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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i dont know if this is your area, but i had good first impressions of The Reef store (fresh and saltwater) when i went there last year.
  2. thats a good sign, means they are probably fertile. were you trying to breed this species, or was it a out of the blue, eh why not raise them egg batch
  3. @Colu i owe you an aopology, i was going on about how healthy this fish is, and now, out of the blue, very suddenly, swim bladder issues. the fish needs to make an effort to swim up, which is a job the swim bladder does, which is why i suspect that is the problem, but its odd that it is out of the blue like this. 1hour ago it was fine,please help me diagnose this now.
  4. @Desktop Aquatics looks interesting! i feel that many biotapes can biotape livestock but not plants, good on you for doing those as well. fortunatly with this region you have crypts to work with. will you only be using "wild style" crypts for a real biotape, or are you going to be using varieties (like tropica, and pink flamingo and thing s like that)? will this be a journal for this bowl, or are you just telling us about it? (both are fine, just wondering about following).
  5. @Lennie fun! it should make maintenance easier having a larger tank. if you current filtration is working, just keep it. there is not need to buy new stuff if your current stuff works. that stand looks perfect for storing useful items, like food, test kits etc... as for scaping, ive had this idea for a while, and it would look good in my head, but tell me what you think: the black is large rocks, the green is some Hydrocotyle tripartite ‘Japan’ (i imagine it slowly covering the rocks) the yellow is a wall of Val in the background, though the rocks could also be used to hide equipment.
  6. this is a book not a movie or TV show, but i enjoyed To sleep in a sea of stars by Christopher Paolini definitely a good sci fi novel there.
  7. fun! i reccomend panda garras in a group for a fun little alage eater.
  8. that makes enough sense, mostly im just doing this for fun to see what i can do, because yes, platy genetics are weird. exhibit one: neither parent had a similar coloration, or any black on the body to begin with, just black fins.and here is what i have
  9. fun! you should have plenty of options for that tank what is the stocking plan?
  10. i definitely missed the post, how many gallons? my guess is a few hundred at least with those dimensions... a few monster fish, or way too many nano fish?
  11. this should be perfectly fine. there are LOTS of people that use this combonation to no foul affection. The fish will be perfectly fine.
  12. platies are doing well, i think i will leave the male in with the 2 females in the five gallon for a week or two, to ensure insemination. i know red platis are nothing new, bit myself personally have never seen anything like the male before (and ive done a LOT of research, and visited my LFS way too many times), so i want to breed out his colors. (i also just want to gain some strain breeding experience for the future), @mynameisnobodydo you have any experience on this subject? id love to hear it if you do? the male^ @Colu this fish that appears to have culiminaris is STILL healthy, and not spreading it, based on the fact ive seen the head splotches before in healthy platies, i think its just something genetic or something like that. i had a fish that looked sick, i moved it in, because thats my hospital tank, the fish is perfectly healthy. (i was wrong, it wasnt sick), the 6juvinile platies in with that fish, perfectly healthy, i no longer suspect it is sick, it has been weeks since i moved it, and no further symptoms have shown, so unless its some sort of very slow acting disease i dont know about, im pretty sure the fish is healthy. id post a picture but the fish is afraid of the camera, not me, just the camera. @Miska if we can get our negotiations done (which might take a while) here are some little cories for you:
  13. @Martin i think you ated the wrong person. i believe you meant to @Cory. also yes, i think they are now legal.
  14. @Rube_Goldfish the mouth wisdom is generally true, i followed it for my cory fry, however if you have a tank with like. 30zebra danios, and a few adult BNPs, the chances of the BNP fry getting food are low, so then its better to just leave them isolated. ive seen the yawning in fish as well, they do this occasionally, however they dont seem to have control of this, and dont use it for hunting. i personally wouldnt trust the apistos with the fry, just because of their large mouths, and semi aggressive personalities.
  15. nice to see you on again! how's your paper going? i hear the dwarf hairgrass is slow in a low tech setup,you can check out the Aquapros video on it.
  16. @Levi_Aquatics can you please put together a instructional post on building your fry trays?
  17. i dont think that is near me yeah, that store is not local to me. my real LFS is walkable from my house, so that is just my go to, for conveinince reasons, i've havent had many issues with their fish, and the one i had, i think was my fault as a beginner.
  18. smart. look at me, learning all about saltwater crabs following this journal!
  19. ive seen an article a while ago about a teenager that had a reef shrimp clean his teeth. do the pom pom crabs come with their little friends, or do you need to just have the anemones in the tank?
  20. i dont think this is the best idea. plants like to sit in one location, unmoved, so their roots can grow. any other fish in the tank? id just move the sick fish to a plant free hospital tank, and dose salt and ich-x there.
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