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Everything posted by shkote

  1. Yes, most omnivorous livebearers will eat algae. Platies, guppies, Swordtails, Mollies, some Goodeids, even Endlers will nibble at it.
  2. If you have Cories and Tiger lotuses, it's really entertaining to watch them use them as hammocks. Sometimes several at the same time in different leaves.
  3. What an awesome surprise! With any luck, you'll get a whole colony going down the road without ever having to pay a dime for them. Makes me want to try my luck with some Hornwort from Mike 😁
  4. Ramshorns definitely do eat eggs. The last time I hatched out rainbows, I tossed some java moss into the tank and had a few hitchhiker ramshorns, and caught them several times mowing down eggs. Will be putting MTS and shrimp in the next setup for cleanup, I've had good luck with them.
  5. Priapella intermedia and Redline Halfbeaks 😍 As soon as I get my new rack finished, it's on!
  6. I would say in big box stores and some, or probably most LFS you may not find pure strain Endlers, but they are still available. Pretty much all strains labeled "dwarf" guppy are Endler hybrids and as @pictish_samurai has shown, can be quite beautiful. Very stunning looking fish. 😍
  7. I am waiting for some German Breeding rings to come in to use with Praecox Rainbow eggs. I have a 5 gallon with Rainbow fry now and pulled another 100+ eggs the last couple of days. Setting up a 20H for the GBRs and new eggs this weekend and the rings should be in early next week. I'm excited to try them out! No pictures of the above yet, but here's a photo of my Staeck Endler fry jungle.
  8. Ramshorn snails don't have siphons or gills and breathe air through a lung organ often from the surface. The only Ramshorn snail that I'm aware of with a siphon is a Columbian ramshorn, but is a different species entirely. It's very hard to tell from the photo what you are looking at, but Ramshorns are known to have large skin folds on the left side, and they do sometimes protrude outwards. Could that possibly be what you are seeing?
  9. Having ammonia and nitrite present in the bowl could be a possible explanation for the sudden deaths, shrimp are very sensitive to both.
  10. They are sensitive to copper, but they also need traces of copper to molt properly. One thing that makes people give up on shrimp is quick deaths at the beginning. Some just don't acclimate and adjust very well, especially adults. I used to ship shrimp years ago, and would only ship young and juvenile shrimp because they're much hardier and can handle a bit more stress when acclimating. When you have die offs and only a few survive the transfer, then they breed, the colony that comes after is usually bulletproof to your water and that's when they really start taking off. Right now I have an unfiltered, unheated planted 5 gallon at work with just ramshorn and bladder snails. I will add shrimp when it's a bit more established. Just curious, what are your parameters?
  11. I feed mine Xtreme spirulina flakes and Sera Granugreen pellets. They really love the Sera pellets.
  12. Shrimp are pretty versatile and adaptable, especially Neocaridina shrimp. I believe there's a type of shrimp for everyone's water 🙂 You don't have to chase parameters for them. If you're worried about it you can always find them bred locally in your same water parameters, or at least close. Stable parameters are more important than perfect numbers. Plants and shrimp sound perfect for a little 2 gallon.
  13. My money is on the Geos. They aren't relentlessly aggressive, but can get pretty feisty. They usually keep their aggression between their own species but they can get a little brave and go after something else, especially if they are at the bottom of the hierarchy. If my Dwarf Neon Rainbows weren't so large and way too fast for them, there's no doubt in my mind they would be trying to snack on them regularly.
  14. My EBAs heads change colors often, and in my case it has been mood related. They go from Black/grayish to a faded pale color. I have one on my 75 gallon that has tried pairing up with my Blood Parrot and has been changing quite often and I notice a little extra breeding related aggression when they go a little more pale. It hasn't been anything to worry about in my tanks.
  15. I'm going to try a few of these! This would be perfect for my Firemouth tank. It's going to take a lot of effort on his part to bury this entire rock. Not saying he can't do it, but it will buy me some time to shovel it away 🙂 They would be perfect for a few of my Goodeid tanks as well. I plant in various glass containers and vases because I only keep a shallow layer of pea gravel. Can't wait to try them out!
  16. It's a feeding tray, you can drop food in the tube and it just goes straight into the little tray. Not neccessary by any means, but a cool little accessory for a shrimp tank.
  17. I have a group of Pygmy cories in a tank with a group of Sparkling Gouramis, and a couple of them would rather swim with the Gouramis most of time. I only really see them swimming as a group at night usually after they've eaten.
  18. @akconklin it is dirted with Black Diamond blast media on top. If everything does well, I may add a small airstone and USB pump and put a couple of male Staeck Endlers in eventually. I have some fry growing out right now. The temperature is staying pretty stable. Since this tank is set up at work, everyone now stops to see if I've added any kind of swimmers yet. I catch them standing in front of it and just staring, even at just plants and snails. No one else here is into anything aquatic. They looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I was doing it, but one of them thanked me for it the other day and said "I had no idea I needed this in my life" and I guess they don't realize that it's nerdy home hobby spillover because I'm running out of space, but I'll take it. 😆 I'd love to see what you do with the 2nd one!
  19. I don't know about Black Kuhlis and Striped Kuhlis, but I have the striped and spotted Kuhlis together and they don't really seem to acknowledge eachother. That being said, I don't think they care either way. I ended up with 4 banded Kuhlis and 2 Calicos. They are still comfortable enough to venture out during the day, and swim around and play.
  20. This is Carlos- I'm always surprised with how much they can change over time.
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