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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @Colu it looks like a pinceconing. also is that a koi or something else?
  2. you should be fine in this matter, as long as you scape it with plenty of swimming room they should be good. so you are trying to colony breed them? i would just check the mops periodcally and remove eggs when you see them, just make it easy. i did check, you are not at a risk of cross breeding, as you have a Melatonea and a Marosatherina
  3. unless she has like 100 tanks, those fish need to go somewhere... 🤷‍♂️ is this supposed to be "Crazy amount of fish"?
  4. a bunch of crypts you could do, pink flamingo,wendetii red,tropica a bunch more i cant name off the top of my head that i bet @kneecould tell you. dwarf aquarium lily, tiger lotus,red flame sword, you have some options, though none are identical to scarlet temple.
  5. me: sitting on the computer waiting for my pizza bagels to be done. my opinion on pizza bagels, is that they dont taste AS good as real pizza, but they are still really good, and SO much easier to make. so because im just sitting here,have some pictures: there is a nerite snail in this picture, have fun: i also wanted to get a picture of Batmobile, but i couldnt find him.
  6. thats good news, im sure the fish will be glad to be back with his/her buddies. id make you one of mine and send it to you, but only if you want one though as most of my DIY projects go, it does not at all have a clean or finished feel to it, but my betta tunnel works fine.
  7. cant wait, considering im having issues with my filter.
  8. @KittenFishMom nice to have you back in the hobby! it was really nice of that breeder to offer to take fish from you, i pretty much use my LFS for that, but it sounded like you dont have one. who knows, maybe you can trade with the breeder or something for your fish?
  9. Im online again! Ok, so im rethinking my platy breeding project, i may reset it it and just work on the red/orange platies, instead of a "genetics project" because right now i dont feel like im doing something, which i could do the other way. Also funny story time: I didnt have my camera on hand, but i saw one of the little half inch corydoras, swim up to Batmobile, and it did its corydora investigating thing on his shell, Batmobile didnt care, but it was fun to watch. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea 2 questions for you. 1.when you mystery snails are holding still, do yours wrap their antenna around their eyes, because thats what mine doing 2.Also when it uses its siphon to get air, it opens are closes its mouth, almost like its breathing in and out, have you seen this? my HOB is clogged, and made some annoying noises yesterday so its unplugged, ill plug it back in tomorrow once i clean it. @nabokovfan87 i will probably get some silicone and do all the modding possible in the 35 following your directions. another death in the 2.5gallon shrimp tank, i have no idea what is going on, theyve just started dying on me.😞 still 1pair left, they could breed and stay alive for a month and the colony would be saved, but they will probably die. please help! i dont really feel like posting any pictures tonight, though i took this picture for a different thread, so ill post it anyway. Here is john, in his tunnel, next to Batmobile:
  10. you dont need to buy one. myself and @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaboth use DIY ones, and the bettas love them. here is a picture of mine in his, i cut some holes in a root tab container:
  11. @Monkeypoint if i was you id replace the tank. ive generally heard a 10year in use life for a standard glass tank. you could redo the seams yourself and everything, but thats a whole lot of work.
  12. i saw a news article about it a while back, but not weight wise, and maybe @Odd Duckwas only talking about Bony Fishes? (yes FISHES is a word, Fishes, multiple type of fish.)
  13. Good news! there are/were platy fry in this tank: how do i know? one of the females ive been waiting on to drop for a while was looking much skinnier all of a sudden,in the area they hold the fry, and she is still perfectly healthy, so she probably has given birth.ive seen no fry yet, but the first few days of platy fry are invisibe, even though im trying to find them, that female has been moved back to the main tank. this tank was also pretty much set up for this project with the goal to hide fry, so they should be fine if they are there,which i suspect they are.
  14. cheat the system here is my "cup" when you think about it, swimming pools are just giant fancy cups.
  15. my search result came up negative, no idea about the name. my guess is its a move/book character. also Welcome to our forum! this is definitely a very good resource for information. have you considered getting your betta a tunnel? mine really likes his, but i guess it depends on your betta.
  16. i thought the biggest was some sort of mekong stingray?
  17. yes! my platies gave birth, but the fry were full grown blue gularis killifish.
  18. what kinds of plants? personally im a big fan of anubias.
  19. @Schuyler i suspect i may make this for my own purposes, just a little modified for my uses.
  20. it will be taking a risk. mostly i just want shrimp for my shrimp colony, with all shrimp safe animals, but if i could get a colony of shrimp going in my 20gallon, it would be pretty cool.
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