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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. The only catfish I have at the moment is my synodontis eupterus, but she is my absolute favorite fish, I love her to pieces. Amazing personality, super cool looking, and super friendly: she nibbles all over my hand when I do gardening in her tank.
  2. Guilty of both, though I've been better about quarantine in recent years. When I got back into the hobby I did a fish-in cycle, with daily water changes and lots of plants. Now I just use seeded sponges, but still put fish in within a few days of setting up (never have any problems though).
  3. Went out to Petco yesterday to pick up some things, and discovered they had just got in that morning a bunch of baby bichirs. Baby bichirs are a weakness of mine, and I didn't have an albino senegal yet.... so I caved. X3 Set her up in my quarantine bin. The pics in there are foggy because of the plastic. She/he's eating tiny slivers of vitamin soaked tilapia like a champ and seems settled in. Now to grow out so they can join the others in the 75. Edit: removing a double posted pic.
  4. Typical story from childhood - won some carnival goldfish and was told all three would do just fine in a 2 gallon fish bowl.
  5. I just run a wet paper towel around the rim if it looks dirty.
  6. I love stuff like that and would just let it be. It's cute. ;3
  7. Just want to comment on how cute your betta is :3
  8. For my snails, I mix Soilent Green and Community Plus together, and add powdered calcium reptile supplement. For my fish I don't mix and just switch up what I feed from day to day.
  9. I've used oak leaves in a shrimp tank but I had to really stuff them down in there since they still floated even after boiling. Interested in trying magnolia some time since we have two trees on our property.
  10. If I miss it while live, I'll typically watch it next morning while having coffee and sketching.
  11. Took some pics this morning. The little guy above was born in the 29 gal tank. I have since moved all the platies to the 40, but could never catch him. Turns out, as he's grown, his spine has shown more and more of an S curve, so I would have removed him anyways from the breeding pool. He can just stay with the guppies. Trying to get pics of the limias, but of course, Pooka came out and hogged the camera. Dragon came out to see what I was doing when I came to check out the 75. And caught a pic of my old betta, Mojo, having a nap. He used to be white with platinum fins, but then he got red all over him, and now he looks like his paint is wearing off and you can see grey primer underneath.
  12. How to tell the difference between a pond snail and a bladder snail! :3 Easiest and fastest way to tell is if it has thin, thread-like feelers, its a bladder snail, thick triangular stubby nubs and it's a pond snail.
  13. I had gotten bladder snails from local shops, hitchhiking on plants. But the Co-op gave me pond snails on an order and I was stupidly excited. Yay, new snail! Here's how you can tell the difference!
  14. I gotta say hornwort is my fav. I think it's pretty, it grows crazy fast so I know it's doing work to absorb nitrates, and its great for fry to hide in. It looks nice and natural floating, but I also like arranging it it with some plant weights at the bottom, and stick it in a back corner to let it grow in a controlled plume over the top. It does get mushy at the bottom if you do this, but by the time it does, you probably need to trim it anyways; just shorten up the bottom and re-weight. Fast and fabulous.
  15. Hi! It's been a while. But I come with a simple observation. Check out the difference between how the hornwort grows between these two tanks. In the guppy tank, it's all dense and reminds me of a feather boa. In the 40 breeder it grows how I've come to expect it to grow. I don't know, I just thought it was neat.
  16. I use mostly Black Diamond blasting sand. Take a while to get rinsed though.
  17. I was busy all weekend, so I let weekly maintenance hang until today. Tested the nitrates in both the 40 and the 75 and was pleased to find them sitting at 20. So I just did a plant trim and removed enough water for the house plants. Here's recent videos I took before I trimmed back the lily, and everyone was out and about (there should be two in the Instagram post). The male senegal bichir's name is Dragon, and I once drew a picture of him.
  18. I'm kind of obsessed with my featherfin catfish, and daydream of a giant tank filled with them. Even though I know that livebearers would be a more logical, long term project, I just love catfish.
  19. I started off with just Malaysian trumpet snails to help keep the sand in my planted tanks "aerated." Then I got a pea puffer, and decided to breed snails for him to eat. So I decided since I was going to breed them, I might as well get ones I thought were cute. So now I have a 5 gallon devoted to pink ramshorns, and I enjoy them so much, I rarely use them as puffer food - I usually just give him bladder snails that have hitchhiked into my tanks and multiplied. I also keep a nerite in each tank, since they do such a good job at eating algae. Now I want to breed mystery snails, :3
  20. Same here. Never thought about keeping guppies (never even knew they came in so many varieties) until I started watching Cory's videos. Now I love em. Pretty mix you got!
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