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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. Batmobile meeting his new friend. Smaug is slowly awakening. (thats the new snails name.). my current method worked for Batmobile, and Smaug is opening up now. I think this is more then a hello hug. Male is on top, they are touching right side to right side, it got Smaug out of her shell quickly, Male is still sitting on top in the same position, neither one is moving much. i think this is breeding... @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail@Cinnebuns
  2. i was following @Chick-In-Of-TheSea's care sheet, where she just reccomends temperature acllimation. here is the snail in the tank, though a corydora is curious. it looks pretty good and its slowly emerging from its shell now, it sealed itself it for the transport (i dont blame it).
  3. @Ohad does not look at all like a baby oto. @xXInkedPhoenixXcould confirm that. body shape wise it looks like a livebearer, have they been housed in the tank recently? have you added any new animals or plants to the tank recently?
  4. I just got back from my LFS. I got Some dechlorinator, though i cant believe how expensive it was. (and it was the small prime). Also @Lennie@Chick-In-Of-TheSea Batmobile is getting a friend. The LFS didnt have that many mystery snails, and i couldnt sex this one, and its smaller then Batmobile, but they should still be friends right? or does the size difference matter? I think its a magenta snail, im hoping its female for a breeding project, but i cant tell yet, the new snail is temp acclimating now, but will be released in 5 minutes. i also get some fish bags, they gave be those for free. I was going to then leave, but one of the employees wanted to show me the saltwater pipefish they got in, neither of us know if this species is related to the freshwater pipefish (the salty ones are much bigger). So if anyone knows, id love to hear it.? ill ad another picture once the new snail is in the tank, hoping it will get along with Batmobile. Im hoping it will REALLY get along REALLY well with Batmobile 😉😉 (im also REALLY hoping its female).
  5. though hopefully not like a storm in attitude.
  6. i am totally platy obsessed. also i agree, i think them being sold as bread and butter standard beginner stock doesnt really make them feel like very special fish, but honestly, they are amazing.
  7. i really think thats a fish. It looks like he is just eating some plant.
  8. im pretty sure you've got a hitchhiking egg in on a plant a while ago then.
  9. from what i understand this cancer is caused when a platy with the black gene, (body or fin), with a platy that has no black gene, the black gene then causes a cancer. i think this is why i have a full black platy, when none of its parents have it, i think it was something with this gene.
  10. i could try this. i dont think i have any males with blue though, so breeding out blue will be difficult. I have noticed if my black male, breeds with an orange and blue female, the blue does not come out in the fry. I think it would be cool to get almost a police platy. Blue front, red back. and throw in red fins just for fun. now i am seriously considering this idea... 🤔
  11. its a photo from @The endler guy's tank, as appose to the standard google search pictures.
  12. personally i dont sell my LFS anything. its a small store so i try to help them out. they get free platies from me periodically. but i understand your situation may be different.
  13. dont tempt me. my tank is already overstocked from platies alone,
  14. these fish are amazing! they are colorful, or cute (like the catfish). how did they never get popular in the hobby? (well...probably laws).
  15. Tank lights turned on, corydoras have been breeding. i guess i got my wish even without the BBS. i cant tell fertile from infertile at this point, so ill just wait and see. im going to hook up an air stone for oxygenation. Thats what's happening here. @Miskaif i am successful with this batch, i may have even more cories for you.
  16. Personally i think its smarter to go with cash, that way you can drop of some moss, and oh you are hungry? use the money for lunch. or just other purposes as appose to the credit which is binding to that store, as you can only use it there.
  17. Ill suggest "Storm" Blue like rain, Black like the clouds, yellow like lightning.
  18. its nice that even in your pain you can find joy in some fry.
  19. there are many other things that could be happening, other then compatibility. as i said, please post this as a separate thread in the "general discussion" section of the forum for better answers then i can give you.
  20. I am definitely a fan of platies, and platy breeding. At different points in my hobby, ive liked this for multiple reasons. for example when i was really new, i just wanted MORE FISH. but now my reasons have changed. now im breeding these fish for scientific reasons, to try to learn about their genetics. But the thing is, it doesnt matter to me AT ALL, which platies i breed. So got any ideas on platy color varieties? If i can see it in my fish i may try to work on it, though some platy traits i dont have at all. So im excepting pretty much all ideas at this point.
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