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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. the one thing stopping me from going and buying 2-3 more is the billion anubias on the large piece of driftwood i have, id need to move them, and dont have any other tanks to really move them to.
  2. @CJhilljack fun! mine was a particularly fast grower at the beggining, then has slowed down now after a month or 2. (mine happens to be flowering in 2 different ways, but thats off topic). this is definetly a good plant just to fill in a tank. i mean give me 3 of these as the only plants in tank, i would not be sad. It would almost be like a cave structure, just in their leaves. great, now im going to daydream about a tank like that.
  3. yeah, there is the issue, ive heard from @Coryon a livestream that these things need full blast, thats why they are not often the most beginner recommended plant.
  4. thats a nice idea, i should ask my friend for some Val/dwarf sag in his tank, he has plenty: picture of his tank with the val/dwarf sag.
  5. woo hoo! im so close to my goal. My goal is in by the end of march, have a 1k reputation and be a Grand Master rank, i know the ranks mean nothing, but having both of those will make me feel really good about myself. and also some pictures: the cories were busy today ( i can see the spots where eggs were eaten) @Cinnebuns which one of these pictures has a Dwarf Aquarium Lily flower, one is submerged, the other is out of the water. @Corydo you know how to propagate this plant from its flower? or just flower propagation in general? speaking of flowering plants... this anubias flower has been closed for around a week now, im waiting for it to open. (which reminds me, i havent dosed easy green yet this week) it frustrates me that i have no HAP program to submit these flowers to.(not that im in my local club anyway) edit: here is a better picture of the 2nd flower:
  6. the other place (apart from ACO) that i get my plants is my LFS, its much simpler then online, because i can choose the big plants i want (mostly just anubias from the LFS) and i see what im buying, as appose to online, it can be misleading. so score 1 to the LFSs.
  7. @Xr4tiCrew with the ACO light, what level did you run? ive heard that it needs at least the fullest setting on the light to do well.
  8. here are the platies i gave my friend in his tank (he sent me a picture): there are 2platies in the picture, i gave him 3 (1m 2f) this picture has all three platies in it:
  9. yeah i couldnt keep mine alive for too long.
  10. not these snails. mystery snails are NOT hermaphrodites.
  11. its probably tannins in the water. also you definetly want to get more cories, the same kind as your current one. they need to be in groups preferably 6+ are you going to move your fish from your 25gallon into here?
  12. hence my comment about the fish being accidently acclimated to brackish water. Ive added 2tablespoons of salt by @Colu's instructions, i didnt realize that the Easy Brine Shrimp Salt is marine salt and not normal salt. but the NACL should still work to treat disease, right?
  13. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeawhat i have doesnt really fit your pictures, in my case it is not external, it is just lack of color. also buying those meds is what $10-$20 for a $4 fish, that i have 40 of. Its not worth it for me. also it not contagious at all. with this sick fish are 5-6 juvenile platies that i just havent been removed, for laziness reasons. none of them are showing any symptoms of this.
  14. the atemia will die off after a few hours in the fresh water.
  15. i know nothing about either, but the ACF is a little better looking,
  16. i am in no way a hydrologist, but i think some logic can be applied here. Say this box is your tank: say this triangle is your flow source (filter output, powerhead etc...) and say this circle is a rock. in this situation the rock is not placed optimally, as all the flow will be dispersed when it hits the rock as appose to if the rock wasn't there. and if you have plants say val here is what would happen (say these lines are val): while the val is not solid like the rock, it will absorb some of the flow while it passes, resulting in whats coming out being less then when was produced from the flow source. Then again, i am not a hydrologist, so if its life and death, dont use my information. I am simply trying to apply some logic to the situation. and behold the flag of my new nation (its such a great flag right? couldnt at all be a flow diagram):
  17. I think having a snaily friend is helping Algaecide come out of her shell. (actually, Algaecide, please stay in your shell) i usually never see her at day, she was having out with Batmobile in this picture. ive heard getting a few nerites makes them less shy, i guess the same thing applies with other species of similar sized snails. (its a very similar concept to horses, if they are alone they are very shy and scared, but put them with another horse, a cow, a sheep, just another herd animal, and they will feel much more comfortable). cories are breeding:
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