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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. Aww! That's awesome. You did a great job. The tank looks like a much more happier space. Show pics when you add more neons. :3
  2. Your videos are cute! Love the use of music. Here's one of my limias and my catfish sharing an Onip.I can't believe how small my catfish is in this video! Now she'd just scrape the Onip off in one bite. One of my ctenopoma pushing Dragon, my bichir, out of a cave. Not the best quality because I was zoomed in from a bit away, spying on them. And here's one of me hand feeding Pooka, the catfish.
  3. I brought home fair goldfish when I was a kid, and my dad set up a goldfish bowl for them. Of course they didn't last long, but the idea of keeping fish stuck with me. When I was in junior high I tried keeping a 10 gallon with some success, but looking back I did so many things wrong! The internet was in its infancy then but I never used the computer, so I relied on books from the library. My mom got rid of it at one point and refused to let me have another (she's not an animal person and was convinced the tank was creating mold). It wasn't until after college that I really got into aquariums, and was able to use the internet to learn. Was into it for a few years and then took a decade long break. Three-ish years ago I got back into it and this time i'm completely obsessed.
  4. Not eating/gasping could be gill flukes. I'd just keep up with the rounds of maracyn and anti-parasite stuff and monitor. A heavy parasite load certainly can lead to death. I'm sorry you've had losses! It can be so frustrating trying to figure out what's wrong.
  5. Sure does look like it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocotyle_vulgaris You could put it in a container for quarantine and let it transition to being under water just to see how it does.
  6. I've got an Aquarium Co-Op TOWAH OF POWAH going on in my 75. Dragon the senegal bichir approves and whole heartedly endorses the product.
  7. Felt like doing some work on the guppy tank last night. Had some hair algae in the hornwort, and a good collection of mulm going on in the front. Also lots of snail eggs and some algae on the glass. I've been slowly removing platy fry from this tank as well, since I used to have my blue platties in this tank. I managed to remove all but one this time. Tchotchke the "king betta" was giving me the stink eye from his hammock. Aaaaand here's the "after" pic. Little bit tidier. After the water cleared a bit...
  8. I think they're kind of neat. There's some in my bichir tank and I thought they were so interesting I took video of them. X3 But in the tanks where I have fish fry, I put in single mollies for hydra duty, just out of nervous precaution.
  9. You could try lessening the time the lights are on. Use a timer for your lights and only have them on for 5 hours a day. I tend to get hair algae when I clear out duckweed and thus more light enters the tank.
  10. I thought about getting something like that! I tried making a little home made trap out of a plastic water bottle, but I kept catching my betta over and over and not the fish I wanted. X3 NEXT TIME I guess I'll set up the quarantine tank and let my betta chill in there while I try to catch out fish!
  11. Underfoot thinks I should stop looking at fish and start looking at her.
  12. Dream aquarium product: a little container you program to catch certain fish (like, platties, guppies, etc), and then you just set it in your tank and AMAZINGLY all the fish of that type just go swim inside, making removal fast and easy. But until that's invented I guess I'll have to begrudgingly tear my aquariums apart and chase fish with a net in each hand. X3
  13. Dan from Get Gills got his Amazon puffers to eat a mix of Repashy's Grub Pie and oyster shells (like the kind you give chickens), and said it did a really good job of keeping their beaks short. I don't know how hard it would be to get them to eat it, but maybe it's worth a try? Trimming their beaks is the reason I've not kept them, though I'd love to have them; way too anxious about beak trimming.
  14. There's a t-rex skull I've been wanting to add to my bichir tank, but it's made for reptiles and not aquariums. But now I think I might give it a go.
  15. I love these! Super fun. I always worry about things leeching into the water, but it seems like most resin/plastic figures would be ok?
  16. When I was quarantining my catfish, I put hornwort from my 29 into the bin, for cover and water quality. Weeks later, the catfish was done with quarantine and I was breaking down the tank. Just as I went to dump out the last bit of water, I noticed little wiggling things in the mulm: BABIES. I panicked, and managed to get them out, putting them in my snail tank. Within a week or two they grew into little baby panda cories. There must have been eggs in the hornwort I didn't see, and they hatched and somehow survived being in the bin with the catfish!
  17. I had my hubby 3D print me a test tube stand at his work place because I too was tired of the test tubes falling over. Your solution is much nicer looking than mine. X3
  18. Gorgeous betta. Pandora is a really fitting name, especially with those glowy plant things.
  19. Trying to figure out how to embed a video... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AQf2llSxlUQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Edit: Hmmm nope.
  20. Wow! I LOVE that 3D background you made. Gorgeous tanks. I'm a big fan of dinosaurs too and enjoy the decor in your son's tank. :3
  21. lol yup. I'm still finding strands of it in a tank I removed it from two+ years ago.
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