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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i havent had this issue. the one thing that ive had dyed with ich-x was a suction cup airline holder, ive had no issues with silicone being dyed.
  2. not currently, though ive been considering it, start with a large amount, they can find hiding spots, and the platies shouldnt go on a murdering spree with what i feed them.\ and for everyone that is saying "bettas murder shrimp, what are you doing!" my betta wouldnt hurt a fly, actually he would, fish eat bugs in the wild. my betta wouldnt hurt a fry, that fits better, he is shy and peaceful, he wont murder everything. im talking about my 2.5gallon shrimp tank, its got shrimp, various small snails,and other tiny living things.
  3. i unplugged my HOB last night, and surprisingly the water is still clear, ill se how long it lasts like this. Batmobile wants some of those yummy crab cuisine pellets. dwarf aquarium lily definitely flowering. im also happy to report that while i still have some hair algae, turning down the light has stopped the outbreak. its fun to see the little corydoras in my tank, so small but doing the corydora thing. to me they grow faster this way, even though its not true, though its mostly because i forget about them.
  4. @Schuyler this is pretty cool. in all my designs it used a pump to push water through, using air is pretty smart. is this come sort of recirculating system?, or would you still need to do water changes. i dont see any sort of overflow.
  5. mine is fine. mine will come and eat with all the fish, my mini ramshorns just get the leftovers.
  6. I saw last night that the site was being updated. so my question is, what was new with the update? i see ats have become more apparent, what else?
  7. im around finishing the Renegades series for the 2nd time. i like the idea of the books, the plot line isnt bad. but i dislike the series itself due to some INCREDIBLY STUPID decisions made by characters of the book.
  8. im not sure. most sources ive seen claim they are snail safe. but ive heard from @Chick-In-Of-TheSeathat they do eat snails, so thats a good question for her.
  9. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics im sorry, im not so well versed on my plant scientific names, can you please circle the plant you are referring to in both pictures? often it comes down to lighting, and lighting time.
  10. sad news... more deaths in the shrimp tank. the shrimp is alive, its swimeretes are moving, but its upside down, and its eyes have gone white. it will probably die soon. this puts us down to 3 shrimp, still have a male and a female, but ive seen no eggs or breeding. im not sure whats going wrong with this tank, parameters are all good. So if anyone wants to offer me some free cherry shrimp, i wont turn you down. also my tank has a bunch of little cories in it: they are a little shy, but are doing their little corydora thing, it is fun to watch. note: in the first picture the cory facing away from you is the fry, the other is an adult in the second picture there are 2fry, try to find them. the fry are all hanging out together in a loose shoal, its fun to watch.
  11. @rguy23 ive seen this in a reveiw, i think it might work. i talked some on this topic on this thread, scaping can matter when it comes to flow:
  12. FINALLY, it has happened! clear water, and it probably wont last. i will be transferring the largest of my corydora fry (1/2-3/4in) into the main tank. The runt cory fry, and the platy fry will be kept in the breeder box.
  13. please explain. there is more surface area on the ground for the blocks being horizontal as appose to being vertical.
  14. i try not to spam all of you that follow this journal, but something funny came up, so i feel like posting it: Batmobile got himself and algae wafer. (one of the big hikari ones, though i only have a few left of that kind, and have mixed them with the minis, wow, i HATE the minis, ill have to get more full sized wafers next time im at my LFS). but in the position he had it in, the platies were eating the other side, while he ate one side:
  15. I currently have 7 corydora fry in my breeder box that are around a little more then 1/2inch long and 3 weeks old. At what point will it be safe to move these fry into my main tank. the stocking is: Albino Cories (the parents), platies, panda garra, betta, mystery snail, mini ramshorn snail,nerite snail. I dont believe any of these animals can eat the fry at this stage, i just want to be sure. so what is your opinion on the matter?
  16. otos can be a little difficult, and while sold as "clean up crews" its because they eat algae, not really food from the bottom. Maybe a few kuhli loaches if you dont want cories?
  17. 2 words. Tank Limit the space in front of the words may or may not be intentional.
  18. Ok, its comfirmed. Algaecide the nerite snail, and Batmobile the mystery snail have become friends, i mean check out this great picture of them following each other around! the top one is Algaecide the nerite, bottom one is Batmobile the mystery. Also John the betta happened to be in the picture. also a question to corydora breeders, @nabokovfan87. I currently have 7 half inch 3week old corydora fry in the breeder box. are these big and hardy enough to be moved into the main tank, or should i wait?
  19. @Stef maybe try this method: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/how-to-acclimate-new-aquarium-fish?_pos=1&_sid=3f8c17186&_ss=r ive heard dangerous things about drip acclimation.
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