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  1. I’m sure you could swap out your HOB for the Co-op sponge/air pump! You would just need to make sure you run both of them for a while so you don’t crash your cycle by removing the HOB!
  2. This is how tall it’s gotten! I’m sure it can reach all the way to the top, but I trim it so it stays short
  3. Thank you! I’ve only watched a ton of YouTube videos including Aquarium Co-op and just did my best from watching them!
  4. Thank you! He’s my first betta in a couple of years! I’ll keep you guys updated in the growth of the hairgrass! Hopefully I can I get a nice carpet!
  5. Hey, I started off with 4 different plants and not a whole lot! I’ve just been trimming and replanting them. I just edited my post so it has the plants and what’s in the tank!
  6. These are my two 5 gallon aquariums! One has been set up for 6 months and the other one around a month. I’m only just learning about aquariums and how to take care of their ecosystem! Here is my tall 5 gallon! Stock: 1 male veil tail betta, 2 amano shrimp, 3 neocaridina, and snails! Plants: Pearlweed(foreground), Ludwigia repens, rotala h’ra, and rotala macrandra Here is my long 5 gallon! Stock: 2 wild type neocaridina, 1 amano shrimp, and snails Plants: Dwarf hairgrass, fissidens moss, and dwarf chain sword
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