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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. Looking good! Don't worry about the cories glass surfing, they just seem to enjoy doing it. Mine often would do breeding behavior against the glass and then lay eggs on the surface.
  2. Love the vertical pieces of wood and those big ol' amazon swords! Welcome to the forum!
  3. Really pretty! Can't wait to see how it grows in. Welcome to the forum!
  4. If you have a Hobby Lobby in your area, they have really fun doorknobs, like that colorful fish above. I often browse their selection when I'm there, even though I have no use for them. They're just too cute.
  5. This is a really great idea! I'm going to do that.
  6. This thing! Was wondering if it's recyclable. Or if you guys had any idea on how to reuse it. It's too cool to throw out. X3
  7. I'm a day late! X3 But I found an old pic of my 40 breeder, back when I was doing a lot of experimenting with different plants. And my bichir, Dragon, still lived in there before I bought him a 75. And the 40 in it's current form. Pooka the catfish has really shaped how it looks since I wanted to give her adequate swimming space and a cave. Also she chewed up all the anubias I had put in there save for that one, which she moved to that spot.
  8. OMG that's so cool! I believe Tazawa Tanks on Youtube has a figure 8 puffer named "Po" because the spots on his body look like that.
  9. Congrats! I love seeing babies in my tanks.
  10. My "wet pets" get names; bettas, my pea puffer, my catfish, my ctenopoma and my bichirs. They're big and/or have the most personality. I'll name the little ones if they have any sort of noticeable trait that makes them stand out. Like I have a platy with a bent spine named Ziggy, and a large female molly named The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
  11. Super cool! Did you make the tree by gluing separate pieces of wood together or is it one big piece?
  12. The catfish and senegal bichir I hand drew on a digital tablet (Wacom Cintiq) using the program Krita. The prehistoric fish are acrylic paintings.
  13. My fish art... Of course I drew my favorite fish, my Synodontis eupterus, Pooka My favorite Polypterus senegalus, Dragon. And I've done some ancient fish illustrations for Paleontology...
  14. Oh man that is so cool! Welcome to the forum!
  15. Crab names: Citizen Snips Mr. Pinchy Crusty Sebastian Crabby Crabapple Hillstream Loach names: Sucker Pancake Ray Freckles Scooter Roomba Hope that helps. X3
  16. I feel like this thread should probably be moved to the forum for posting fish photos. :3 At the moment, I have blue wags. I want to add some more variety though.
  17. Oh wow! Yeah I love those!
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