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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @The endler guy I notice definetly on the second row, and the bottom of the first you go into oddballs, how many people here have had Pepa Parva or Pepa Pepa toads, it will be hard for us to judge those and declare them "the best", most of us dont keep them, and dont have friends that keep them either.
  2. @AllFishNoBrakesnice! I wish mine would reproduce, id take another. 😄 i havent had mine for 3years though, ive had mine for a few months, and its recovering from some melting trauma so it makes sense that its not reproducing already.
  3. i found a 9gallon hydroponics tub in the garage. after listening to last weeks livestream about mosquito larvae, i wanted to try some for myself. I asked my mother if i could set up the tub (20x15x7, great dimensions for its purpouse) for a "science experiment" i was thinking green water, and i got a "DONT BREED MOSQUITOs!" (she was mad). so thats off the table, (for now).
  4. @Lacey Grant i will say this: Its a VERY slow process, i have moss patches ive put under water MONTHS ago that are starting to convert now, it will look different too. also ive read some scientific stuff on mosses, they actually can reproduce better submerged, and evolved from living submerged.
  5. i may have seen these at my LFS, but those might have just been tiny normal rabbit snails.
  6. I have 1main display tank, it is a 20high: it is not apparent in the picture, but there is a hole of plants here: this had some brazilian pennywort, but after turning down my light to combat algae it wasnt doing so well, so its floating here: Stocking: Platies,Platies,Platies,Platies,Platies,Platies, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, Mini Ramshorn snails, Mini Ramshorn Snails, 7corydora fry, 1 corydora fry runt, 6 adult albino corydoras, 1betta (male crowntail)(named John),1 Panda Garra (named Garra Guy),1 nerite snail. No big inspiration ive slowly added plants throughout last year and there is a medium peice of eucalyptus root covered in anubias and java fern, and its mostly a jungle style tank, though the plants are not as big as i want right now. I am proud of the odd color varieties of platies i end up with, with the weird genetics in platies, and me doing NOTHING about it, i can a few interesting colors, also just proud of FINALLY getting successful at corydora fry. Fun stories: Once apon a time, a corydora went to the surface for air, on its way down, it landed on John the betta, it was SO funny to watch also just Panda Garras are SO fun to watch.
  7. doing a WC: The 2 tidal "mods" ive done ( @nabokovfan87) intake sponges on the intake cut off some of the grating on the bottom of the basket (got this idea from you) also this is not too applicable to a lot of people, but when cleaning a Tidal 35, empty the body, then pull off the motor, i did it the wrong way and pulling off the impeller caused the body to jerk back spilling water everywhere, not so fun. though ive cleaned the impeller (part of it was clogged) so im hoping the filter will work better now, and ill get clear water. also @Chick-In-Of-TheSea i think ill hold off on the Mystery Snail, ive tested my water, the PH is too low for the snails right now however i want to go to the LFS today to just hang out and talk fish, and if i can get some more Repashy, because i have like 2TBLS left. oh, here is the tank after the WC:
  8. For a few weeks now i have had an outbreak of hair algae. It appears grey in the tank, although when i pull it out it appears green. What causes hair algae outbreaks in general, and what can i change to fix this outbreak?
  9. they may spar a little, but shouldnt actually hurt each other.
  10. plants, plants, and more plants. cleaning the water, and providing hiding spots for baby endlers and shrimps. also id post a picture of my 20, but its a 20high not a 20long has cloudy water has a hair algae outbreak on the plants the plants arent as big as i want them yet.
  11. I have a hunch one of these gals gave birth, but platy fry are practically invisible at birth, so i cant tell yet: baby corydoras doing their things: cloudy water, ill be cleaning my filter media tommorow when i do tank maitainance, some filter floss should help, though i think my intake sponges are clogged: the one thing i dislike about cories, i cant have clear water for long with them, with platies, clear water no problem, the cories are ALWAYS stirring things up in the tank cloudying the water. also @Chick-In-Of-TheSea im starting to re think the mystery snail thing, IDK if i could get them vegetables, i have calcium and vegetable based fish foods, but getting blanched vegetables themselves will be hard for me. tommorow i plan to go to my LFS and look for A.Mystery Snail (still a maybe) and B.Repashy foods, (IDK if my LFS carries these though, i might call them before i go and ask). all the hair algae i just pulled out (Can i feed it to my cherry shrimp in the 2.5gallon?) the picture does not show well how much i pulled out #outbreak. though these guys seem to eat it, so its a shame they are in Isolation for a sickness, (the adult platy, the juvinilles were just in there and im too lazy to catch them out, they are perfectly healthy.) also what causes hair algae outbreaks? i want to balance my tank better to combat it.
  12. thanks @TheSwissAquarist i have that kind of green bean frozen, not the snap pea kind. so take that and blanch it, or just drop it in?
  13. meaning the pod, or the tube? sorry about my bad illustrations, but which kind of green bean do you mean?
  14. thats interesting, ive put frozen peas in warm water for my platies before, they loved that, i dont know if the MS will because everyone says Blanched and Boiled.
  15. do they need to be fresh, or can i defrost frozen in hot water?
  16. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeai have hikari crab cuisuine, mini-algae wafers, and xtreme bottom wafers which all contain some vegetable matter, do they have a preferred vegetable to be fed in an unprocessed form?
  17. i dont have the ingrediants for that food, i have repashy but not the calcium carbonate (does this go by a different name that i dont know?) or the frozen foods ( can i substitute with FD?). @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  18. thats why it will take a while to choose one, id only get one id see climbling up the glass, they have a bunch of shells on the bottom of the tank, and im unsure how healthy those snails are.
  19. the reason id get 2 would be to breed them, id want to study the genetics of it. (also give me another livestock to bring into my LFS)
  20. ive got a 20gallon tank. i still think ill just get 1.
  21. im not sure if that will fit my budget, and @Chick-In-Of-TheSeahas said they have high bioloads, so i dont know if my tank can support 2, though i use lots of plants and do many water changes, if im lucky i could get a pair.
  22. thanks all for your pictures, i will probably go to the LFS this weekend and just watch the snail tank for an hour and see if i can get a active one in the colors that i like.
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