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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Maybe an African Rope Fish would work? Its an interesting challenge. 🙂
  2. This is something I'd like to learn as well. I have one female with some nice pattern in her tail, but I have no idea where it came from her being a mutt.
  3. Awesome! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  4. Whoever occupied the toilet before that picture has some explaining to do!
  5. Sure will be glad when I can safely get some marimo moss balls. 🙂
  6. I have 5 CPDs in a 3 gallon, got the idea from this video which may help you!
  7. As a new pygmy cory owner, I'm gonna lurk around this thread too!
  8. Welcome! I really like what you did with the rocks in the tank!
  9. Those guppies are outstanding! Looks like it was a great trip!
  10. Our green neons are pale when we first turn on the light for them, but they color up pretty quick. I just assumed it was based on the light or lack thereof.
  11. Great setup! Welcome to the forum!
  12. My thoughts are just don't get one you cannot adjust. They say they maintain optimum temps, but the ones we've used we have to turn them off manually in some cases or they would literally cook our fish. They make adjustable heaters for 1-5 gallon tanks, they do look more bulky than the preset ones but I just dont trust those. We use this one for our nano tanks currently.
  13. I honestly don't know how Stability works since I've never used it, but I believe there has to be some ammonia to start the process somewhere. My tap water has 1ppm and I've started using Fritzyme for the bacteria kick-start.
  14. When I use prime, the tests still show the same levels of ammonia and Nitrites/Nitrates. I think it just makes it non-toxic.
  15. I usually let mine go until the flow is effected, my snails love the gunk.
  16. I agree its very confusing, with 2 of the med trios it calls for no water changes, but Ich-X calls for a 1/3 water change each time you dose.
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