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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. today already ive got A.Cloudy water (STILL, ive gotten it clear for a few days, but it NEVER stays, and i cant get it back to clear again). B.A clogged filter (too much filter floss i guess) C.Corydora breeding (not that its a bad thing but i dont want the eggs right now) i predict it wont be such a good day.
  2. yes, because MTS with a tank limit. If its not hospitaling it may be QTing or being used for some sort of fry grow out or breeding project,
  3. @Colu The fish is still currently in Isolation. The reason i am wondering is that isn't culimanaris usually a fast acting bacteria? this fish has had it for a week or two now, and is not spreading it at alll, and is behaving healthy. Ill try to get a picture once the tank lights turn on. It looks like grey/discolored patches on the top of the platy.
  4. thats why i used the ACO ones, they are very good suction cups. i was too lazy to go downstairs and use a drill. (and didnt want to ask my mom's permission) so i used a box cutter, much harder work then drilling it.
  5. @Coryyou are a master aquatic horticulturalist, any ideas?
  6. mine was the result of some discussion with @xXInkedPhoenixXwhere we concluded that my betta could benefit from a betta tunnel, and i didnt want to buy one, so i DIYed it with a root tab container, and a box cutter.and 2 extra suction cups that came with my ACO heater. (i wanted to make sure i was using good suction cups)
  7. that idea makes sense, except that my tank turns off around 1/2hour before i go to sleep. If my ambient room light is on (the tank is in my bedroom) the platies will still find and eat the food, and its hard for me to remember to feed right before bed, especially since the time i go to bed is usually changing depending on how busy i am. on a side note Algaecide my nerite snail is completely nocturnal
  8. ill have to feed even more for Batmobile to get some food with how the platies swarm the food, though he (i sexed him) usually gets to the food after the feeding frenzy has died down and the platies have left the food. long sigh... this is why i need more repashy, a long water stable food for the snail to eat all day. My LFS does not carry repashy, and id do a ACO order until i realize how much i actually want from ACO right now (like $90 worth of stuff) and check my budget and i am sad. @Colui have a question. I have a platy that has been isolated for suspected culimanris for a few weeks now. (some odd spots on the head), this platy has been in a 2gallon tank for around 2weeks, heavily dosed with salt and the occasional small dose of maracyn. when this fish was moved back in with other fish (i thought it was better) none of the other fish showed this condition. The fish is eating and swimming fine. What is my best course of action with this fish? ive seen this before in my platies and they were perfectly healthy, so i think this one might be the same case? unrelated, im worried i have acclimated this fish to brackish water, how do i bring it back to fresh water?
  9. so is my betta's pretty much free root tab container cave. I wonder if someone could launch a study, if random bettas like DIY tunnels more then the manufactured ones, or vice versa, or if it makes no difference,sounds interesting, but it would need more then 1 tank, for more then 1 betta.
  10. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea a small question. I have 3sinking foods in total that contain either high vegetable matter, or high calclium, thats 3days on my feeding rotation, the rest of the days i just feed foods with things like Krill, and squid, shrimp as the first ingredients. Will just feeding on those 3 days be enough for the snail, and will it be particularly dangerous for it to eat the other foods?( is there such thing as [insert mystery snail wild location here] bloat?)
  11. @David Retired LEO that does not look good.its the wrong part of the body extended for it to be eggs @Coluwhat do you think it is?
  12. so is it putting out lots of leaves AND reproducing, or just doing one. I was basing my answer off of this from the ACO product page on this plant: my concern is that if it is reproducing more then it is sending out leaves, it is the doom, reproduct, instinct i talked about earlier. mine is sending out tons of leaves, and even a flower, but is not making baby plants.
  13. meaning floating? i had to 3/4bury my bulb to get it to sink, and now the roots keep it down. Im confused as well now, im going to take a look at my lily and see what it's doing.
  14. @A3M0N in my opinion turn down the lights and turn off the C02. 5 days will be like shipping times for plants, they might not grow so fast, but they wont completely fail. assuming you are not keeping super high maintenance plants, and the C02 is just a plant booster,or some higher C02 demanding plants, i think turn it off, as its another thing that could break while you are gone, and in tanks with snails and shrimp and things like that, PH is very important. If you leave the lights the algae will probably take over the tank, especially since the plants wont be getting ferts, it will give the algae a chance to take over, probably diatoms. So turn down the lights to prevent algae spikes. but thats just my opinion. dont rely on it alone.
  15. @Cinnebuns it appears you buried the bulb, this is not good. bulb plants like this like to have their bulbs uncovered. I believe yours is propagating so much due to a natural instinct in plants and animals that if conditions are horrible,or the population is in decline, or often both, to reproduce like crazy, this could also explain why its been a while since its sent out shoots. So definetly uncover the bulb, the plant will thank you. thats how the lilies propagate? i always assumed it was by flower. ill have to check if my bulb is making new plants.
  16. @Colu also @David Retired LEOcan you please post a picture of the fish?
  17. beware of upside down mystery snail: also my friend says the platies i gave him are settling in well with his betta, i asked him to send me a picture, but he hasnt responded yet, but ill post the picture when i get it. (it was risky as this betta has only been alone, so we weren't sure of its temperament).
  18. ive heard of people using greenhouse panel. My idea is clear corrugated plastic, but im not sure how well that would work.
  19. i dont know much about reefing, but i dont know if you have many good options. Ive heard reef tanks need high kelvin blue light, while reds and greens at a lower kelvin are good for planted tanks. @Chrishave you done any reefing? possibly some sort of Kessel light or something like a Fluval 3.0 thats highly cusomizable.
  20. you could run some ammonia remover in your filter. like a ammonia filter pad.
  21. its a nearly identical concept to whats commonly done with livebearers.
  22. @Wes L.those are platies, mickey mouse ones by the look of it, they should get along fine with your other fish.
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