  17. I've never had a betta bother the plants or move anything. Some will chase shrimp and eat them, but that varies from betta to betta. My current one likes to flare at the ramshorn snails and neos in his tank, but he doesn't try to hurt anything.
  18. Aww! I've never kept them, but they're so cute it's tempting.
  19. He might like his hammock closer to the surface. I have Mojo's riiiight under the duckweed and he's always on it.
  20. Oh my god. This is so creepy. LOL!
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