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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. see, if the greeks had made it to south america it could explain Pisces...
  2. i believe what @mynameisnobodyis saying, is that there was no pot holding the rockwool together, so it fell apart in the tank, the pot is like a giant rubberband that squeezes the rockwool.
  3. @venzican you please post pictures of your males?
  4. you can put both arapaimas and platies in a 30000 gallon tank in a public aquarium, your point?
  5. yes, but embers and chilis are similar species in characteristics, and care. plenty of people keep embers and chilis in the same tank, apistos and shell dwellers: different breeding ratios different water parameters different sizes different behaviours different temperaments, im sorry @The endler guyyou got me on a rant. please dont take the analogy literally.
  6. this is like comparing great whites, to herring. "they are both fish" i refuse to vote in that round.
  7. this is not a very fair match, these are COMPLETELY different species, or are we on round 2 already?
  8. i like to hatch mine in a catch cup. i have starved them before, so as soon as i start to see wigglers, i throw in a punch of powdered foods. (not literally), even though they are still absorbing their yolk sacs. after 1-2 days once they've absorbed their yolk sacs i feed them lots of BBS, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food, a mix of these 2foods, gets my albino cories growing REAL fast.
  9. i agree, the spiral goes out to far for a mystery snail,and i dont think they come in green. i think its some sort of trapdoor snail...
  10. just a fun little picture of Batmobile doing his siphon thing: @Chick-In-Of-TheSea@nabokovfan87 parameters in the shrimp tank: Nitrate: 10ppm Nirite:0ppm PH: around 7.2 KH: 120, pretty high CC doing its job GH: 300+ Chlorine: 0 Ammonia:0
  11. @NCfishplease test the water and post parameters.
  12. ok, i finished all of my maintainance except for step #6, i havent cleaned up yet. Ive done a WC and added root tabs, things are going well. also a new opinion of mine on dwarf aquarium lily pads, they are great, until you have to do tank maitainance and they get in your way. @nabokovfan87i have fixed the issue on my tidal 35, the BOTTOM intake. it was sucking up plant matter, and clogging, i have sponges on the main 2 intakes, so a simple scrap piece of sponge that fit right in can guard this intake, i feel so much better, with that intake covered. ive replaced the 7pounds of filter floss i had in that filter with a small amount. i agree with what Cory said about the media in last weeks livestream, but its what i have. (i got mine from Michael's ive had no issue with the anti flame chemicals, so ill share the brand if anyone wants to know). oh, the one thing i have not done is play musical fish, but that can wait a fwe days, i dont feel like it today, i HATE catching fish. In my opinion the MOST stressful parts of this hobby,are A.catching fish (for obvious reasons) and B. putting in root tabs, (when the root tabs/the plants get uprooted, it is SO annyoing). i will be going in a few minutes and watering my neighbor's garden. I gave him a bottle of old fishwater last week, and he said i could go water his plants with it when i do water changes, i think he just appreciates the free fertilized water.
  13. the ACO 50wat? ive used a very similar heater to the ACO, it was cheap, but i dont remember what brand it was...
  14. when ive seen this with my platies, its not that the male isnt into females, its that it has a favorite female, and will only breed with her, ignoring the rest.
  15. tank lights just turned on! Ill have to adjust the timer for daylight savings, which will be a pain because i use manual timers not wifi ones. its sunday morning so its time to work on my tanks, here is my agenda for this morning. 1.add root tabs 2.water change all 3 tanks 3.clean out tidal35filter in old tank water 4.catch out platies for an actual platy breeding project. (yes im aware that red platies exist, i just want more of this amle's color) 5.refill all tanks 6.clean up and then i have a ton of school work to do 😞🙄 ill make another post once im done with all of this.
  16. ive had an outbreak of this stuff before, it stopped when i decreased my lighting intensity...
  17. @magsie welcome to our forum! @Guppysnail has experience breeding badis, she could probably give you some good pointers. i
  18. mostly just bypass, i think. the filter is not filtering,despite how much media i addded to the basket. i have done the basket slit mod, and cut some of the bars out in my basket, but thats the only one.
  19. yes to this part no to this part. @venzi can you get a picture of what the females are doing?
  20. that is the entire reason i wanted one. the point of this tank was not to do water changes, and its been a few weeks since ive poured in water due to evaporation,, but ill keep this in mind.
  21. thanks, i just couldnt tell with the picture.
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