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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i want to try one of these, just move some platies out and see how they do, but the weather is not warm enough here.
  2. @AllFishNoBrakes even if you are not hatching them out, fish breeding is usually a good sign. (Yes animals in a population decrease will go into a breeding frenzy), but i assume yours are breeding because you are doing the right things!
  3. puffers are up next @mountaintoppufferkeeper@Preston John
  4. you will want to remove the weight at the bottom and just float the eloda for a week or two so it can get lots of light and start growing roots. that channel has got me thinking "Is hardscape free in europe?" driftwood is crazy expensive in my area, he has like 2000 giant pieces from it.
  5. these are interesting points, im speaking from my experience where the duckweed was dying from getting wet.
  6. i peeled it, though the snail is more interested in exploring its new home then eating. I dont have the ingredients for snello, repashy was on my shopping list for today, but the LFS didnt have it, ill have to check my other one next time i can go there. snail is being funny: (its likes its trying to get through the java moss with nothing but brute force) : more snail! (should i give it its own journal?)(ill probably never update that journal, after like 2weeks of starting it) my little brother's comment on it is that it is "Huge" which is accurate compared to the bladder and mini ramshorn snails he may have been used to seeing.
  7. there was a blue one i wanted, but it wasnt really moving so i decided it was safer to skip it.
  8. that could be it, the shell looks different based on the lighting. it looked purple earlier, now it looks brown. yeah, ive wanted one for the behaviours not really the looks, so the color doesnt really matter to me (unless id breed them for some genetic experiments of my own, but i only have one). update: Zuchini has been added for the snail, its not interested, yet, but i just added it... (the rock is to prevent floating):
  9. I have just got a new mystery snail, its healthy and everything, but one thing is wrong, it is UNNAMED. So here are the terms of the contest: Comment with your idea to enter i am the judge Winner can put "Namer of [insert winning snail name here]" in their signature if the want too. (i know someone will make a joke about a snail being named insert winning snail name here) have fun, thats it! Snail's sex is unknown so names of all genders will be accepted. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @ everyone that likes mystery snails!
  10. I was on my way to the LFS, when i saw my neighbor up the street outside. He is a pretty serious gardeners and has these beds and everything. So i told him that i keep fish and asked him if he wanted any old fish water (i still had it sitting in a bucket from the WC) and he said yes, so i ran back home (like 3houses down) and filled him up a bottle of water from my old tank water. also turns out my high nitrates on the test yesterday was from a dead platy in the filter, i found its decomposing body today when i cleaned it. also this is not fish related just funny and it happened on this trip to the LFS. but someone in my neighborhood was giving out some stuff. there was a table and some stuff on it. On the table there was a paper that said FREE but what i found funny was under the FREE it said "Not the tables" which made me laugh. also please meet my: New Snail! the water parameters looked fine (i tested them) before i left, so i got a Mystery Snail at my LFS. Following @Chick-In-Of-TheSea's care guide, i set it up to temperature acclimate for 20minutes. here is a picture, it is not a fancy mysery snail at all, but it was moving around at the store. The one i really wanted that i saw had a blue foot, white shell, but i couldnt tell if it was moving, so i decided to pass. the one thing this snail needs is a name, ill make a better post for it, but any ideas? i cant tell the color of the foot right now, the shell is yellow with thick brown stripes, as i said, not the prettiest snail, but i mostly wanted one for their behaviors not their looks. It is moving around exploring the bag while it acclimates, which is a good thing. here is a link to the naming contest: Update: snail has been released: (turns out its purple): i also almost got a guppy with the snail, but the guy noticed before it was too late. this checks another animal off my bucketlist!:
  11. This will be interesting. It seems that in this hobby there is a continued Hate of Duckweed. duckweed the small floating plant that spreads quickly. it sounds good. i mean when people get their whole tanks covered with red root floaters do they complain? when you think about it, duckweed and red root floaters are actually very similar. So please answer my question. Why do you all hate duckweed? I personally have never had an outbreak, and i think ill explain why. I have had duckweed in my tank before, but i mess around with my tank (moving plants, cleaning sponge filters, etc...) and in this process i ended up dripping water on the duckweed, and it died. Cory has talked about how floating plants dont like their tops getting wet before. So everyone is wanting a Duckweedicide, but has anyone tried splashing water on it? thats working fine for me.
  12. on man's trash is another man's treasure you call that tank a mess, i look at the picture and think it looks AMAZING.
  13. ive realized my current plant setup isnt working, the large anubias in the back/mid ground was dying (it was RIGHT in the light though) and so was my pennywort in the background. So ive tied the anubias to rocks (with acrylic yarn), and moved them to the back where it is not as bright, and i will be replanting the pennywort in the midground, once it grows a little floating, where it can get ALL the light. also just a general tip, when doing AM, do it barefoot, otherwise there are high chances of getting WET SOCKS!
  14. oh this stuff: this has got Copepods,detritus worms, green water, infusoria, the works.
  15. @TheSwissAquaristmaybe get yourself some green water to look at?
  16. maybe i need to get some of this for my tank then...
  17. yeah mine is nowhere near that big currently, i wish it was though, because having a giant sword is just awesome. you ended up showing me your sticker collection, so ill show you mine (and get off topic 😄) although the larger of my 2 LFSs had a giant amazon sword in one of their tanks, and it was pretty cool. (though it was not in great condition).
  18. @ricbennett3that betta tank is AMAZING!!!!
  19. mine is still small, so i havent had a takeover issue, though if i have one ill adress it then, i do like a jungle look though. the tallest leaf on this plant is one of the original leaves it came with, its melting back though, and the news leaves are coming through.
  20. spamming everyone: I dont know what it is in Hikari Crab Cuisine, but my fish go CRAZY for that food. when i saw them they were ALL swarming the food area, but when i took the pictures a few dispersed when they saw me walk up to the tank:
  21. @Mrchin932can you please provide a picture so we can further assess the state of the plants. also what missings? Time. plants can take a while to grow.
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