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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. true, ive watched my LFS feed the animals, the snails get HIkari mini algae wafers there. (as well as most of the fish) i doubt ill be that lucky. though as ive explained, id want to breed them to observe the genetics, if i dont know what colors the father is it is difficult for me to observe that.
  2. all of those fish will just do fine with a basic sponge/matten/box filter that just runs on air. definetly do plants like Water Sprite and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus that grow quickly and will consume nitrates quickly.
  3. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics for the most part its not about the plants, it about the fish. What stocking are you planning for the tank? Guppies dont like high flow, and hillstream loaches do.
  4. yeah my WC schedule isnt changing, %25 of the water once a week, though i have lots of plants and filtration. So mystery snails practice Internal fertilization? i did not know that. i dont want that situation to happen, i want to be able to see the color traits of both parents, so i can see what the genetics turn out to be ill check out the link, thanks.
  5. me:sitting here waiting for the aquarium light to turn on. @Lennie@Chick-In-Of-TheSea the mystery snail has not been eating the zuchini, should i leave it in if they get hungry, or just take it out? the lights have now turned on. ive scattered around some hikari mini algae wafers , though i like the normal ones better for my application. baby corydoras doing well: the mystery snail is in the back of the tank so getting a picture may be difficult. (its also a black mystery snail, against a black background, and a black gravel, if i end up getting a 2nd its going to be a light colored one). nevermind, mystery snail has found food: me having a fascination in genetics i definetly want to breed these snails, but considering the 1snail per 5gallons rule that @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaadvised, i might need to take out some platies first. (or am i misunderstanding the rule?)
  6. ill try to comfort you with these words: If fry were easy to find and catch, things that ate their own would be extinct. you are not trying to catch a red playground ball in the middle of a empty gym, you are basically finding a needle in a haystack, the molly fry are tiny, and fast,. also dont worry, im sure you'll get more soon.
  7. that is very interesting, thank you for sharing. I had always read that pike cichlid were challenging fish to keep and breed, has this not been your experience with these fish? (asking out of pure curiosity, i have no room/no interest in getting these fish)
  8. wow... do i need to talk about people at my school? this is the perfect opportunity to tell a story (on this topic)(maybe) So last year at my school i started a fish tank, it wasnt anything fancy, a tengallon tank, box filter, gravel, glofish plants, and a betta.(now my betta). people in my grade were JERKS about that tank. they were always telling me that A.I was starving the betta for not feeding it on the weekends B.It was depressed living in the tank and should be in the ocean C.It was depressed from living alone. and id keep asking them who knows more about this topic, and they'd give me the story that "my betta lived 3years in a bowl" and i may have called them animal abusers... now as you'd know none of these points make sense A.Fish can miss feedings and its healthy for them, there is not always food in the wild B.a ten gallon tank is MUCH bigger then the 1gallon bowls theyd be keeping the betta in, bettas are FRESHWATER fish, and this fish was created for the pet trade, it would have NEVER seen the ocean. C. Bettas can live alone, though they stopped bugging me on this one when i added a male platy as a tankmate. So betta in a bowl, good fishkeeping: NO The betta situation i had setup there, good fishkeeping: YES wow i needed to rant to get to that point, i have too many of these stories.
  9. yes, but female platies can store sperm, you must have gotten them virgin for them have not given birth.
  10. always happy to help. sorry about your lost angelfish spawn, from what i hear they are relatively easy to breed, you should get more eggs soon (if you want them). oh and @John Forbesjust a warning that due to some odd rules that let a company trademark a fish, it is Illegal to make money off of glofish, just keep that in mind when it comes to rehoming (im assuming you will rehome them) the fry. You are allowed to give them to friends though. to quote the ACO website: Is it illegal to breed GloFish? GloFish are trademarked and patented by GloFish LLC, so only they and their affiliates are legally allowed to breed and sell them. If your fish accidentally reproduce in your home or school aquarium, it is not a problem. However, the sale, barter, or trade of GloFish offspring by hobbyists and other unlicensed entities is strictly prohibited.
  11. i can enter my own contest, why not? Batman or Batmoblie Black with small bits of yellow, and its a MYSTERY snail, also big and durable but slow just like Batman (though ill probably come up with a better name soon). im liking Batmobile.
  12. i can finally contribute to this thread with my new black mystery snail! Name is TBD, and currently sex is unknown, might get a friend for breeding purposes though, me having an interest in genetics.
  13. its always fun when fish do funny things.(perfectly healthy fish doing ha ha things, not sick fish doing odd things).
  14. is it a glitch that when someone has say 1.243k comments, then they comment a bunch and end up with 1.251 comments that it will just show them in have 1.3k comments?
  15. oh that makes more sense now, thanks for clarifying.
  16. @mynameisnobodythe answer is REALLY simple, do whatever brings you the most joy. i remember in a livestream someone asked Cory for stocking idea in a 30 gallon, and he said to fall in love and do the fish you like, exact same thing here.
  17. see here is where i am confused, these are angelfish^ these are glofish skirt tetras: those in the picture REALLY make me think its glofish skirt tetras, that explains the pink, and the body shape, though not how they got there. take this fish for example in your picture: that is the fin structure of a skirt tetra, not an angelfish. here is a normal skirt tetra: fin up, fin down, fin out. fins start at middle of body then elongate out from there. which compared to this picture: we can see many similarities. compared to an angelfish: i dont know how it happened, but in my opinion you have glofish skirt tetras, not angelfish. @John Forbes
  18. @fatherchris maybe try feeding a food like Hikari Crab Cuisine? something will calcium in it for the shrimp to eat, it may make it easier for them to molt if thats where the die off has been.
  19. at the exact time that my snail was doing this, my computer decided not to coorporate. I can start to see why mystery snails are so popular. While i wish i got a more colorful one (the black blends in too well), im starting to see the behaviours. Mine climbed to the top of the tank, then rode on the air flow a little before parachuting and landing on the sponge filter, very fun to watch, maybe i should get mine a friend? though i want to sex this one before purchasing another, if i get another i want to breed them, not just have 2males/2females pooping all over the tank. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea@Guppysnailif you can provide some help with sexing mystery snails that would be great! thats where the mystery snail landed after its ride (oh, my nerite snail is in this picture too, if you can find it you will win a fistfull of air, collected from wherever you are)
  20. @John Forbes are you sure those are the angel fry? they look like Glofish skirt tetras to me. have you added anything new to the tank recently? what are the tankmates? @AllFishNoBrakescorrect me if im wrong but these dont look like angel fry, the body shape is wrong.
  21. @Lacey Grantwhat will you be stocking the mosnter tank with? Monster fish? Nano fish? In between fish?
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